My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 98: Arrival and Nedou request subscription

It is a plane group that looks very magnificent.

With the large central plane in the center as the center, the large double-digit half-plane and the small half-plane with more than three digits operate like satellites and meteorite fragments surrounding the planet.

The entire plane group seems to stand as a whole, standing in the endless void chaos.

Even watching through the virtual screen, Nagato can feel the power contained in that face group!

"What an amazing scene!"

Nagato's expression became serious, and there was a little sinisterness in his eyes. He looked at the suspended plane group and thoughtfully said, "It is impossible for this plane group to appear automatically. Who did it? "

"It's worthy of being the devil, and discovered it so quickly, this is what our allies did!"

No change in Nagato was found, and Hatsune replied in rather emotional words, "To be honest, if the elder sister did not have such great power, I am afraid that the entire alliance would have collapsed."

"Those who pass through, those who break away from the space of the Lord's God, which is not the most arrogant guy."

"It was like a few years ago, some of my companions and I went to recruit a guy named Wu Jun, but the result was a bit different. The few of us started fighting directly, and we couldn't hold it, and we almost made it together If the elder sister did not appear in the end of the scourge of the world, I am afraid the consequences would be unimaginable! "

Complaining so much toward Nagato, Hatsune's eyes showed a smile of excitement in the depths of his eyes.

After realizing this, Nagato couldn't help but feel a little surprised. It seems that Hatsune complained intellectually, but the swordsman's instinct made her very happy about that battle.

"Okay, no more gossip, let's go to the courtyard exit!"

At this time, Hatsune stood up, made a welcoming gesture towards the Nagato, and said, "Also, welcome to the headquarters of our League of Crossers, the chaotic planet-Reichtens!"

Reichtens, a transliteration of English, means resistance!

Nagato can imagine that the person who gave this name to the plane group obviously hoped that the people of the entire Transit League would not forget that they also had a knife named the Lord God on their heads.

Then under this oppression, never forget the will of freedom and rebel with the Lord God to the end!

Under such a will, the entire plane group has been transformed in all aspects.

The small half-planes on the outermost periphery of the chaotic planets have all been transformed into militarized fortresses. This point can be clearly seen and felt when the long gate approaches.

By the way, the space-time courtyard itself is also a small half-plane, and its role is chaotic navigation.

The more than ten large half-plane long doors located outside the main plane are not very clear.

I just vaguely felt the powerful power in it!

Because after the space-time courtyard reached the outer small half-plane group, the long gate passed the special door of space-time alone, stepped across the endless space-time directly from the space-time courtyard, and reached the main plane of the plane group.

The place where the red-haired boy came is in front of the 100-meter gate of an extremely gorgeous palace!

"Welcome, long time no see, Lord Demon!"

Just stepping on the main plane, Nagato had time to see the surrounding environment, and a familiar voice came from his ear. Looking up, he looked like a very ordinary black-haired teenager.

"It's you. It's true that I haven't seen you in a few years. I'm too god!"

Looking at the dark-haired boy in front of him, Nagato thought for a while before finding out the name from his memory, and then he carelessly swept his eyes to the four sides, watching the situation of his landing point.

"You really haven't changed!"

Regarding Nagato's indifference, the Eight Gods Tai was not angry, but just shook his head with a wry smile, "Okay, I was ordered by the elder sister to come and take you to see her."

"Oh, this is just right, I am also very interested in her!"

Hearing the eight gods Taiyi, Nagato's eyes lit up and nodded.

At the moment, the two did not say much. The eight gods turned around and walked towards the gate, followed by the long gate. The two walked into the gate one after the other and walked toward the depths of the palace.

Just before walking into the gate, the long gate subconsciously turned to look into the distance, sneering lightly.

"He saw us, he was really an arrogant smile!"

On the balcony of a villa thousands of miles away from the luxurious palace, a man with great blood and long hair looked at the distance and said leisurely, full of war between words.

"Isn't this just right, Luo Sui, in the face of provocation, the warriors can only fight!"

The man who spoke with the Wei An man seemed to be unremarkable, but the sharp-edged man only saw it quietly and said, "So, even the leader can't find a reason to object."

"--I object!"

At this moment, the sound of Hatsune suddenly sounded here. At the next moment, there was a slight break in the surrounding void, and the figure of the green-haired girl appeared like a sword in the sky.

