My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 79: Solitary war and roads please subscribe!

Undead, undead all over the sky!

There are dead souls transformed by dangerous species, living dead people with carrion, and a dead bone

At this time, these undead were approaching frantically toward the level, and they looked into the tens of miles, far away, boundless far away, all were densely packed undead.

They approached this side slowly but firmly, their speed was not fast, but their steps were heavy, and tens of thousands of feet stomped on the ground, causing a flutter of the ground.

When the undead approached the level of 800 meters, their formation was already lined up in the wasteland. It was like a bottle of ink splashing on the yellow soil. Countless undeads instantly turned the yellow wasteland into black.

Looking around, I saw only endless undead, and there was no other

Despair, spread at this moment

Just now the level guards who defeated the undead in the early hours of the morning, and once again saw the undead sea that is more than hundreds and thousands of times in number, no matter how much morale immediately poured out.

The guards of the level are, after all, ordinary human beings, not combat machines!

Excessive pressure will collapse!

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, Estes used his toes to wonder what would happen next. Even with his own Ice Warrior and the fierce ghosts left by the long gate, he could not reverse the situation.

——Could this level be broken before me?

Thinking of this possibility, Estes could not help but flash a cold light.

For the last time, the entire army was annihilated by secret calculations. It was already unbearable for Estes. Where can the proud girl bear the second failure!

So, the horrible dark blue flame burst out suddenly, and the surrounding environment was immediately stained with a layer of frost.

"What a joke !!!"

The terrible cold spread, the entire level was shrouded in endless ice, and the four senior undead surroundings were frozen in the reception room. They could not tolerate any resistance.

"How is it possible"

Seemingly knowing the end of the four high-level undeads, Shira's voice came out from the circle again, but before he had finished speaking, Esdez shot directly at the circle.

The nearly absolute zero degree of frozen gas bombarded directly on the circle, even freezing it.

Sheila's voice stopped abruptly

"Even if I am alone, this level will not allow you to break through!"

Turning around, Estes looked at the endless sea of ​​undead, blooming endless coercion, the sky, at this moment, it snowed

"Oh, it seems that she intends to fight the sea of ​​the dead alone?"

At this moment, in a small misty space outside the void, the red-haired boy wandered to a huge mirror and spoke softly.

What was shown in the mirror was nothing other than the fact that Estes faced the sea of ​​undead alone.

"Humph, it's really arrogant"

"Esdes is very proud!"

The black and red pupils who followed the red-haired boy commented separately. At this time, the two girls were filled with mysterious breath. It looks completely different from three months ago. But this is also normal, because both girls, like Estes, complete the rebirth through chess pieces.

The chess piece used by Chi Hitomi is a knight, while the black pupil uses a bishop!

Both are no longer ordinary human beings.

In contrast, Nagato is more and more common, as if it had become an ordinary person.

But may Nagato be an ordinary person?

The answer is no.

Even in this state of serious injury, Nagato can still be able to make wind and rain. Since its rebirth more than a thousand years ago, Nagato has been insulated from the ordinary word.

Three months ago, there was a crack in the seal inside the long door.

And now, after three months of combing, Nagato has reached the critical point of lifting the seal, and one-third of the power in the body can be used. In short, Nagato is once again invincible in the world.

Ordinary at this time, only that Nagato has converged everything by virtue of the control properties of the ontology.

All of this is just for the long gate in order not to destroy this foggy space.

This space is made by the long door every time it wakes up, constantly consuming the fog, and it is not a solid space in essence. It can be said that it can withstand the existence of the long door.

You know, although the long gate at this time is not in the divine personality, the body is still a chaotic **** body!

This body can be a horrible body that can survive in chaos

"Well, for Estes, we have to speed up too!"

The wave broke the mirror and turned it into a mist. The long door said indifferently. During the time he spoke, the mist around him changed at an alarming rate.

The sense of time and space of the three people present were briefly confused.

Then, after the sense of confusion ended, a dark passage that spread to nowhere was formed in front of the three men in the Nagato.

"here is"

"What the hell!"

Seeing this scene, red pupil and black pupil whispered subconsciously.

After the reincarnation, the two girls' perceptions are beyond the normal humans, because they clearly perceive that this seemingly ordinary passage seems to be filled with a strange and heavy sense.

The darkness in that passage is very deep, but it is full of some kind of speechless attraction. Inadvertently, the two girls' hearts are involuntarily producing a yearning!

In a trance, the focal length in the pupils of the two girls gradually disappeared

"Red pupil, black pupil!"

At this time, the long door opened softly

The indifferent voice seemed like an electric current, which instantly caused the two girls to tremble, and the magic in the body unconsciously poured out, so that the two girls instantly regained consciousness.

After sobering, both were afraid for a while.

"Okay, let's go!"

Without giving much explanation to the two girls, Nagato took steps towards the passage.

Behind the long door, the two girls looked at each other, the meaning of each other flowing in their eyes, and then the two nodded to each other while taking steps to follow the long door. ..

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