My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 87: Unblock chess pieces and ask for subscription!

At the moment when Nagato made a half-step of Protoss--

The chaotic starry sky with endless time and space from the plane immediately produced a subtle response, instantly disturbing the three restraints of the guardian starry sky and numerous guardians.

After a while, the three major restraints and the many Daoist Powerhouses converge to the original starry sky.

Observe the changes of the starry sky through the projection of the source starry sky!

However, no matter how they look at it, they still ca n’t see any abnormal changes from the projection, but everyone understands that the changes have indeed occurred.

"How is this going?!"

Among the people, Alaya was in the most anxious mood, because she could feel that this change was closely related to her, and even a little uneasy.

In a hurry, the girl in red whispered unconsciously.

At the next moment, indifferent voices echoed in the source space!

"Relax, it's a breakthrough in the ontological humanitarian model!"

Accompanied by a large and ruthless voice, the source gas in the source star sky converged, and a figure of Wei An was condensed, and he looked down at the crowd and said:

"Chaotic starry sky is gestating another part of the ontological road!"

"Humanitarian mode, isn't that the Protoss?"

Hearing the answer of Nagato's divine incarnation, everyone's face could not help but reveal a surprise, and Alaya clenched her fist secretly. After receiving the prompt, the girl finally understood where her unease came from.

The three practices of Nagato are closely related to the three major restraints and complement each other.

Among the three major restraints, both Yiyuan and Gaia are in perfect harmony with Nagato, but Alaya will be a bit troublesome, because Alaya's origin is completely a collection of human will to survive.

Although the full-time later is a collection of sentient beings, the initial influence is still there. At this time, the human world still occupies most of the worlds, and there is no lack of influence in this regard.

The humane path of Nagato is not limited to human beings. The correct statement should be the way of sentient beings!

"It seems that I am going to retreat!"

Standing in the starry sky of the source, the girl in red thought silently, "Before the Nagato returns, it is necessary to completely wipe out the influence of the previous concept of human supremacy!"

Chaos void, space-time courtyard!

The traversers who were waiting for the big bang of the plane waited for a while, but found that the plane that seemed to explode slowly subsided.

"Hey, what about the great plane explosion?"

The straight-hearted strong man and subconsciously spoke, and then reacted, his face said embarrassedly, "Well, I mean, it's really good that there is no explosion!"

People did not pay much attention to He Ye's reaction.

Everyone on the scene knows, and this person is not a bad-hearted guy. He just likes to watch lively minor problems, and many times his head is full of muscles.

It's normal to lose your word for a while!

"Ryoko !!"

At this moment, the green-haired girl in the first place was silent, and asked the girl who manipulated the entire space-time courtyard, "What is the specific situation now?"

Although the green-haired girl is strong enough, she can completely kill all the people present.

But the art industry specializes in the ability to collect intelligence, she is completely inferior to the girl named Ryoko.

The other party is not an ordinary existence. The full name of the girl is Ryoko Asakura. It is a human-shaped connection device made for the purpose of contacting organic life.

This kind of living body can transform everything into information with its own understanding and manipulate it.

Asakura Ryoko has some unparalleled advantages in terms of information receiving ability!

"Sir, that devil is really sincere!"

Hearing the green-haired girl, Asakura Ryoko remained silent for a while before answering, "The plane consciousness is dead. The plane now is a corpse, and it will be exhausted and destroyed hundreds of years later."

"Really, overbearing!"

After being silent for a while, the green-haired girl's eyelids were slightly closed, and her faint sword was not strong. "Wait a second, he should have found me after thinking about it. After a while, I think it will be a good fight.

Inside the plane, war broke out again on the border of the Empire's northwestern battlefield.

After the weird shock before, the huge undead natural disaster became more and more crazy. The will at the source of the entire natural disaster seemed to be frightened and began to run away.

"Come down, Thousand Ice Swords !!!"

