My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 100: Causality and Alliance

After three hours--

"Ahhhhhh, that **** and I are never finished!"

Haruhi Suzumiya screamed loudly in the broken hall alone. At this time, the girl's body and clothes were half damaged, showing a lot of scenery, but it seemed very attractive.

Only the angry flames filled in the girl's eyes burned all the beauty.

Three hours ago, Nagato wanted to move his hands on Kasuga, but the self-respected girl was naturally reluctant. The two of them fought for three hours.

Fortunately, both of them still have reason, and did not spread the aftermath of the battle.

Otherwise, the entire palace may have collapsed long ago.

What made the girl angry was that after three hours of fierce fighting, she even lost, and her most important first kiss was taken by the bastard.

"Come down, Kasuga!"

With a chestnut wavy curly hair, a maid of maid with a pitiful baby face appeared beside Kasuga, comforting her:

"Anyway, your life and that man are destined to be entangled, look away."

In the speech, the lovely maid's eyes could not help but reveal a heartfelt joy!

This **** maid's name is Asahina Shijiu.

Haruhi Suzumiya's personal maid, because of her weak personality, was often forced by Kasuga to put on a variety of inexplicable clothes and dressed as a bunny girl, nurse, or waitress

Not only that, in daily life, she is often eaten by tofu in spring.

All kinds of misery!

Now seeing the deflation of Spring Day, the girl could not help but feel relieved.


"Huh, Shijiu, you look very happy!"

Haruhi Suzumiya, who was keen on observation and a little careful in his own eyes, immediately grabbed Shi Jiu 瑠 's shoulder. The pretty face seemed to change into the evil spirit of Raksha, which was frightening.

"No, no, Kasuga, you are wrong!"

Seeing the evil spring day of Raksha, tears filled his eyes.

"The sophistry is invalid. A real Jiujiu is so rude to my adult in the spring. Take the trick. I want to implement all the ideas on you. The first is the fishing net!"


When Kasuga and Shijiu played around, Nagato came to an unmanned pavilion in the palace.

At this time, the slightly messy red-haired boy was sitting in the gazebo, looking at the rockery and flowing water outside, silent, not knowing whether he was contemplating or simply in a daze state.

"How is it, have you calmed down?"

I do n’t know when the petite figure of Nagato appeared at Nagato ’s side. “If it calms down, we can have a good talk.”

"Hoo, calm down, thanks to Spring!"

Hearing the words of hope, Nagato was not surprised, and asked indifferently, "After all, why didn't you join the battle just now? If I'm not wrong, you are part of Haruhi Suzumiya's strength."

"I am the agent of Kasuga. As the **** of the world, Kasuga lacks the means to manipulate the world finely, and I am the supplement of Kasuga. Indeed, if we work together, it is the most powerful manifestation of Haruhi Suzumiya!"

Faced with the question of Nagato, Youxi did not hesitate to answer: "It's just that you and Haruhi are not willing to really fight, but want to help each other to vent their anger."

"Oh, is this seen through?"

Hearing the words of hope, the long door couldn't help but show a wry smile.

Prior to this, from the hands of Nagato Yuki, Nagato knew something that shocked and even angered him, that is, the Lord God's space actually cultivated his replica.

A replica with similar origin but different development direction!

The path of Nagato's progress is control, and the path of that replica is chaos!

If Nagato has evolved to the extreme, it would be in control of all chaotic orders, and the ultimate evolution of that replica is to attribute everything to chaos. If it is a normal creature, Nagato is somewhat domineering, but it is undoubtedly just, and The way of copying is wrong and evil.

But in the eyes of the ultimate will, the mother of the avenue, both situations are just a trend in the future.

Order and chaos are not much different for the mother of Dadao.

Therefore, Nagato can imagine that the replica has taken away the sight of the mother of the Avenue from herself, and is definitely called his endless enemy of the Avenue!

Although Nagato didn't know how the Lord God made his own copy.

But when the other party started, the long door had some ideas. After becoming a half-step protoss, Nagato found out that his humane mortal unanimous meaning "Escape One" is incomplete, only when Nagato gradually approached Protoss. It has been greatly improved.

No longer just a passive skill, but finally has the initiative.

It was at this time that Nagato realized that the "Escape One" was too simple.

