My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 3: Narration and calculation for reward

There is an old saying: the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie!

Canary understands that the environment she is in now is actually very bad. Although the conversation was just a few words, she already understood the nature of the red-haired boy in front of her.

This is a self-respecting, extremely domineering guy.

Faced with this existence, showing off your wisdom is not a good choice.

So she chose to answer each other's questions honestly.

Next, listening to the description of the canary, Nagato's face gradually became phantom, interested, and somewhat disgusted, and also a little more obvious, and finally returned to calm.

"So it turns out, no wonder you can't get in touch!"

After listening to the story in Canary, Nagato sighed with emotion.

At this moment, Nagato already knew what the Chaos Starry Sky was doing-conquering the imperial court!

The Sand Chamber is a stage created to allow gift holders with powerful power to have fun and enjoyment. It was originally a divinely-built world built to guide the correct development of the outside world, namely the third observation universe.

In this observation universe, there are many mysterious and unique forces.

There is also a unique system that can't connect time!

Such an existence can completely become a further opportunity for the chaotic starry sky. Moreover, the three-thousand worlds maintained by the box court are coveted by the chaotic starry sky for a long time.

However, the box court has brought together the existence of three thousand world gods and Buddhas.

Even Bai Yujing's forces were caught in a stalemate, according to Canary, at this time they were being blocked in the first and second floors of the box court, and the battle continued for a long time.

"It seems that if you want to go home, you have to go through the sand court!"

After a moment of contemplation, Nagato whispered to himself, then looked at the canary, "Women, do you know how to get into the box court? Or, can you take me into the box court?"

"Sorry, sir!"

Hearing the question from Nagato, the canary smiled bitterly and said, "I was expelled from the box court after the game of the box court failed. In general, I can't go back, and you should know my situation too? "

When speaking the last sentence, Canary couldn't help but mention the heartbeat.

This is a small temptation of the canary.

It's just that women are equally aware that there is nothing more dangerous than testing a wayward demon.

Although he knew that the red-haired boy in front of him was very dangerous, the canary still wanted to know how his power was, and whether he could really do everything as the legend says.

"Indeed, Linge actually consumes so much, you can't live long."

Nagato may not be very good at calculation, but he is very confident in insight. For the small movements of the canary, the red-haired young man looks at the fire, but it does not break.

"Yes, as you can see, my spirit is indeed over-exhausted."

After hearing Nagato's answer, the canary in his heart hesitated and said, "As a poet, I do know some unique ways to return, but in this case, I am also powerless."

"So, if I were to go to the Sand Chamber, would I have to restore your spirit first?"

Hearing the words, Nagato couldn't help but took a step closer to the canary with a smile, and came directly to her. The right hand directly pinched the canary's chin and lifted it up—

"Speaking of women, is it easy for me to be fooled in your eyes?"

"How come, sir!"

Hearing the long gate, Canary couldn't help shrinking her pupils.

She found that Nagato seemed more overbearing and more oppressive than he showed, but the more the woman named Canary laughed more decently in this case-

"This is just a reasonable exchange, you help me recover the spirit, I help you enter the box court!"

"Exchange is exchange, but this is not reasonable!"

Facing the woman's sophistry, the purple eyes of the long door and the eyes of the woman face each other. "For me, the box court is not inaccessible, but someone is guarding the box court, making it a little difficult to find."

"However, Lingge seems to be a life-critical thing for you!"

"And I can see that your guy's eyes are full of hate anger, it seems that you still have indelible hatred in the box court, want to come, you don't want to die!"

"Cut, can you read mind?"

Hearing the long door, the canary froze for a moment, and spoke a little uncomfortably.

This time, she even omitted the title.

In other words, this is the nature of a woman named Canary. After the hidden things in her heart were spoken by Nagato, the woman finally revealed her own nature.

But having said that, as the only human in the box court who achieved the complete cracking of the "Final Test of Mankind", this randomness seems to be more in line with her essence.

"No, it's just felt!"

Seeing the changes in canaries, a smile appeared on Nagato's face. If the original canary was beautiful, it was only a beauty in the ordinary people's category.

But after revealing her nature, the charm of the woman rose instantly.

In other words, should we take the opportunity to do something interesting?

Looking at such a canary, Nagato couldn't help but such a thought emerged. At the same time, the canary felt an inexplicable crisis and unconsciously was about to gather its final power.

And at this moment-

"the host!"

The icy voice suddenly sounded, and Xiao Longmen's artificial intelligence phantom appeared abruptly on the battlefield, and said coldly:

"A plane is now detected, please indicate!"


Hearing the artificial intelligence, Nagato could not help but stunned for a while, manipulating the information of the entire courtyard, and a huge virtual screen was directly displayed above the battlefield.

Then, a huge plane appeared on the screen.

"I want to come to a plane world in Hakting, let's go to that plane first!"

Looking at this huge plane, Nagato meditated, made such a judgment, and then looked at the canary, "From today, you will follow me first, Canary."

"I know your purpose, and I can achieve your purpose, but are you ready to give everything?" ..

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