My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 92: Coming and bombarding the first!


There was a violent roar in the sky!

The horror shock wave originating from the Supreme Emperor's Divine Man directly bombarded the huge face suspended in the air, and the black and gold colors instantly dyed the entire sky


The huge sea of ​​undead appeared a neat pause at this moment.

At this moment, Li Fa, who has entered the space of manipulating the body of Emperor Gu Shenren, can't help but see a slight surprise in this scene, but the next development makes her unable to laugh.


After a while, the entire Undead Sea rioted completely.

All the skeleton undead were scattered, and the fire of the soul flew out of the body of the undead, and then gathered together frantically, forming a fire of soul up to a thousand kilometers in the blink of an eye.

The resentment flowing between the souls, even the surrounding space can't bear it.

Then, as if attracted, countless bones flew towards the fire of the soul, centered on the fire of the soul, and formed a horror monster with a height of more than 3,000 meters and a length of nearly ten thousand meters.

"Come on, what a joke !!!"

The eyelid of Lifa, who manipulated the Supreme Emperor, jumped in vain in vain, and General Bud suspended in the air was full of dementia, and his whole body was cold.

"How could such a monster be able to fight?"

At this moment, the two people at the same time emerged such an idea. Faced with this terrible existence that transcends the world's cognition, whether it is Emperor Gu Shenren or Thor's anger, it is just scum!

"Are you afraid? Sure enough, some of you look up to you!"

At this moment, the skeletal monster beyond the limit of the world opened his mouth, and the voice of the Lich King came out, "If it is so weak, then die, then, the whole world will be buried!"

As soon as the voice fell, the skeletal monster opened his mouth

The terrible wave of death pervades from it. The sky and the earth, everything in the world, inevitably goes to death under such a wave.

Before the attack is actually started, there is such a terrible power. Both Lifa and Bude can't imagine how terrible the real power of that blow will be.

"How could I die here !!!"

The memory of past memories, the joys and worries of the past life, the step-by-step shocks of this life, the systematic surprise, the unyielding resistance, and the possible future beauty, Lifa issued a cry in his heart.

After completing the main task of the mission system, it can be strengthened to the complete elf blood burst!

The atmospheric power of the entire planet gathered and bombarded the bone monsters!


The crust where the monster is located presents a terrible crack at this moment.

The power of the entire sky is frantically suppressing the bone monster formed by the sea of ​​undead, making the bone constantly squeeze the bones.

However, all this is in vain.


Like the judgment of fate, the indifferent voice spread unhindered under the endless atmospheric pressure, and the death shock wave in the mouth of the monster spewed out and bombarded the Emperor Gu Shenren.

There was hardly any hesitation for a moment, and the god-man of thousands of kilometers collapsed in an instant.

The Lifa and the comatose Estes in the god-man, and the General Bude who had previously hidden behind the giant, were exposed to the impact of death in an instant!

"It's over!"

A word flashed in his head, Lifa closed his eyes and waited quietly for the arrival of death.



It seemed as if a small stone had fallen on the calm lake.

A crisp and sweet voice echoed in his ear, the crisis in Lifa's perception suddenly disappeared, his eyes were opened subconsciously, and then an incredible scene appeared in front of her.

The raging atmospheric pressure and the devastating impact of death all disappeared.

If it wasn't for the terrible monster beyond his own cognition, if it wasn't for the destroyed environment around him, Lifa would have thought that the previous encounter was a dream.

Then she saw that she was hugging the long door of Estes!


Seeing the appearance of Nagato, Lifa's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood that it must have been his mysterious and unpredictable teacher who broke everything and saved himself.


Facing the surprise Lifa and the undecided Bude, Nagato nodded indifferently, and then sent Estes in his arms directly into his private space.

Then, the red-haired boy stepped out and came to the horror monster!

In an instant, the surrounding environment suddenly became silent

After a long silence, an interesting smile appeared on Nagato's face, and he said, "It's really interesting, there is a guy like you among the descendants of Lord God's Space."

"It's overwhelming. Compared with you, I'm afraid it's still a little bit away!"

After talking at the Long Gate, the thunderous voice of the Lich King echoed, but this time the tone of the Lich King was no longer indifferent and high, but full of fear-

"The first wanted person of the Lord God, Lord Void Lord!"

"What, that guy remembers hate till now, it's stingy."

Hearing the familiar title, the smile on Nagato's face was even worse. He lifted his right hand and directly held the sword handle emerging from the ripples in the void behind him.

"Sure enough, I should find an opportunity to kill that guy completely."

As soon as the words fell, Nagato directly drew the sword and cut, the blade of the beveling edge flashed, and the endless crimson sword turned into a sword rain, and directly bombed down towards the monster transformed by the Lich King.

At the same time, the well-prepared Lich King will naturally not fight back, and the death and resentment contained in the bone monster at this time have erupted in all directions, completely transformed into a disaster that is enough to destroy the world!

However, at the next moment, the endless swordmands suddenly came to a blast!

The terrifying monster, which seemed extremely fierce, could not completely resist the sharp swordmans. Each swordmand was so terrible, completely penetrating the hard body composed of bones, beating death and resentment.

Under the bombardment of the endless swordman, in a flash, the monster completely disappeared

Even the last words were too late. ..

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