My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 2: Canary begging for monthly pass

The giant sky-covering hand emerged out of thin air and grabbed towards the 'Meteor'.

At this time, the long door in the courtyard of the space-time, the attention is also focused on the big hand that covers the sky. In the hunch of the red-haired boy, the meteor will not be so easy to catch.

Sure enough, when Zhe Tian's hand approached those 'Meteors'-


The mysterious power suddenly erupted.

The golden light shines in this dark chaos!

At this moment, the big-handed cover-up hands of the red-haired boy encountered a huge and mysterious impact. Under this impact, the big-handed cover-up hands of Chaotian actually disintegrated.

"What a dangerous force!"

Feeling the power that hit the chaotic hands, Nagato couldn't help expressing his emotions, then sneered and said, "But if it is just this, it is not enough to stop me!"

As soon as the words fell, the power of the half-step protoss in the long door burst out.

The chaotic big hands covering the sky were instantly dyed with a crimson color, and then directly broke through the golden brilliance, penetrated through it, and grabbed one of the most shining 'Meteors'!


At this moment, Nagato felt a roar of consciousness.

In an instant, Nagato's consciousness spanned the endless time and space, and then he saw a queen surrounded by the gods, surrounded by the sun and stars, turning his head to look at himself.

The blonde cheek's delicate cheeks were a bit more surprised.

Without waiting for interaction, Nagato's consciousness returned to the body.


Subconsciously looking at the left and right, the long door whispered a smile, and manipulated the big hand of chaos to recover the prey it had in the courtyard of space and time.

"Let me see, what the **** is this?"

He murmured softly, and Nagato's gaze turned to the gray chaos. Although he could not see it now, Nagato could perceive it, and there was a rather terrible place in this neighborhood.

These so-called meteors are what erupted from that terrible place.

Three minutes later, the battlefield of the space-time courtyard.

The ripples in the space suddenly echoed, and the figure of the long gate appeared in the sky. At the next moment, a huge chaotic hand appeared outside the time and space barriers above the fighting field.

"Permission, information manipulation!"

Looking at the approaching big hand, Nagato gave such a command in his heart.

Suddenly, a slight roar flashed across the courtyard, and a burst of information emerged from the space-time barrier, turning into a big hand, and receiving a golden ball of light from the big hands of chaos.

At the next moment, the torrent of information, with a ball of light, crossed the barrier of time and space and came to the front of the long gate.

"What is this, it feels like a realm of strength ?!"

Looking at the sphere of light brought by the torrent of information in front of him, a sincere curiosity flashed on the face of Nagato. He stepped forward, raised his right hand, and stood on the sphere of light gently

"Crack !!!"

As if the egg cracked, the entire light bulb began to crack.

Soon, the ball of light turned into fragments and disappeared, revealing a woman with short blond hair.

Underneath the pure white gown is a fuchsia camisole and black boots with heels, and symmetrical shell earrings. The appearance age is conservatively estimated in the first half of the twenties.

From the shattered light ball, the woman opened her eyes the first time, just seeing everything around her, she couldn't help showing a surprised look:

"Ah? What's going on? Here it is"

Before the words were finished, the woman's eyes saw the long door, and then the whole person froze in place.

"Oh, it seems that you know me, who are you, woman?"

Seeing the performance of a woman with short blond hair, Nagato could not help showing a trace of interest. Instinctive intuition told Nagato that this woman would tell him the traces of the heavens and the world.

Speaking of the heavens and the world, Nagato felt very depressed.

Originally, when leaving, Nagato set the path for his return--

Although the Key to the World is not in the hands of Nagato, the red-haired boy and the Key to the World have an essential connection with the soul, and they can generally be driven through endless time and space.

But now, Nagato finds that the connection between himself and the Key to the World is looming, and he cannot drive the Key to the World and open the door to time and space.

The current Nagato, at most based on this connection, guides the space-time courtyard towards the chaotic starry sky.

If he can find an insider to lead the way, Nagato said he would be very happy.

"Under the canary, it's just a box poet."

After a little gestation, the woman with short blond hair, who called herself a canary, said calmly, "I didn't expect to see you when you were most depressed, Your Majesty the City Lord!"

Hearing the woman ’s words, Nagasaki ’s instinct told him that the chaotic city lord the woman was referring to was the divine incarnation of the Nagasaki. At this moment, a little rejoicing flashed on the face of the red-haired boy.


"Box Court? Poet? Sounds pretty interesting!"

He said lightly to himself, and the long door looked at the canary with a surprised face, and said, "Woman, the person you said should be me, but not me!"

"Tell me a little bit about the Sand Court, I am very interested in it!"


After listening to Nagato, the canary did not respond for a while.

However, after all, Canary is a knowledgeable and well-known human fantasy species in the Chamber, the poet, and soon learned many things from the words of the long door:

The young man in front of him had a lot to do with the chaotic city lord who had haunted the court in ancient times.

The most likely is that he is the avatar of the city owner.

Through the tone of the other party, the canary can understand that the other party does not know the existence of the box court, then here you can get an amazing conclusion-the chaotic city lord, not the world group where the box court is located.

"The Lord of Chaos turned out to exist outside the world group. No wonder he can fight against the upper level of the Chamber for so long."

These conclusions flashed in my mind, but Canary did not show it.

It was just honestly answering the long door question. ..

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