My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 91: Supreme Emperor

Seeing this sudden change, Esdes was silent.

Although Wang Yang of the boneless skeleton in the underground is also called the sea of ​​undead, it is not comparable to the kind of corpse called by Shira before, and countless soul flames are burning inside the skeleton.

From that flame, Estes could perceive strong and extreme resentment.

That is the resentment of the dead to the living, the resentment of the destiny that deprived them of their lives, and even the resentment of the entire world, that is enough to completely destroy the hatred of the entire world.

In this deep meaning, every skeleton is not a simple skeleton, but a demon of destruction!

Thinking of this, Rao Estes couldn't help raising his escape.

Although he had encountered a dangerous situation before, Estes did not want to escape. That was because Estes could not bear the second escape in front of Shira. After all, Shira was only a weak person in her eyes.

But now her opponent is obviously a real powerhouse.

Fleeing in front of such an enemy is not a shameful thing. In fact, facing an irresistible strong enemy, and rushing up like a second-hand thing, it is really embarrassing in Esdess eyes.


"Roar Roar !!!"

As if seeing through Esdes's thoughts, a skeleton made of flying, dangerous species of flying undead flew directly, telling Esdes was surrounded, and a terrifying shock wave erupted from these dangerous species!

The speed is fast and the start is quick. Rao Estes couldn't help but be surprised.

"not good!"

Not feeling well, Estes wanted to evade for the first time.

But the retreat that is in sight is completely shrouded in shock waves. There is no retreat at all. In desperation, the girl can only support its ice barrier and block it around her.


The shock wave directly bombarded the ice barrier, blasting it into fragments.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Estes flew directly, ready to escape from the encirclement of dangerous species.

Just less than ten meters high, the black giant face in the sky showed a strange smile, and then, a very terrible soul shock directly entered the girl's mind.

"Oh no!"

Such an idea flashed in his head. Esterston felt a sudden pain from the soul. Rao was a pain that could not be supported by her torture madman.

At the next moment, the ice-blue girl fell directly from the sky.

"Roar Roar !!!"

At this time, the dangerous species around roared and cheered, and new shock waves were condensed in their mouths. Obviously they planned to fall into the rocks and kill Esdes directly.


"Lei Di summoned !!!"

The sudden rumbling echoed directly around.

In an instant, the dark clouds in the sky converged out of thin air, and a series of violent thunders fell, striking the dangerous species of the dead in an all-round way. The power of the Thunder is the most powerful positive natural force, and it has great restraint on the undead. Unprotected undead creatures immediately wailed and fell into collapse.

During the thunder and lightning, the flying blonde girl directly crossed the thunder and caught the falling Estes.

"Hoo, the time is right!"

"It seems that the choice to get out first is to get rid of the army, but the situation at the scene seems to be a bit more complicated than what the intelligence said!"

Holding Estes in a semi-coma, Lifa's gaze turned to the giant face in the sky, and the dark clouds flashing thunder did not dare to be within 100 meters.

"That's true, Princess Long, no, Your Majesty!"

At the moment when Lifa's words just fell, a thunder flashed and General Bud's figure appeared directly behind Lifa, looking at the giant face in the sky, his face solemn.

"Oh, a little bug actually intervened"

Faced with the sudden change, the huge face in the sky showed a little displeasure, and then the dark eyes looked at Lifa, showing a little surprise-

"Strange, is there an elf in this plane, no matter, let's die anyway!"

With the fall of the command, endless resentment suddenly exploded from the sea of ​​undead, and immediately swept the entire sky. At this moment, Lifa and Bude could not help but stiffen the body.

In the next moment, countless undead creatures flew or jumped from the ground, attacking several people.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Bud, who once experienced on the battlefield, got rid of the stiffness faster than Lifa. Thunder burst out of this man and turned into a Thunder network, sweeping from all sides.

The undead creatures surrounding them were hit hard and flew away.

But Bude ’s strength is insufficient, and the damage of the undead creatures is very small. In fact, if it is not the thunder force is the nemesis of the undead, I am afraid that not many undead will die.

"Roar Roar !!!"

At the next moment, the repelled undead were surrounded again, and they looked like never-ending, and Bude naturally could not fall behind, and manipulated the Thunder to kill it again.

In an instant, Thunder continued to reverberate in the void


"Can not be done!"

He murmured to himself, and the girl clearly found out that the surrounding undead were constantly breaking through General Boulder's thunder attack. Presumably, General Bould would fall behind.

And the most troublesome thing for girls is that there are too many undead around, almost endless

Subconsciously, the girl looked up at the huge, silent face.


"No way, show your majesty, the Emperor Supreme Emperor-Godman!"

After being silent for a while, the girl directly issued her own call. At the next moment, there was a ripple in the void behind the girl, and a giant over a thousand kilometers appeared directly behind the girl.

Lifa holding Esdes directly turned into light and instantly integrated into the body of the giant!


As if waking up from a deep sleep, the terrifying giant raised a huge roar in the sky, and the terrible coercion burst out instantly, and the vast energy coercion erupted directly from the giant population and slammed into the sky face -rm->

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