My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 93: The plane is like a bead second!

This is a world where cold and death coexist.

The earth and the ocean have long fallen into endless ice. Countless skeletons, zombies, lich, death knight, bone dragon, ghost dragon survive in this icy world.

On the highest mountain, it is a palace carved out of ice.

Inside the palace is an ice-carved pillar, and on the pillar are frozen creatures of different shapes. It is vaguely visible that the souls of the creatures are wailing

In the depths of the palace, an extremely cold throne stands!

When the long door bombed the skeletal monster, the sleeping man on the throne moved slightly, then slowly opened his eyes, and the breath of death began to spread.

"Void, Big Devil ?!"

Speaking lightly, a paleness appeared on the man's face.

Men are no other people, it is the body of the Lich King.

At this time, the Lich King had a mixed feeling in his heart. Since he stepped on the space of the Lord God, he has not met such an exaggerated guy, and even bombarded his spiritual avatar with a single blow.

The seemingly bland swordsman attacked directly from the cause and effect level.

Even the concepts of directly beheading death and resentment exist!


"It's too strong!"

He murmured to himself, and the Lich King raised his right hand directly. At the next moment, six virtual mirrors appeared directly in front of the man, four of which were empty.

The remaining two mirrors show the indifferent male with white hair and the cute girl with green hair.

"Oh, Alsace sauce, you would contact us on your own initiative, which is really rare!"

The cute girl with green hair was talking, and she saw an unknown light shining in her eyes. "Or, have you encountered something interesting?"

"Don't call me by sauce, willow !!"

Some said unpleasantly, and saw that the Lich King named Alsace turned his head directly, looked at the silent white-haired man, and said:

"Just now, my ray of will encountered the Void Demon King!"


The silent white-haired man finally moved, and there was a hint of anger in his indifferent expression, "I found that man ?! Say, where is he? !!!"

Although the tone of the white-haired man was full of commands, Arthas unexpectedly did not get angry, but honestly said: "I have a chess piece in the League of Crossers, which is a rebellion strengthened by the Lich King. By."

"Not long ago, the other party encountered a crisis of destruction, which activated the spiritual imprint I buried in him, and became my avatar. It was the avatar and the Void Lord who encountered it. As a result, he was instantly killed."

At the end, Arthas couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Only in the process of a bitter smile, the eyes of the Lich King were still full of indifferent scorching warfare, and after fearing the terrible long door, Alsace was full of warfare.

Loved, hated, guarded, destroyed

This man who did not know how much hardship and blood he became to be the executioner of the main god's space, in addition to instinctively craving death, left the purpose of pursuing a strong man worth fighting for.

Arthas wondered if his Frostmourne could defeat the so-called strongest demon!

"Profanity, finally let me find your trail!"

Hearing Alsace ’s words, the smile on the face of the white-haired man could not help but show that the smile contained endless anger and the murderous intention of the ——

"Since he has encountered that group of bugs, then strengthen the offensive against that group of bugs, I believe that this will definitely force that guy out, and it will be the time of this shame!"


"No problem!"

Faced with the decision of the white-haired man, the other two agreed.

But what Alsace and the white-haired man did n’t find was that during this process, Willow ’s eyes were a little hollow, and a strange smile that seemed almost absent appeared in the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the battlefield on the other side was extremely silent.

Whether it is Lifa or Bude, both of them have a **** expression. With the power of the long door before the instant to wipe out the death storm, the two people know that the long door may win.

But even with a hunch, after seeing Nagato bombard the enemy with a single blow, the two were still a little scared.

The power displayed by Nagado was a little too scary.


After being silent for a while, Lifa couldn't help but flew to the long door and said, "Master, what is your relationship with the Lord of Chaos, or are you the Lord of Chaos?"

"Yes, no, you'll know it later!"

Upon hearing Lifa's words, a surprise appeared on Nagato's face, and then a finger was pointed on Lifa's forehead. In an instant, a golden ball of light emerged from Lifa's head.

"Shoot !!!"

In an instant, the ball of light broke through the sky and directly disappeared in the sky.

Then all the planes of life felt a heartfelt shock. The whole world seemed to have life again in a moment, and it was alive again, and Lifa heard a familiar voice at this time:

"Ding, host, this system is about to carry out its mission, and it has become the heaven and earth!"

"Because the host's mission has been completed successfully, the Lord of Chaos is quite satisfied, and hereby rewards the host for becoming an agent of this world of heaven and earth, let us work together!"

Hearing this, Lifa ’s eyes suddenly widened, but only before he could say anything in the future, the terrible power burst directly into his body, comprehensively enhancing the essence of Lifa

The external performance is that Lifa is directly fainted, suspended in the void, and the whole body shines!

"It seems that integration will take some time."

He murmured to himself, and the long door looked up at the sky, and then spoke towards General Bude and said, "Bude, I'll leave it to you for the time being!"


Hearing the long gate, Bud did not dare to neglect.

The red-haired boy nodded and disappeared directly in place. At the next moment, the chaotic void beyond the plane crystal wall, the figure of the red-haired boy appeared directly, and then a terrible scene appeared-

The entire plane instantly became a small bead and fell into the hands of the long door. ..

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