My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 97: Arrived at the headquarters for automatic!

Time flies, just a week in a flash.

During this week, the Nagato has stayed out of the house and did not move around in the space-time courtyard. Most of the traversers were relieved.

After all, the name of the Void Demon, in the group of traversers, is really too famous.

It's so big that you don't know how to approach

More importantly, when he first met, Nagato ’s overbearing was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In this case, everyone did not want to have too much contact with him—

The existence of Nagato is too dangerous!

It ’s just that although Nagato did n’t move around, it did n’t mean that the entire space-time courtyard would be calm and calm. On the contrary, this week, the space-time courtyard was very unstable.

Almost every day, there are several battles!

The reason for all this fighting is naturally Estes

The sudden appearance of Estes, although shocked to many people at first, but thinking of the face ball of Nagato, everyone was suddenly surprised, but the subsequent development made them speechless.

Estes is an out-and-out combat maniac, looking for someone to fight every day!

Like now--


A fierce roar broke out again in the fighting field in the courtyard.

In the ice flake, Esdez directly hit the sky, kicked Uesugi who had just carried the ice block with his flesh, and directly flew, hitting the ground heavily.

"Hey, come on!"

"Don't lose to that woman!"

"Let her see, the strength of our alliance elite!"

In an instant, there was a cheering voice echoing around the battlefield. It was the many traversers in the courtyard who shouted, and it was the guy who had been taught by Estes before.

As if inspired by his companions, the beast has recovered!


At the next moment, Uesugi also broke through the ground and gave a barbaric roar.

Along with the roar, the strong man's body expanded a circle out of thin air, and reached the height of three meters directly. The clothes on the upper body broke directly, revealing a strong body with scars!

"Oh, it really looks like an exciting prey!"

Seeing the more terrifying Uesugi Kazuya, Estes showed a hunting smile in the corner of his mouth, and the terrifying ice appeared in the eyes as bright as the stars.

The next moment, the battle broke out again


"It's really fierce!"

Just as the fighting in the fighting arena was on the top floor balcony of the three-story building near the fighting arena, the long door tasted black tea leisurely and sighed softly.

"Really, is that woman yours? Looks strong!"

Answering Nagato, it was exactly Hatsune Miku who had been injured in the previous battle. After seven days of treatment, the girl finally recovered completely, and she only officially met Nagato.

Beside them, Chang Ye Xiao Ye and Asakura Ryoko act as their maids.

"Okay, just a bit immature!"

Hearing Hatsune ’s evaluation, Nagato was silent for a while before saying, "The battle with the Lich King avatar seven days ago was the same. If she really tapped the power I gave, she would never lose."

"If you go further, it is not impossible to kill the body of the Lich King!"

The voice of Nagato just fell, the black tea in Hatsune almost fell, and the two maids around almost fell.

If you do n’t know something about Nagato in these days, knowing that this person is very honest most of the time, the girls must think that Nagato is praising or provoking them.

After all, the Lich King, the seven major executioners of the main god, is one of the biggest enemies of the League of Crossers.

"Speaking of this, I want to thank you too!"

Calmly calmed down, Hatsune said, "If it wasn't your person who forced the Lich King's avatar, we don't know that such a big loophole will appear in the same reinforcement as the executioner."

"You know, I don't care about this thank you!"

Indifferently denying each other's gratitude, Nagato's eyebrows were gently raised, and his eyes turned to the fighting field again, where Uesugi was also being suppressed by Esdes.

However, with this repression, Uesugi was constantly growing stronger!

"Interesting, that is the evolutionary ability of the survival of the fittest?"

After making his own guess, Nagato shook his head again and said, "No, if it's the kind of evolution, it should show its cold resistance, but that guy didn't show it."

"In this case, it should be based on the will to continuously strengthen the strength of the physique."

"You are right, the power of Heya is indeed true!"

Hatsune was only slightly surprised when he made such a precise judgment for Nagato, and he was not surprised. "As long as the faith is enough, Heya's body can be strengthened indefinitely!"

"It's really the standard protagonist ability!"

Indifferently speaking quite emotionally, Nagato ’s eyes turned to Hatsune, "I have seen a lot of strange powers these days, but there is no doubt that like the big man, they are full of potential enhancement . "

"Want to come to such people, you still have a lot of them, so why are they suppressed by the Lord God!"

"How do you know that it's you, after all!"

Hearing the question from Nagato, Hatsune was a little surprised at first, and then he thought of something.

The girl realized that before the real communication, Nagato knew the situation of their alliance in an unknown way.

I am afraid that the other party has released the woman named Estes to challenge everywhere in order to speculate on the power of the alliance now through these battles.

"There are many reasons for being suppressed by the Lord God. I can't tell for a while!"

After thinking a little, Hatsune said so, "I can only say that the Lord God is madly evolving. For specific things, let my elder sister, the leader of our alliance talk to you!"

at this time--

"Sir, in half an hour, we will reach the headquarters of the alliance!"

Asakura Ryoko opened his mouth, and at the same time, a virtual chaotic scene appeared in the balcony void. In the center of chaos, a great plane group was floating there.

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