After all, this is comparable to "Chaos always", which is enough to run through Nagato's life, and can rewrite the strongest connotation of the ultimate root. At the time when this connotation was formed, although the accumulation possessed by Nagato was not bad, a full version must be brewed There is still a shortcoming in "Dun Go One".

At the time when I wanted to come, the Lord God started, which led to a small outbreak of Longmen luck.

Under the outbreak of this luck, Nagato evolved into an incomplete escape, and broke free from all life transportation networks, and since then has enough power to evade all life calculations.

"No, maybe not just the Lord God, or someone behind the Lord God ?!"

Recalling the cause and effect of the next trip, such a thought flashed in the head of the long door, and then the intuition surged, the red-haired boy gradually narrowed his eyes, and the dangerous light was brewing.

"So, form an alliance!"

Just when Nagato thought, Youxi interrupted Nagato's thinking, "Now don't need to think too much, maybe there are still twists and turns, but the first thing is to deal with the Lord God, and your copy!"


After his thoughts were seen through, Nagato looked at Yuxi subconsciously, and then said with a smile, "It's not a matter of course to form an alliance. Kasuga's life and I can't be separated."

The power of Haruhi Suzumiya is to take back a small part of the power source of the replica of Nagato and reverse it.

According to Kasuga, she happened to meet the replica that was being bred.

Then, in order to be free, the girl let go.

It was just after that, although the girl was free, she paid a great price--

The first is that that part of the chaotic source power is really difficult to manipulate. From time to time, it takes a lot of time for Kasuga to reverse its attributes, and merge its own divine power to make it come true, and evolve into a chaotic planet.

However, after completing all this, Kasuga found out that he had entered another prison.

In front of her path, Nagato is suppressing it!

Unless the long door is overturned, otherwise Kasuga cannot continue to move forward

Secondly, Kasuga found that he was facing the crazy chase of the Lord God. Probably that copy of the Long Gate is too important for the Lord God. Anyway, the Lord God is lingering on the Spring Day. He must destroy it and regain its origin.

By the way, for this reason, Haruhi Suzumiya is quite complicated.

On the one hand, the Lord God chased this alliance because of her. On the other hand, if she did not set up an alliance, I am afraid that these traversers who had escaped from the Lord God would have been divided and wiped out.

The most frustrating thing for Kasuga is that the replica of Nagato suppresses her!

After all, Kasuga has only captured a small part of the source, and the big head is still in the replica. Although the copy is reflected in the complete birth because of the lack of the source, it is enough to suppress the spring.

Unless Kasuga transforms from the path of the Lord of Chaos Planets, or grows to the point of the Lord of Chaos Starry Sky owned by Nagato, otherwise, he will not be able to get rid of the suppression of the replica of Nagato.

However, these two roads are extremely difficult and almost impossible to achieve!


"Although I have some personality, I don't want Kasuga to control everything."

Looking at the Nagato, Hexi calmly told Haruhi Suzumiya that she understood, "In fact, what Haruhi wants more than controlling everything is the power of his wish."

"Is this your condition, I understand!"

After hearing the hopeful words, Nagato meditated, nodded, and said his promise, "If all goes well, I promise the Haruhi Suzumiya as the **** who prays to heaven and earth, how?"

"So, alliance?"

"It depends on the situation. Basically, I still have some tolerance."

"I understand!"

Youxi nodded, and then the surrounding information surged, condensing a thick intelligence file.

He raised his hand to catch the file, and the long door opened it leisurely, muttering in his mouth while looking at it, "Well, this is oh ?! Is it the specific information of the League of Transiters?"

"This is our sincerity. According to calculations, we will fight against the Lord God within a thousand years!"

Looking at the long gate, Xi Xi said quietly, "Before that, I think you need to regain your strength. Although you are strong now, it is not enough to really fight the Lord God."

"Oh, it's worthy of being Meng God, this is all seen!"

Hearing the words of hope, Nagato could n’t help but smile, “So, prepare a space-time courtyard for me, and I ca n’t wait to go home. You have a lot of fledgling guys here, and my temper is not very good it is good"

"If you are not careful, I will not be sure what the consequences will be."

"it is good!"

Two hours later, a space-time courtyard outside the chaotic planet started up, turned into a meteor, ran to the end of chaos, and disappeared into the endless chaos ..

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