My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 89: The third punisher-The Lich King begs to subscribe!

"I finally found you, coward!"

Seeing the existence of the black armor sitting on the throne of bones, Esdes fell slowly from the sky in the debris ice crystals and couldn't help but reveal a surprising killing intent!

The armored man on the throne was silent, and the restless breath filled the surroundings

The other party is in fear, fearing the approach of Estes!

"What's wrong, don't you speak?"

Soon, the figure of Estes fell to the ground lightly and stepped forward to the throne. "Still, you are too scared to speak, Shira !!!"

"It's scared, Sister Estes!"

At this moment, the figure on the throne seemed to sigh for a long time, and then he said quietly, lifting one hand and lifting his helmet, revealing the white face covered with scars.

"Originally want to get your sister, you have already successfully attacked, but I did not expect the next development to be really twists and turns! I lost this time, but I will come back again."

His eyes were somewhat complicated to look at Esdes, the culprit who caused the undead natural disaster said quietly, and instantly, the radiance of the magic circle sent out appeared below him.

This is a rare space emperor, the transmission function of the dimensional square Shangri-La!

Shira didn't even plan to fight, she was ready to escape


"You guys, do you think you can escape? !!!"

A terrifying killer flashed in her beautiful eyes, and Estes turned directly into a blue afterimage, and immediately rushed to the front of the Throne of Skeleton, raising her right fist filled with frost.

"Why, how could--"

At this moment, Shira's eyes were full of horror.

This is not only because of the speed of Estes's attack, but also because he just discovered that after he started the Imperial Tool, there was no space transfer. In short, the Imperial Tool failed?

There is no time for Sila to think, Esdes's fist has arrived!


Along with the roaring sound, the frozen punches directly hit Shira. The bone throne collapsed in an instant, and the breath of death spread from all sides of the throne.

And Shira himself was frozen in the lower body of this punch, and directly flew up.

The space made a little crisp sound!

"This, this is"

Shira also heard the sound during the reverse flight. After a subconscious glance, his entire heart almost jumped out. It was the sound of space cracking.

The power of Estes actually invaded the realm of space directly!

Until this time, Shira finally regretted that she was proud of her, and went directly to provoke Estes. The excessively indulgent life in this life has had a great impact on him!

Shira is not a native, or his soul is not in this plane.

In short, he is a reincarnator from other planes.

Shila of the previous life was a reincarnation of the space of the Lord God, inadvertently escaped the Lord God ’s control, and became a member of the League of Translators. It was only in the accident that got rid of the Lord God that he hurt his soul at all and had to make a last resort Can reincarnate to make up for the foundation.

As a result, who knows that after reincarnation, he will encounter such a great influence, even for entertainment and strength, he directly used the power exchanged with the Lord God in the previous life to set off a natural disaster for the dead.

"Now if you want to come, the people sent by the alliance will be very unhappy to see it!"

Under the crisis, Shira even thought of this problem in her heart, and couldn't help but regret it, but no matter how she regretted it, Estes's attack was not over yet!

At the next moment, the ice-blue girl with long hair broke through her death and appeared in front of Shira, who was flying backwards, using her fists and feet, and a large number of ice swords were now bombarded. Gesture.


Under continuous bombardment, Shira heavily bombarded the ground and directly opened a big pit!

"Now, give me a complete end!"

Leaping from the ground, Estes appeared directly above the large pit where Shira was located. The cold breath burst into a huge inverted hill, and then fell down.


In the violent roar, the inverted mountain was inserted straight into the pit.

The whole mountain is directly filled with big pits!


After making this attack, Estes knew that Shira would not be defeated, and was preparing to perform his final move. As a result, at this moment, the girl felt an invisible crisis.

A huge icicle extends from the ground and appears directly at the foot of Esdes

Extraordinary perception tells Estes that the ground is dangerous!


A sudden roar erupted, and the iceberg released by Estes collapsed instantly. At the next moment, the endless air of death rolled back and forth on the earth as if it were materialized.

Perceiving this change, Estes couldn't help being cautious.

"Really, what a shame!"

"The power of the Undead Scourge is completely defiled!"

At the next moment, the faint voice echoed from the death tide

Soon, Shira's figure rose from the tide of death and appeared in the vision of Esdes!

At this time, Shira's body armor was still broken, and he suffered a lot of injuries. He was like a defeated soldier's posture, but his face was indifferent, and the indifferent breath on his body was not like the general of the defeated army. Like a high god, people can't help but feel awe.

"Who the **** are you ?! Sheila?"

Although the look and sound of this person in front of him is almost the same as that of Shira, Essex's instinct tells her that the guy in front of him is definitely not Shira, but a more dangerous monster death incarnation!

"Indeed, I am not that waste!"

Hearing the words of Estes, Shira, or the existence in Shira's appearance, said quietly, "I am the third executioner of the Lord God-the Lich King, the real master of the undead."

"As for the Shira you mentioned, it has become my food. This is the price of using my power!" ..

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