My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 96: Conflict and arrangement second!

Space-time courtyard, long door and Hatsune opened their eyes respectively.

The green-haired girl's face paled in vain, the whole person shook, and it seemed that she was about to fall. When the long door opened her hands subconsciously, she was about to hug the girl

There was a short pause in the space in an instant, and information was surging!

Asakura Ryoko's figure appeared directly at Hatsune's side, holding the shaky girl in her arms, then stepped back a few steps, watching the Nagato with caution.

"Uh, I said, what is this alert situation!"

His hands were taken back naturally, the long door said a little speechlessly, and at the same time a hidden light flashed in the eyes of the red-haired boy, revealing a touch of interest.

If Nagato did not perceive errors, the situation just now was that the world ’s information was manipulated.

This kind of power must be very interesting when Saya knows it!

"Well, this is what Hatsune Master ordered!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Asakura Ryoko replied a little tremblingly, "Adult said, if you let her fall into the hands of Lord Demon King, she will soon be pushed down by Lord Demon King."

During the speech, Ryoko burst into tears in his heart.

With a strong ability to receive information, she clearly felt that although she saved her boss, she exposed herself to the devil's eyes and was stared at by the devil.

"Hey, am I so impatient ?!"

Hearing Ryoko's words, there was a lot of black lines on Nagato's head, and then he pondered a little, and said to himself, "But speaking of that, this development sounds quite interesting."

"No, my Luo Tianyi will never allow you to do that to Hatsune's sister !!!"

After the words of Nagato came out, the gray-haired girl named Luo Tianyi stood up directly in front of Hatsune and Ryoko, looked at Nagato, and declared, "Sister is Tianyi mine!"

"Although I don't agree with Tian Yi's words, but--"

A strong man over two meters tall also stood up, showing his muscles, "Even if it is the legendary devil, to do anything to my companion, he must step over me, Uesugi and Ye's body!"

After Uesugi and Yeo took action, the rest of the traversers also gathered together.

Everyone's eyes showed a faint determination, the energy is gestating.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Facing the hostility of the crowd, Nagato didn't care, and the faint coercion was about to spread out. At this time, Hatsune's sword intention reappeared, filling the entire courtyard--

"Give me a hand, don't be rude to our allies!"

I saw the pale girl with the help of Ryoko, blocked between the long gate and the many passers-by, first blamed the many passers-by, and then looked at the long gate:

"Let's take a rest in the courtyard first. Let's talk about it in a few days?"


Looking at the deep prayers in Hatsune's eyes, Nagato dissipated the power gathered in his body and nodded.

Under the suppression of Hatsune, the conflict that was about to appear was resolved.

Many traversers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although they were conscious, if they were to fight the only demon king who had defeated the main **** in the legend, everyone was very stressed. And under the arrangement of Hatsune, Nagato came to the rest area of ​​the courtyard alone.

"This is it, Lord Demon!"

The door of a luxurious room was pushed open, and a slightly luxurious environment appeared. The dark-haired girl with glasses said respectfully, "This is a VIP room in the courtyard. I hope you will be satisfied."

"It looks pretty good, I am very satisfied!"

After taking a closer look at the environment in the room, Nagato nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the girl carefully, "Speaking of who you are, how do I feel somewhat familiar to you."

"Oh, that's really an honor. In the next night, you can call me the dressing night!"

"Okay, don't disturb your rest!"

Hearing the long door, the girl could n’t help but lift her eyelids, answered, and then bowed slightly towards the long door, then retreated gracefully, just


The legendary flat fall appeared in front of the long gate.


Some looked silently at the changing dress Xiaoye lost her grace, got up and ran away in panic, the long door smiled softly, then walked into the room and closed the door.

"Okay, take advantage of this time and handle some things!"

The thought flashed in my head, and the long door sat on the seat in the room. The left hand wiped in the void, and the ripples in the space echoed back.

At the next moment, the figures of Lifa and Estes appeared in this room!

The cold frozen air and the oscillating air pressure echoed

"Come down and press it, this is my room for some time in the future, but I can't let you destroy it!"

When the idea moved, the cold and wind pressure were all locked. The long door said leisurely, and after hearing the long door, the two couldn't help but be surprised, and then converged their breath.

"Master, what's going on?"

After converging his breath, Lifa rushed to the front door for the first time, "Why do I live on a plane with insufficient life, what the **** did you do!"

After becoming a plane spokesperson, Li Fa learned that the plane where he lives is less than a hundred years old.

"Relax, this is just a small problem."

"As long as I go back to the chaotic starry sky, this kind of thing is easy to solve. All you have to do is to cooperate with Heavenly Dao, sort out the authentic and humane, and let that plane persist until I return to the chaotic starry sky."

"Okay, the rest, let Heavenly Dao explain to you!"

After finishing talking, Nagato no longer ignored Lifa, and flicked it with his left hand, throwing it back into the plane.

After instructing Lifa, Nagato's eyes turned to Estes, but he didn't wait for what the Nagato said, and Esdes spoke on his own—

"Next time, I will never lose!"

"Uh, then I look forward to it!"

Hearing Estes's words, Nagato couldn't help but smile, and then said, "During this time, you are my female companion, stay with me here."

"It happens that there are many guys with good strength, enough for you to play!" ..

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