My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 1: Chaos Encounter Subscription

Dark chaos, a bright brilliance suddenly appeared!

The chaos and disorder of time and space cannot stop this glorious road, the ancient chaotic waveless chaos, under this bright radiance, a wave of chaos ripples.

The interior of Guanghua is not anything but a space-time courtyard of a large scale.

On the balcony on the top floor of the core building in the courtyard, the long door is slowly looking at the books in his hand. In his spare time, the red-haired boy still enjoys the beauty outside the courtyard from time to time.

Perhaps it is because of its own achievements in Chaos Throne.

In the eyes of other people, it seems extremely monotonous chaos, most of the time is a gray chaotic void, but in the eyes of red-haired young people, it is not the case.

The long gate can clearly perceive how beautiful the ripples are when the space-time courtyard cuts through the chaos.

The so-called world, in the eyes of long doors, is a miracle under countless such ripples.

"Chaos, is it really the source of everything?"

He murmured to himself, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, and vaguely, Nagato seemed to be able to see the end of his future path, just--

"Damn Lord God, **** copy!"

Secretly scolded, and the long-door eyes couldn't hide the near-boiling murderous opportunity.

Seriously speaking, this is definitely the first time Nagato has eaten such a big loss, and it is also not aware of it. If Nagato and Haruhi meet, it will definitely suffer a big loss in the future.

Therefore, for the first time, Nagato placed the idea of ​​destroying the Lord God in his mind.

"Let's start preparing after returning to the heavens and the world!"

Such a decision flashed in my head, and Nagato once again looked at the paper in his hand. This is not the other. It is the intelligence information given by Nagato Yuki, the Translator Alliance.

Now that he is ready to attack the main god, the good player of the League of Crossers will naturally not let go.

And, what I have to say is that the League of Translators is really good!

The entire alliance brings together thousands of traversers and the main **** fugitive. Almost everyone has special abilities. Among them, the main leader and the ten members under the allied leader are almost all Dao realms, or have the presence of Dao realm combat power.

Having said that, except for one or two people, the rest are just ordinary situations.

"But this is just right, easy to control!"

Carefully studying the high-level combat power of the League of Transiters, Nagato pondered how to use these guys, just thinking about it, Nagato could not help being annoyed

"Sure enough, this kind of thing should be given to Saya. In my case, I still like to do it directly."

After losing the information, Nagato couldn't help but think of Bai Yujing's scene. Similarly, Nagato was also imagining what kind of surprises Bai Yujing's girls could give themselves after returning.

Nagato knew how much the entire Bai Yujing would transform after he advanced into Chaos.

Not to mention the experience of the perfect promotion to the realm that Nagato has

It is after Nagato has achieved Chaos Throne, the divinity and root consciousness possessed by him-the heavenly path controlled by Liangyiyuan, can open up the right to join the path of the heavenly path for others.

In short, it is for girls to find one in many plane planets in the chaotic starry sky.

Under such circumstances, with the entire plane as a mentor, the rapid advancement of the girls is completely foreseeable. With Bai Yujing's various promotion funds and sufficient food, the situation is not difficult.

"However, if Saya's words, I'm afraid there will be some trouble!"

Thinking about it, Nagato couldn't help but think of the closest partner beside him. Nagato didn't forget that Saya also had an avatar sister lurking in the space of the Lord God.

In the case of incompleteness, Nagato was not sure whether he could be promoted to Dao.


At this moment, there was an echo on the balcony.

At the next moment, a long door with only ten centimeters of eyes and some hollow eyes and a hopeless phantom figure appeared on the shoulder of the long door, and said indifferently:

"Dear Master, hello, there is variation in the chaos ahead, please indicate!"

This is an artificial intelligence set by Nagato Yuki on the space-time courtyard.

Used to help the long gate to manipulate the space-time courtyard!


Hearing the artificial intelligence, Nagato raised an eyebrow.

Under normal circumstances, chaos is ancient and waveless, but this does not mean that chaos is absolutely safe. Not to mention chaos in space and time, it is the derivative product of that chaotic ripple, and the danger is still very great.

Therefore, after hearing the words of artificial intelligence, Nagato could not help but feel.

"I know, let me go and see!"

In short, the long door waved directly, and the ripples of the space swayed open. In an instant, the red-haired boy disappeared on the balcony and appeared in the control center of the space-time courtyard.

There is no one here, only various science fiction machines are running automatically.

In the center of the space is an energy tower about ten meters high.

The power to run the entire courtyard comes from this!

However, Nagato ignored these things, but put his eyes on the huge screen in front of the space, wanting to see what the so-called mutation is.

Then he saw—

In the depths of chaos, a bizarre 'Meteor' flashes continuously!

"what is that?"

Seeing this scene, Rao Shilongmen was also a little surprised.

After all, Chaos is too mysterious. Although it has the name of Lord of Chaos, Nagato has just started, there are many things that I do n’t understand, but it ’s okay to have shallow knowledge, just look at it.

Together with curiosity, the long door thought, and directly took over the entire space-time courtyard.


At the next moment, the speed of the entire space-time courtyard soared again.

In the turbulent chaotic ripples, the space-time courtyard rushed towards the 'Meteor', but the 'Meteor' in the chaos seemed to be just what it was called and was decreasing at an alarming rate.

When the empty courtyard arrived nearby, there weren't many "Meteors"

"It's now!"

At this moment, the power of the soul of Nagato burst out suddenly. With the personality of the Lord of Chaos, a big hand of Chaos was condensed and caught towards the meteor ..

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