My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 88: Go straight to the source and ask for a subscription!

——Devil chess piece!

It was a temporary item created by Nagato for the purpose of playing the world. Nagato didn't care much at all, but fate is wonderful, and a lot of interesting things will happen.

Just like in the thousand years, the king chess piece in the Nagato has mutated.

That is a variation of chess pieces in any known situation. The demonic chess pieces resonate with the humanity in the long door body, and are inscribed with traces belonging to the road of the Protoss.

In a sense, that is no longer a demon piece.

The correct title should be Protoss Pawn.

Or, the Protoss family members are chess pieces!

It ’s just that Nagato itself has n’t completed his own tree of human life systems, and the chess piece itself is not yet complete. For this reason, the red-haired boy gave his real power to seal within the chess piece.

Therefore, the existence after rebirth only shows the situation of rebirth.

And now, with the help of the Nagato Doppelganger, Estes unlocks the seal of his chess pieces—the real power belonging to the future Protoss family begins to appear, and an unspeakable force bursts out of the girl's body.

Speed, strength, physique and even spirit have been greatly strengthened!

In the trance, Estes found that his position was not a level, but countless lives, countless stars, and unprecedented power, which emerged from the heart at this moment.


Under such a powerful sense, Estes could not help shouting--

The ultimate ice-blue arrogance appears, flowing like a running water on the surface of the girl's body, and the overflowing cold air makes the surrounding space show a slow freezing phenomenon!

The terrifying coercion spread in an instant, and Estes showed an indescribable sense of existence!

In an instant, there was a chaos in the entire Undead Sea

"Oh, isn't the undead without fear?"

At this moment, recovering from the endless sense of power, Estes looked at the Sea of ​​Undead and ridiculed. "Or, it is not the Sea of ​​Fear but the incompetent manipulating the Sea of ​​Undeath."

As soon as this remark came out, the huge undead sea suddenly rioted, and the angry will filled.


"Hah, are you angry and angry? Ice Age!"

Seeing the changes in the surroundings, Estes couldn't help but sigh with relief, and then opened his hands directly towards the sky, as if to embrace the whole world.


The girl with long blue hair and the whole world had a terrible resonance in an instant.

The whole world is changing at this moment, the sky is covered with dark clouds, the temperature drops to minus zero on Baidu in an instant, and the horrible absolute frozen gas spreads in all directions centering on Estes.

In an instant, everything including the entire level, within a thousand miles away, was completely frozen.

The same is true even for dangerous flying species in the sky.

The huge undead Haye suddenly disappeared!

At the next moment, the ice sculptures of the dangerous flying species all fell onto the glacier on the ground, and they quickly dispersed into fragments under the sound of bang. "Roar!"


"Aooo !!"

Soon, the sea of ​​undead came thousands of miles away.

For the entire Undead Sea, the power of a single body has never been indifferent, and the number beyond imagination is the most feared power of the Undead Sea.

If it was before, in such a situation, Ides may still be able to support the head-on duel.

If this is the case, I think the last loser is Esdes. After all, her strength is limited. In the face of this endless attack, she will eventually be exhausted and fall into the abyss of defeat.

But at this time, Estes did not have any worries, but showed a smile.


"Find your place, the source of the undead!"

There was a smile in the corner of his mouth, and Esdes looked at the sea of ​​undeath on his left, directly hitting the ground at his feet with a punch:

"Go ahead, Ice Way!"

With the call of the girl, the magic of Binglan is infused!

At the next moment, the glacial land at the feet of the girl spread out a icy road in a violent roar, carrying Estes, and rushed towards the sea of ​​undead!


With the continuous roar, the Ice Road, like a sharp sword, tore a slit directly in the sea of ​​the undead and spread toward the inside.

The entire sea of ​​undead, or the source of the undead's natural disasters, went wild.

The undead attacked the Ice Road desperately, attempting to destroy the Ice Road, but facing this situation, Estes had long expected.

The magic in the girl's body is constantly being injected, constantly strengthening the way of ice, turning it into an invincible sword!


"Boom !!!"

As if the spears and shields collided with each other, the way of the Undead Sea and the ice did not give way to each other, but as said before, the power of the Undead Sea lies in the whole, not the parts. In the face of the local attacks of Esdes, it is still somewhat weak After all, let the ice road continue to impact towards the depths!

This scene seems to explode the fear of the will of the source of the undead sea-


A violent explosion occurred in front of the Ice Road, and a horrible humanoid monster completely composed of countless undead appeared directly in Esdes's vision. Unknown death breath lingered on it, as if it were the embodiment of death!

At the next moment, the horror monster made thousands of accented horror calls, and the right arm, which was completely pieced together by the undead, was bombarded towards the Ice Road of Estes.

"Come well !!!"

Faced with such an attack, Estes showed a surprise on his face, and the whole person jumped directly from the ice road, and punched in front of the giant fist.

When two completely disproportionate fists collided with each other, the dark blue magical flame turned into a brilliance that froze everything, and the arm of the horror giant instantly froze immediately, and soon spread to the whole body.

The monsters gathered by countless undeads can't resist the punch of Estes!

At the next moment, with a bang, the whole monster turned into ice-blue debris and flew away. The throne of bones behind the monster and the black armored man above it instantly appeared in Esdes' vision Here:

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