My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 86: Thousand-year plan, half-step star seeks subscription!

Thousands of years ago, the long gate after the war with the enemy came to this plane

The thought of the red-haired young boy who was seriously injured and sealed at the time was to take care of the wounds and gather enough luck to unlock the seal on his body, and nothing else.

For this plane, Nagato actually has very little to think about.

Although there are other kinds of dangerous life in this world, for Nagato, even the strongest dangerous species cannot reach their toes, which is not a cause for concern.

Under such circumstances, Nagato is naturally not interested in this plane.

It's just that Nagato has been healing for a long time. In the boredom, Nagato joined the emperor's emperor's plan, and then in the process of studying the dangerous species, Nagato found that he seemed to be blind.

Although these dangerous species are not powerful, this does not mean that they have little potential.

The dangerous species at the apex have the wonderful ability to freeze time and space, and infinite evolution. In a sense, if the plane environment is superior, they will be powerful and messy.

Indistinctly, Nagato understood how his Protoss Way should go forward!

In fact, from a long time ago, Nagato knew how to make his humane mode move towards the Protoss level, nothing more than constructing a brand new biological system tree within his humane origin, and he was at the apex.

Then he awakened his mission of humane roots in the heavens and the worlds, and achieved prosperity with this merit.

Only in the construction of the biological system tree, Nagato was a little hesitant. If it was created a little by itself, it would take a little scary time. Without tens of thousands of years, it is simply a dream!

But if it is not created by yourself, but by using the existing life systems such as angels, demons, and blood races as skeletons, if a new system is fused, Nagato ’s heart will be pimple.

The lives of angels, demons and blood races all have their own origins in the original world.

Taking the blood clan as an example, Nagato believes that there were definitely blood ancestors of Cain or Lilith in the original world. They are the source of the blood clan system.

If Nagato uses the blood system as its skeleton, the integrated system is to some extent completely a variant of the blood family. In terms of grade, Nagato seems to be lower than those of the ancestors.

This point is really unbearable for the long door of the only person. The most important thing is that the long door's luck can be robbed by the real ancestors of the blood race.

After all, the pioneers of any road are always somewhat privileged!

Precisely because of this, Nagato's Protoss Road seems to have fallen into a bottleneck.

It ’s just a dangerous species, let Nagato see hope—

In the original world, this kind of biological system should have no source, belong to a certain plane, and also have endless potential. How could Nagato not grasp it!

And at the moment when Nagato made up his mind, he felt a wonderful call.

After verification by many parties, Nagato was able to be sure. This summon comes from a magical source deep in the roots of this plane, which is the source of the birth of all dangerous species.

Most importantly, this source has a mysterious connection with itself.

"Robbery! Robbery! After the robbery, when there is luck!"

After perceiving this connection, with the intuition and wisdom of Nagato, he immediately understood many causes and consequences. "Think of it this way, this is the reward I get for voluntarily!"

After identifying the idea, Nagato began to study how to obtain that source.

To be honest, this task is more difficult than occupying the entire plane.

Occupying the entire plane is nothing more than a master for heaven and earth, and taking a deep source from the source of the plane is completely destroying the foundation of the entire plane!

This is simply the instinct to stifle the entire plane, and it will never yield.

If the plane is a person, then occupying the plane is to obtain the other party's ownership and enslave it, and the latter is to directly dig out the other party's heart and the like.

There is a great horror between life and death. Even the most servile people will fight back when they die, not to mention the plane.

Nagato could fully imagine how much obstacles he would encounter.


"After all, I came here!"

Feeling the familiar source deep in the roots of the roots, Nagato said loudly, "The world cannot stop the advancement of this seat. This has been the case since thousands of years ago!"


It seemed as if he was provoked and provoked by Nagato, and seemed to be struggling in the end!

A horrifying, substantive energy frenzy reverberated in the place of origin, which was the power drawn from the omniplane, and the entire space showed a tendency of destruction under this frenzy.

In the plane, everyone feels a heart palpitation at this moment, even the unreasonable undead have shown an uneasy tendency, and strong men like Estes and Lifa are cold sweat. The void beyond the plane, the traversers in the space-time courtyard have their eyes widened, and in their eyes, the entire plane seems to be transformed into a bomb at this moment!

Seeing it, a terrible plane burst exploded

"Huh, it's really decisive!"

Seeing the changes in the whole roots, and perceiving the changes in the entire plane, the face of Nagato could not help showing a helpless and clear expression.

The will of this plane itself has no reason, only instinct.

But that's why it's so difficult.

Long ago, Nagato knew that when he did it himself, the response of the entire plane was absolutely intense enough.

"But I have prepared for thousands of years, where can you succeed!"

He murmured in a low voice, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, and his thoughts moved, and the invisible fluctuations spread out of the original place with Nagato as the center and echoed in the whole plane.


The whole plane seemed to shake a little bit in an instant.

Natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis occurred instantaneously in the plane, and soon all the disasters subsided, and the invisible forces restored everything to its original state.

At the same time, the perception of Nagato instantly spread out, and soon became one with the entire plane, the whole world, and even the original space, at this moment it was almost shrouded in the control of the red-haired boy!

Under the will of the Nagato, the energy tide in the source space soon dispersed completely and returned to heaven and earth!

The plane's final counterattack ends here.

All this seems extremely simple, but it is the so-called ‘a decade of work on stage and ten years of work on stage’. For this moment, Nagato has prepared for thousands of years.

The red-haired boy did not hesitate to delay the opening of his seal, engraving most of the luck collected from the empire in the aura of the mist, eroding the entire plane.

In this way, Nagato spent thousands of years secretly controlling most of the plane authority.

And at this moment, Nagato activated his authority to bypass the consciousness of the plane in the root, directly control the entire plane, and even suppressed the instinct of the plane!

"Buzz !!!!"

At this moment, the cry of pleading echoed in the air, which was the last struggle of the plane will.

Faced with such a request, any life will always endure.

The exception is Nagato--


He said indifferently, the will of Nagato directly unified the power of the whole world, wiped out the will of the plane, and then the invisible power, dragged the core of the root!


The entire source space began to collapse slowly.

And in this collapse, a ball of light shining with golden brilliance rushed directly out of the depths of the source, and hit the body of the long door in front, and merged with it.

In a trance, the will of Nagato passed through endless time, and then he saw—

Before the long history in terms of the sphere of light, when the **** of heaven opened the power of heaven and earth, he inadvertently burst out a glory from the eyebrows of the vertical pupil, penetrated chaos, and came here.

At the time, the chaos here is evolving into a new world, and the glory directly merged into it, becoming a part of the origin, and even a core part.

Under this radiance, the original ordinary creatures have changed, and dangerous species have evolved!

"Is that **** man, am I?"

Seeing the memory carried by this part of the original power, the long door face inevitably brought a little wonderful, "This, this is really a cause and effect that people do not know how to imagine!"

With such emotions, the humane origin in the Nagato is running wildly!

Using the dangerous species as the skeleton to fill the life information collected by the long gates of angels, demons, blood races, etc., the life system tree that belongs to the long gates gradually takes root!


Crimson glory burst out from the long door, the red-haired boy turned into a crimson planet, and then the endless attraction flowed away from the crimson planet.

The root of the space is accelerating and collapsing, turning into endless energy and being constantly absorbed by the planet!

Transformed into the energy required for the growth of a new life system tree

With the plane as a sacrifice, the Nagato Half-Step Protoss! ..

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