"Sure enough, Luo Sui, Zi Xiao! I knew you two would be restless!" Standing in front of the two, Hatsune had his hands on his hips and solemnly said, "That man is an important ally of our alliance, and I will never let you fight him."

When he heard Hatsune, the man named Luo Sui couldn't help but feel angry, but before he had a seizure, he saw the partner beside him named Zi Xiao holding his shoulder and shaking his head.

Then Zi Xiao looked at Hatsune and complained: "I said Hatsune, you are too much, I dare to pack the ticket. Before you came here, you definitely had a fight with the man. . "

"Obviously you are all"

"No road race! No road race!"

When Zi Xiao interrupted, Hatsune couldn't help but red, and said loudly, "I don't care, I can't make you trouble anyway, don't you know that girls are all privileged ?!"

Seeing the performance of Hatsune, both Luo Sui and Zi Xiao couldn't help being speechless.

"Since that is the case, then fight!"

After being silent for a while, Luo Sui stood up and said boldly, "The determination of the warrior cannot be shaken. If we want to agree, we will give us the power to agree!"

"No way, I'm sorry, Hatsune, after all, that kind of opponent is really rare!" Seeing Luo Su's determination, Zi Xiao stood up in excitement as well as she was helpless.

"Huh, with one enemy and two, my pressure is a bit too big!"

Facing the coercion of the two devout martial men, Hatsune's face could not help but completely dignified, but the girl did not have any meaning of retreat, but instead became more prosperous.

"No, it's one enemy and three, Miss Hatsune!"

Somehow, a man with short brown hair, black-framed glasses, and brown eyes, appeared to be a gentle man with a smile on his face, and appeared behind Zi Xiao and Luo Sui.

"Brother Luo Sui and Brother Zi Xiao, I don't know if I can intervene. I also want to meet the legendary demon for a while."

"Lan Ranyusuke?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the man, Hatsune's face suddenly looked awkward. If it was one enemy and two, although he could not win, Hatsune still had a way to hold down his opponent.

After all, Hatsune is a swordsman, but the heritage it has is also excellent in protracted battles!

But if you are one enemy and three opponents, Hatsune can't help.

And at this moment-

"Amitabha, it's wrong to bully less!"

Following the appearance of Lanran, two figures appeared behind Hatsune. Among them were ordinary monks in their tattered clothes, and next to the monk, there was a dreamy girl.

"Well, a rest monk, and the Void Maiden, night?"

After seeing the person coming, Luo Shui's face flashed with surprise, and then looked at the blue dye, "Although I am a bit uncomfortable with you guys, but since these two guys appear, then you join me and Zi Xiao's camp. "

"It's really an honor to be there!"

Pushing his glasses, the man named Lanran said softly.

"Ha, it's really interesting!"

At this time, Zi Xiao's face also flashed with a smile of excitement, "Although it seems that there is no way to fight with the Big Devil, but it is also a good choice to fight against the companions who are also the top ten lawmakers."

"Humph, I'll beat you up later so I can't laugh!"

Hearing Zi Xiao ’s words, Hatsune, who was just scared, threatened with dissatisfaction, “It ’s decided, my opponent is you, Zi Xiao, admit it!”

"Then Ben's opponent is you. Let's take a rest and be a monk, let Ben Jun relive the prestige!"

As soon as Hatsune's words fell, Luo Sui immediately pointed to the monk in his ragged shirt and said, while the blue dye behind him looked at the dream girl next to the monk and couldn't help laughing.

"--To be honest, can you replace me!"

Lan Ran confidently faced the entire alliance, even the leader was not afraid, but in the face of this special girl, Lan Ran couldn't help but play drums.

In the entire alliance, night is the most special, a special existence that has been blessed by thousands of worlds.

It is very painful to play against it. It is easy to encounter various misfortunes in guessing banana peels in battle. As long as you think about it, people feel speechless.

More than blue dye, anyone who knows is unwilling to fight the girl

Therefore, everyone disregarded Lan Ran's bitter smile very tacitly.

"Cough, then, fight!"

With a soft cough, Yixiu monk opened his palm, the fluctuation of space diffused, surrounded everyone, attracted towards a certain time and space

"Just fight in the palm space that monk I created recently!"

As soon as the words fell, the six people on the balcony disappeared ..

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