Above the level, Esdes took a deep breath, and condensed out a thousand ice swords again, and bombarded the incoming undead. Such an attack could completely repel a wave of undead offensive.

It was just this time, but the damage of the undead was not great. All the undead were filled with the momentum of death, resisting the freezing freeze, and in an instant, the army was close to the ice barrier before the level!

The attack of human undead, the bombardment of dangerous undead one after another.

In an instant, the ice barrier was crumbling

"Damn, the intensity of the attack has risen again!"

Seeing this scene, Estes couldn't help but reveal a hint of anger.

Not long ago, the Undead Scourge struck in full force. In front of such a violent sea of ​​undead, the border guards, the ice warriors of Esdes, and the fierce ghost army left by the long gate all lost their functions.

Only Estes's big move can contain this sea of ​​undead!

Under such circumstances, Estes took over the war.

It's just that the next development makes people a little angry. Esdes's ability is indeed obvious to all. The maximum explosive ability can instantly kill super dangerous species.

The most terrible thing is that, as the battle continues, Esdes continues to break through the existing limits and become stronger.

If it is the beginning, the sea of ​​undead will be crushed directly, and the level will be destroyed long ago.

However, the owner of the Undead Sea seems to be deliberately average, and is not in a hurry to break through the level. The intensity of the attack increases as Esdes continues to break through himself, just like playing with her.

This gave Estes the opportunity to grow up in constant training!

Therefore, although feeling a little disgraceful, Estes endured that the arrogance of the strong is built on her own strength. As long as she has the opportunity to become stronger, she will never miss it.

It's just that the girl never imagined that after experiencing the mutation just now, the intensity of the Undead Sea instantly increased by nearly a factor!

Facing such an offensive, Estes understood that he could not stop it.

Her will is still able to support, but her body has begun to fatigue, and the cold magic in her body has gradually been depleted. Even if it breaks out again, it can't be supported.

Just understand it, but she does n’t want to go back!

"How can I retreat again and again!"

Once again the ice-blue arrogance puffed up, and Esdes's face was full of decisive will. "If you die here, it just means that I only have this level!"

During his speech, Estes thought of his dead father, the head of the Barutus clan, who specializes in hunting dangerous species, and instilled in Estes the man of "weak meat and strong food" truth.

In vagueness, Esdes seemed to return to the day when his own family was destroyed by a different nation in the north.

The blood of the family tells the end of the weak of Estes!

"I am the strong!"

Expressing his most firm beliefs word by word, Estes is about to overdraw himself desperately, and at this moment, a faint voice rang in the ears of Estes

"Wait, Estes, don't worry so much!"

Along with the sound, I saw the ghost-like Death Beast floating directly from the ground at the foot of Estes. "It's not here yet, don't ruin your future!"

"You have a way?"

After being silent for a while, Estes asked. Estes once knew from the long door that this monster was his avatar, and if he wanted to, he would have a high possibility.

"Of course, I have a way!"

The Death Beast said quietly, and at the same time, sent a thought to Estes, "but now it is not time to specifically say, let me convey it directly to you!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole body of the Bleach Beast burned directly

"Roar Roar !!!"

In the endless wailing, fierce ghosts turned into red flames one after another, directly surrounding Estes, invisible power poured into his body!


Shouting like a moan, Estes burst into ice blue, and then laughed, "Hah, this stingy guy, did so many hands and feet on the chess pieces!"

"Roar Roar !!!"

Faced with the change of Estes, the entire undead Hai suddenly rioted.

Countless dangerous flying species escaped directly from the sea of ​​undead, as if attacking fighter jets, bombarded directly towards the location of Estes, without mercy.


"too late!!!"

Laughing wildly, Estes raised his right hand, and the red flames around him gathered directly into her palm, condensing into a red ball of light.

At the next moment, Estes directly pressed the ball of light into his heart—

"Unblock it, Queen of Stars !!!"

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