My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 83: Dao Po and the courtyard ask for subscription!

The icy voice rang in the ears of the long door, making the red-haired boy raise his eyebrows.

In this voice, Nagato felt the power of a very familiar belief. After that, the whole silent world echoed with a majestic voice:

"Later heir, I am the **** of death Oberg!"

"Nine hundred years ago, I came to the kingdom of God, and I wanted to seize the world's hegemony, but the roots of the land were dangerous. I was only one step away. When it fell, I stayed here and went to the throne to be tested.

"If successful, you will become the master of the world !!!"

The end of the voice is full of endless appeal, like the whisper of the devil.

If ordinary people hear this voice, they may lose their minds immediately, even the strongest in the empire's strongest sequence will also be unable to resist the attraction of this heritage.

It's just that people who heard this at this time are longmen, and their attractiveness is naturally reduced.

After all, Nagato is the horrible existence of the real **** of chaos, and even has a chaotic starry sky. It is really difficult for Nagato to be attracted by the inheritance of ordinary gods.

the most important is--

"Do you think I am an idiot?"

There was a little anger on his face, and the long door lifted his right hand directly. The red six-mans emerged on the right hand of the red-haired boy. Six magic bullets instantly condensed and fired out!


The six magic bullets pierced the air in an instant and directly bombed towards the empty throne. In a blink of an eye, they directly bombarded the throne and scattered it directly into fragments.

In the roar, the entire silent world seems to have a moment of solidification!

"Go to Nima's heritage!"

Feeling this solidification, the smile on Nagato's face grew disdainful, and he said clearly, "Auberge, what stupid stuff do you put in front of this seat!"


When the voice of Nagato just fell, there was a roar in the sky, and then the dark clouds continued to converge, even condensing into a huge death.

A touch of divinity pervades the entire silent world

"I didn't expect it"

At this moment, the huge **** of death spoke, and his voice resounded like a thunder, resounding through the world. "After a thousand years, I can still see you again, Emperor Master !!!"

"There are so many things you didn't expect!"

Facing the huge **** of death, Nagato narrowed his eyes and filled his malicious mouth with words, "I won't tell you more than here, anyway, the dead don't need to know too much!"

At the time when Nagato met with the death **** Auberge in the original space, a courtyard with independent space and time was slowly approaching in the chaotic void beyond the entire plane.

In front of a virtual screen with a modern atmosphere in the middle of the courtyard, a dozen people are standing there.

"This is the plane, sir!"

The spectacled girl Xiao Ye, who was frightened by the breath of the long door, said to the green-haired double ponytail girl headed by the head, "The plane we used to perform the task was this plane, right, Tianyi, and also!

In the last sentence, the girl in glasses asked the gray-haired girl and the strong boy around him.

"Perception is correct, this plane!"

"It feels right!"

Hearing Xiao Ye's words, a girl named Tian Yi and a strong man named He Ye responded.

"Oh, here it is!"

Hearing the affirmative answer from the three, the green-haired girl in the middle of the crowd could not help narrowing her eyes. "This is really an interesting thing!"

During the speech, the girl's right hand subconsciously touched the looming gouge at her neck, and her faint sword spirit flourished, so that all the people present subconsciously appeared a chill.

Although she knew that the girl wouldn't shoot herself, the people around could not control the chill.

Just like ordinary people seeing tigers, fear is instinctive!

"Ah, sorry!"

At this time, the green-haired girl only realized her influence on her companions, and condensed her sword intention. "I forgot that you can't bear my sword intention. Sorry and sorry!"

Hearing this, everyone could not help but there was a burst of silent silence.

Although everyone knows that this adult is not deliberately mocking himself, but there is a saying, because she was unintentional, this is more hurtful!

The others were silent, but the green-haired girl didn't care.

In other words, at this time, her mind was completely filled with the coming encounter, subconsciously ignoring everything around her, "how many years have finally come to meet again."

"Honey, I don't know if you can bear my sword!"

Staring at the plane in the virtual screen, the expectation in the eyes of the girl with green hair and double ponytails became stronger and stronger. Then she opened her mouth and said to a long-haired girl nearby:

"Ryoko, help me teleport to that plane!"

"I'm afraid it won't work, sir!"

The girl named Ryoko directly denied the order of the green-haired girl and said, "According to observation, the plane is undergoing the most drastic changes."

"If you enter at this time, you will encounter the most fierce resistance, and"

Speaking of which, the girl named Ryoko showed a rare hesitation on her face, "It's dangerous, that plane is dangerous, that plane, it seems, seems to be destroyed."

Hearing her words, everyone in the room could not help but reveal a hint of surprise.

"Ryoko, that's not too far away!"

Some of the impatience and also heard Ryoko's words, and immediately said, "The space-time courtyard can't bear the aftermath of the destruction of the plane, but after all, I didn't feel that the plane would be destroyed last time!

Not only is it also, Tianyi and Xiaoye, the two people who have come to that plane, can't help but stunned.

After all, no matter how you look at it, that plane is not like a plane on the verge of destruction!

"This is not surprising!"

But for this, the green-haired girl headed was not surprised, "There is that one in that plane, which is enough to be called the devil in the endless void. If he is there, everything is possible!"

"You know, on the wanted list of the Lord God, that man is the first to exist!" ..

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