My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 84: Waiting to subscribe with God!

In an instant, the entire courtyard was quiet.

With the exception of the green-haired girl, everyone else could not help but looked at each other, each other could see the dullness on the other's face, as well as the surprise that filled the eyes.

"Sir, aren't you kidding me?"

In the end, the girl named Ryoko broke the silence, and hesitantly asked, "Are you sure you are talking about the wanted list of the Lord God who rules the law of cause and effect in countless planes?"

"Of course, in addition to that wanted list, what other wanted list can make me pay attention!"

In the face of the suspicion of his men, the green-haired girl took his face for granted, "In fact, if it were not that guy, it would be difficult for me and my elder sister to escape the devil's claw.

Speaking of which, the girl was bragging all over her face. She looked back in the past, but other people didn't have the same emotions as the girl. Instead, they sucked on each other and looked shocked.

The existence of the Lord God is no stranger to the entire League of Transiters.

Not to mention that most of the heads of the Transiter Alliance are wanted people who have escaped from the space of the Lord God, even though the transitor and the reincarnate often collide in different planes.

Therefore, with regard to the power of that main god, all the traversers are terrified.

In the history of the alliance, once the space of the main **** was unconsciously found by the passers-by, the whole alliance was dispatched now, preparing to take the space of the main god, and the whole army was conquered.

There are even a number of traversers who were destroyed by the warriors sent by the main **** according to their status.

After this battle, everyone knew the horror of the Lord God. Similarly, for the first person on the Wanted List of the Lord God, the guy who claimed to take a space from the Lord God, everyone was in awe.

God knows how the other party completed such an epic mission.

In fact, these people have overestimated long-term goals.

When Nagato completed this feat, the main god's defense against his own space was not yet the best, and this would be taken advantage of by Nagato, who was not strong enough.

In a sense, the example of Nagato is considered to pit the entire League of Transiters.

This point, green-haired girls who have experienced the space of the Lord God also know.

Just looking at the awe in the face of the people, the girl did not tell the truth. After a long time, the girl knew that the strength of Nagato has definitely grown amazingly, and it is definitely worthy of everyone's awe.

Secondly, the girl does not want her companion to offend the overbearing guy.

"Okay, Ryoko, first manipulate the courtyard to retreat!"

After a while, I saw that my friends had almost recovered, and the girl said, "These days, we will wait here!"

Geographically, the battle between Nagato and Oberg started in an instant.

There are a lot of doubts between the two-

For Oberg, he was wondering who the Emperor's Master's Gate was, why he could provide him with a way to become a god, and why he didn't die for a thousand years and came here.

For Nagato, it is more curious how Oberg escaped the defense of the origin, what is the state of the day, and why hasn't taken control of the origin.

However, all these doubts are meaningless at this moment.

Because the place where the two are at this time is the place of origin, the place of origin they want to fight for, and even the absolute hegemony and speech of the entire plane, there is no meaning at all.

The only thing that makes sense is fighting, that is, plundering each other's lives!

Take the opponent as a step and take it to the next level!

and so--


The great death of the dark cloud blew out a rant, the terrifying murderousness and the divine power condensed together, turned into an endless shock wave, fell from the sky, and immediately bombarded the body of the long door.

Facing the shock of terror, Nagato did not dodge, but took the attack head-on.

In an instant, the ground at the foot of the long door suddenly appeared a spider-like rift, the breath of death was invading the body of the long door in an attempt to kill the whole door!

It ’s just that Nagato ’s body is not a normal body.

As a true **** of chaos, even if he does not have a divine personality, the Nagato at this time is still not afraid of the invasion of chaos, and chaos is not afraid, let alone the death of the district!

"Great, ordinary human beings have reached this point."

Standing in the frenzy of death, Nagato's right hand directly dived into the void, "It's just a pity that your opponent turned out to be me. This is also destiny. Because of my rise, I am destroyed by me. This is reincarnation. "

Hearing the Nagato, the surrounding death storms became more and more violent, and even ordinary ordinary species could be instantly spiked!

However, Nagato still said indifferently-

"If your death is the death of the universe, or even the death of chaos, I will be afraid, but it is still far away !!!"

As soon as the words fell, Nagato pulled a crystal-bright blade directly from the void.

The mysterious and strange sword light shone directly from the blade, and the death all around was under the sword light, as if it were a tangible object, it was directly killed.

"What, this, how is this possible !!!"

Feeling that his own power was actually beheaded in an instant, the death of Yun Qi seemed a little excited, and then, a more terrifying divine power emerged, and the dark thunder filled the clouds in the sky.

It was a thunder from the death clouds, its name is Death Thunder!

"Give me death, death thunder !!!"

With the roar, the dark thunder blasted down from the sky towards the long gate, and at this time, the red-haired boy raised his head, and the red glow of the six-pointed star flashed directly in his left eye

The Devil's Eye, which evolved from facing the Eye of Death, reappeared after thousands of years.

All the weaknesses of Grim Reaper suddenly appeared undoubtedly in front of the long door!


"Divine Thunder of Death, watch me kill you!"

Speaking indifferently, the Nagato waved his sword directly at the sky, and the red sword gas burst suddenly, turning into a red light, upstream, and directly chopped the death thunder.

In the next moment, the crimson light even passed directly through the cloud of death, dividing it into two!

In the middle of the two halves of death, a mysterious crystal is also transformed into two halves ..

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