My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 94: Goodbye Hatsune third!

Gently put away the Pearl of the Plane, and Nagato stood down.

The chaos that surrounded the surroundings did not cause the red-haired boy to be slightly damaged, but instead activated the traits of the God of Chaos in the long door, and began to grow slowly.

The so-called **** of chaos is the devil who grew up in chaos.

Chaos is the best environment for the growth of Nagato's body.


"This is not the time!"

When the idea moved, Nagato directly controlled the attributes and suppressed the growth of the divine body.

The body of Nagato is divided into four major components-

The body that is absolutely controlled by the endless source, the chaotic **** body of the heaven and earth mode, the dragon body that has not been formed in the earth mode, and the half-step astral body of the humane mode.

In this way, the best way for the flesh to grow is based on the absolute control of the body, based on the **** body of the three modes of heaven, earth and man, to form an organic and unified whole and go hand in hand.

If the chaotic **** body grows too much, it is easy to affect the dragon body and the half-step astral body.

Maybe when it will become an obstacle to practice.

this is not good!

After dealing with his situation, Nagato followed his perception and looked in a certain direction. At the end of the unstoppable vision of chaos, it was a floating bubble.

Indistinctly, the long door can even see the looming courtyard building inside the bubble!

"Oh, there is such a device?"

The warhead nodded with interest, and the long door stepped out towards the bubble. In a moment, the figure of the red-haired boy disappeared in place. The next moment appeared in front of the bubble. His left hand was raised and he tapped gently.

"Yo, how are you!"

"Ah, that perversion is here!"

Seeing the magnified red-haired boy on the screen in front of him, he couldn't help shouting.

At this time, the others in the courtyard did not scold him for this, because they were all in shock. Just the long gate directly turned a large plane into beads, completely shocking them.

Even the leader of the crowd, the green-haired girl with the strongest combat strength can't help but feel a little trance.

Because of its strongest combat strength, the green-haired girl was surprised by the action that Nagato had just shown. She deeply understood how terrible it was to do the kind of thing that Nagato just did.

In terms of sabotage, the top ten members of the coalition are enough to be regarded as annihilators.

But if that way turns a plane into a bead and plays with the palm of your hand, no one else in the entire league can do it except for the sole leader and the agent of the leader.

To achieve that kind of situation, it is no longer possible for pure power, but also requires realm and understanding.

That's the great undertaking to do everything in the entire plane!

In this regard, the unparalleled swordsmanship of Hatsune's interpretation of Qiankun is probably no match for the opponent, but the swordsman's edge has never been weakened by connivance.

Holding a strong and weak sword has never been a real sword. A real sword has never been born before challenging the strong!

"It's worthy of you, still so strong!"

Quietly, the green-haired girl said to Asakura Ryoko, "Ryoko, use the teleportation technique to send that one in, don't neglect the guests!"

"Got it, sir!"

Slightly silent, Asakura Ryoko said, at the same time, there was a stream of data from the girl's hand, and the next moment, a door of space opened in front of the red-haired boy!

Facing the open door, the red-haired boy stepped in without any hesitation

In an instant, the figure of Nagato appeared directly in front of everyone.

The faint pressure spread all around the courtyard for the first time. The red-haired boy in the purple robe stood in the middle of the courtyard as if the protagonist. The people around could not help but feel that he seemed to be a little short of nothing.

——A strong sense of presence!

At this moment, the thoughts of others in the courtyard surprisingly reached consensus.

"Yo, isn't this the first sound?"

Slightly looked around, and then the long door looked at the green-haired girl with a faint sword, opened her hands, and said:

"Girl, are you finally enlightened and ready to fall into my arms?"

As soon as this remark came out, it caused chaos around him. The passers-by couldn't help but grow up and were at a loss, and Hatsune's face suddenly turned red.

Don't get me wrong, it's not the girl's shyness, but the real anger!

"You guys, take my sword first and talk again!"

Anxious and angry, the green-haired girl, who had had a relationship with Nagato, even Hatsune Miku, who was under the spell mark, was not nonsense. He stepped out directly and appeared in front of Nagato in an instant.

The invisible sword meaning turned into substance, bursting from the fingertip of the girl's right hand!

"It's a fierce hello!"

Seeing that the girl's slender fingertips were filled with sword, the long door couldn't help but secretly slam.

This kind of sword intention has already had a little tendency in the sword world.

Speaking of this, Nagato couldn't help but wonder what kind of experience it was, so that the memory of Nagato's previous life was just the existence of an electronic song Ji, and he transformed into a unique sword god.

Just curiosity, curiosity, Nagato can't think of getting a sword!

and so--

"As you wish, my girl!"

Speaking softly, Nagato also raised his right hand, his index finger and **** together turned the sword, the edge of the edge of the edge was diffused on the sword finger, and then he met the sword finger of Hatsune!

"Keng !!!"

The moment the **** touched, the metallic roar sounded at once.

The collision of sword intentions turned into a burst of soul, spreading in all directions, under this impact, the rest of the people at this moment could not help but suddenly, as if they saw one red and one green, two amazing swords.

The blue sword is a harmonious sword that interprets the nature of heaven and earth, and a sword of heaven and earth!

The crimson sword is the sword of rebellion that cuts off the red dust and reverses the cycle of life and death. It is the sword of the human heart!

The storm between heaven and man swept across the courtyard!

In this storm, Hatsune's body gradually approached Nagato. Nagato could even smell the girl's quiet body fragrance. I saw the girl opening quietly: "This battle, I have waited a long time, come again!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sword spirit rose again! ! ! ..

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