My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 99: Meet and kill intent to subscribe!

"It seems that your alliance is not particularly stable!"

Just as many leader-level figures of the League of Transiters started the melee, the long gate walking in the luxurious palace slightly opened his mouth and said with interest.

"Uh, that's also no way!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, there was a bit of wry smile on the face of Taishin Taiyi. He said, "After all, the members are all traversers, mixed with dragons and dragons, and the ingredients are too messy."

"Those people are pretty good. Those who can become top leaders can communicate in addition to their strength."

"Many messy guys can't even communicate!"


Nagato imagined it a little bit, and a black line appeared behind his head, and some of them said happily, "Don't expect me to sympathize, if it were me, the ignorant traverser would have been crushed to death."

"So you are the devil, and the elder sister she is not!"

Facing the misfortune of Nagato, the Eight Gods said calmly and calmly, "Although in terms of character, both of you are very ego, even selfish!"

"You say that, I am more interested in your leader!"

Hearing the description of the Eight Gods Taiyi, the long door spoke lightly, but his eyes flashed indefinitely, and even a faint flash of light flashed vaguely, and the murderous opportunity appeared slightly.

The Eight Gods Taiyi who walked in front did not feel the murder of Nagato, but hesitated and asked, "Well, how are you, Su Na and Jia'er?"

"Oh, they, don't worry, you should have a good time!"

After recovering from his thoughts, the long door replied casually, "They are now under the hands of my younger sister who lives in the world of Digimon, rest assured, my sister will take care of them, after all They still have value, as long as you are alive. "

"You are really, really!"

Regarding the saying of Nagato, Tai Yi can only smile bitterly, but besides the bitter smile, this young boy who once fell into the dark, and now returns to wake up, has a flash of relaxation.

"Sister is here, please come in!"

Three minutes later, in the depths of the palace, in front of a dark door that was opening automatically, the Eight Gods too stopped, and bowed slightly, making an inviting gesture.


Nodded, Nagato did not hesitate, and walked in.

After the long door walked in, the dark door closed quickly, and in a short time, the long door fell into endless darkness, and half of the light did not exist.

Fortunately, Nagato's body has the advantages of a demon, and light is not necessary for his vision.

Therefore, Nagato saw the **** the throne not far away for the first time.

The body is slender and light, and the shoulders are surprisingly narrow, with bright eyes, long eyelashes, pale pink lips, beautiful face, and a short hair band on the shoulder.

There is no doubt that this is a standard big beauty.

If it is purely in appearance, this is just a big beauty.

In the endless time and space travel, there are countless beautiful girls that Nagato has seen. There are also many beautiful girls who exceed the limit of human beings in the nearly three-digit lover. The beauty can not surprise Nagato.

However, the girl in front of him still surprised Nagato!

This is not because of her beautiful appearance, but because of her unique look!

The attitude of not being arrogant and self-respecting, if it is not a little bit of **** domineering, and a little more softness, all the long doors almost thought they saw a second self.

"Why, it's not scared!"

At this moment, the **** the throne spoke a little boringly, and with her words, the whole hall shone brightly, expelling all darkness instantly and completely.

"Hello, my predecessor, the devil of the void!"

From the throne, the girl walked quite lively to the front of the long door, raised her right hand, and said, "The second most wanted person in the main space, code-named prayer-Haruhi Suzumiya!"

"Haruhi Suzumiya is famous for a long time!"

Hearing the name of Haruhi Suzumiya, Nagato couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and reached out to hold Haruhi's small hand. "According to the name of the Lord God, I am the Void Demon King, and the codename for walking the world is Nagato."

"Nagato? That's a coincidence. My closest friend is also called Nagato!"

Regarding the name of Nagato, Haruhi Suzumiya raised his eyebrows slightly and said towards the void on his side, "Hope, don't hide, come out and see this guest."

In the spring, the voice just fell, and a lot of information appeared in the surrounding void.

Soon, a slightly inorganic girl with short hair appeared directly.

