My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 78: Scourge emerged first!

In the morning, the sun dispelled the darkness

Standing in front of the male gate on the edge of the battlefield, the battle between the living and the undead has already started. The sounds of fighting and destroying one after another, the breath of blood lingers throughout the level.

This time, the undead struck at four or five in the morning, and attempted to hit the guard by surprise.

However, this is of no use, because the veterans of the customs are already used to it.

Most importantly, the command of the veterans is called Estes!

As a result, the sneak attack turned into a positive attack.

Since these days, the nearly routine war has once again started in front of Xiongguan

"How to say, it's a bit boring!"

At this moment, above the Xiongguan, Esdez's figure was standing there, and Binglan's long hair spread, making the ice queen full of lingering and unyielding breath.

I saw her looking down at the battlefield, her eyes flashing a bit boring.

Estes is right to be warlike, but even if it is belligerent, the war with no surprises has been repeated, and Rao is a war madman like Estes will be bored.

"It's been three months!"

Looking up at the sky a little boringly, Estes could not help whispering softly. At this time, three months had passed since the last time Estes saw the long gate.

Three months ago, a fearful blaze erupted on Nagato.

After deterring Estes, Nagato directly left a sentence ‘Here is yours, I ’m going to retreat’, and then the whole person disappeared in front of Estes.

In these three months, Estes has not been to the long gate.

But the other party seems to evaporate from the world, even if his two servants have disappeared, only a death-like monster has been guarding the level

It's just that I don't know what Nagato is doing, but Estes can feel it for no reason-he is getting stronger.

At a speed of thousands of miles a day, it is becoming crazy crazy.

"Probably fooled!"

After perceiving the situation that Nagato became stronger, if Estes did not know that she had been deceived before, she would be ashamed of her identity as an imperial general.

However, it is somewhat surprising that Estes was not angry, but was full of expectations.

She is looking forward to how powerful Nagato can show for herself

"After all, the reinforcements should be coming soon!"

Recovering from his thoughts, Estes looked at the war that was about to end, and suddenly thought of another problem, whispering subconsciously.

Although he was on the edge of the northwestern battlefield of the empire, the news of Esdes did not block.

In order to ensure that it can grasp the trend of undead natural disasters, the empire specifically strengthened the intelligence and contact between the imperial capital and the northwestern battlefield. Therefore, Eszter still knew a lot about the empire.

For example, Najieta became Lifa's men, and called on the revolutionary remnant party to join Princess Lifa.

Although many remnants of the revolution hated Nageta's betrayal and continued to mess around, more revolutionary remnants recognized Nageta and became part of the empire again.

With the help of these people, the empire completely stabilized the situation in less than three months.

"It's worthy of Najieta, it's amazing!"

After hearing the achievements of Njieta, Estes couldn't help but praise.

As Njieta's former boss, Estes thinks he knows the best about Njieta's talents. It is a genius who has a blood heart but can fight calmly.

In Estes's eyes, Najieta is also a real power and threat!

If this were not the case, when Najieta left the empire, Estes would not attack her.

With the help of Najieta, Princess Lifa finally began to convene the expeditionary army of the empire a few days ago, ready to conquer the undead natural disasters.

According to Estes' calculations, the reinforcements should arrive in about two days.

"It's almost time to resolve this war!"

Thinking of this, Estes stood upright, his long blue hair raised, and there was a horrible smile in the corner of his mouth. "At that time, Shira, I have to repay you!"

However, just when Esdess ’s words first fell, a very large formation appeared in the sky above Essdes, and a gloomy voice came directly from the formation

"Gee, Sister Estes, don't have to go by then, now I'm here!"

Hearing this familiar and unfamiliar voice, Estes's pupils shrunk involuntarily and raised her head subconsciously, and then she saw—

Four figures emerged from the circle, fell down, and surrounded Estes on all sides.

It was four figures of two men and two women, namely a young girl who looked incredibly cute, a witch with a glamorous appearance, a wild young man, and a clunky clown.

The most important thing is that these four people are expressionless, and the whole body is filled with a cold atmosphere, just like the undead, no, or they are undead, just higher than the living dead.

"Oh, that's really interesting!"

Seeing the four figures standing around him, Esters couldn't help but bowed his head, pressed his own brim, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Is this your hole card, Shira!"

Speak softly, Estes knew that his words must be passed on to the guy who had attacked himself, as expected, the somber voice rang again

"Of course not, the card of the undead Scourge has always been the sea of ​​undead !!!"

Along with the last shouting of this voice, there was a violent roar in Esters' ears, and then she saw that at the end of the field of vision, the countless undead that covered the sky and the sun were coming insanely.

The earth is trembling violently; the sky is groaning constantly!

Far more than the number of horrors of any undead attack, it can be said that the real undead sea is madly flowing, and the terrible momentum has madly crushed the level, so that all soldiers can't help but tremble.

ps: It's terribly entangled, ready to speed up the plot ..

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