"Nagato has hope!" The girl with short hair glanced at the long door, floating in the void less than three centimeters above the ground, and said indifferently, "You are dangerous and killing, why?"

"What ?! Killing intentions !!"

Hearing the words of hope, Kasuga couldn't help but called out in surprise, subconsciously wanting to retreat, but her hand was caught by the long door, but she couldn't retreat.

"Hey, what's the matter with you guy, even the first time you meet, there is a killing intent!"

Seeing the hands that could not escape the long door, Haruhi Suzumiya suddenly felt uncomfortable and said, "Although you are my predecessor, I will not be polite if I don't say a reason."

"I'm hiding very well, I didn't expect to be found!"

Faced with the discomfort of Spring, Nagato was particularly calm, and said leisurely, "The reason is very simple. You are on a path that worries me!"

"If you let your chaotic planet evolve into a chaotic starry sky, I will sleep and sleep!"

Speaking of the end, the left eye of Nagato suddenly burst into a deep red brilliance. The magic eye of the life wheel was urged to the extreme at this moment. Obviously, Nagato has really made a killing.

As Nagato said, he was really worried about the path taken by Haruhi Suzumiya.

At the first glance at the meeting, Nagato knew that Haruhi Suzumiya was the owner of this chaotic planet. Although she didn't know how she did all this, it didn't matter.

The battle over the road is only a matter of life and death, when we meet-it is the moment of fighting!


What seemed to come to mind, Kasuga said anxiously and anxiously, "You guys, what are you doing so impulsively, let's listen to the others first!"

During the spring days of speaking, invisible information was transformed into thousands of spells, bound to the body of the long door.

Only the three people present knew that if Nagato was willing, he could tear it all up at any time.

"Tell me, don't say I don't give you a chance!"

The power in the body is constantly brewing, and there is a little curiosity in the indifferent eyes of Nagato, "But if I dare to play any tricks, I will never be merciless!"

"Ah, really, there is hope, let me explain!"

Some of them grinned uncomfortably. Haruhi Suzumiya turned his head away from looking at the Nagato. This kind of childish awkward gesture made the Nagato look a little weird.


He calmly responded to his master's words and walked to the front of the long door, and then a special message emerged from the palm of the girl and passed to the front of the long door.

"Well, this is"

Looking at the promising behavior, Nagato curiously used his own energy to touch.

Then, a lot of information poured into the mind of Nagato along with the spiritual power. The information beyond imagination made Nagato's head hurt for a long time and let go of Haruhi Suzumiya.

At the next moment, Kasuga and Youxi retreated instantly and left the front of the long gate.

"Asshole, eh?"

When I recovered, Nagato was about to go viral, but at this moment, the endless stream of information in his mind showed a message that made Nagato stop.

It took a long time before the long door said, "Is this true?"

"100% correct!"

Hearing the question from Nagato, He said calmly, "The reason why Kasuga can be detached is because it has taken part of the power of that thing, and the chaotic planet is made by reversing that part of the power.

"If the calculation fails, the thing is"

"Needless to say, I know!"

Interrupting the words of hope, the face of Nagato couldn't help but show a greasy smile, "Good job, Lord God, although I haven't put you in my eyes, who knows, you should pay attention to I'm up! "

"Very good, very good, I will definitely repay you!"

When it came to the end, Nagato had almost gritted his teeth, and the violent murderous intentions burst out of his slender body, almost crushing everything around him.

"Hey, calm down, you guys!"

Under this violent killing intention, Nagato Yuki's face was pale, but Haruhi Suzumiya remained unchanged, but said with dissatisfaction, "If you want to vent, go back to your woman, or find an enemy to kill."

"Don't lose your temper in my house, it's true, why are you and me a natural ally!"

"You are right!"

Hearing the words of Kasuga, the killing intention on Nagato disappeared instantly, and then the whole person appeared in front of Kasuga in an instant. "It's a good idea to find a woman to vent."

"I suddenly felt that this was not a good idea!"

Seeing Nagato ’s eyes on himself, Kasuga could n’t help but dumbfound ..

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