My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 4: Shouting Sanding seeking subscription!

After hearing Nagato's words, Canary's pupils could not help shrinking slightly!

Although the canary was indeed filled with anger and hatred when it was expelled from the world of the box court, this does not mean that the canary has lost its mind and is desperate.

Give everything, this is not a simple price!

"Me, are you really ready?"

Secretly questioning his own soul, Canary could not help but fall into silence.

Since birth, canaries have not lacked moments to face important decisions, whether they initially chose to fight against the devil, follow the gods and gods of the heavens, or establish their own communities and alliances

At these moments, the canary made the choice that he thought was correct, and walked steadfastly.

And all of these have become the most important brilliance and merits in canary life!

Only this time, the canary really hesitated

Despite being seriously injured, as one of the poets who wrote merits in the Chamber, Canary clearly felt that if he really gave everything, then there was really no room for maneuver.

She, the future of the canary, will fall into the dark bottomless abyss.

At this time, the canary is truly aware of the horror of this red-haired boy!

"Oh, there is a price to pay when dealing with the devil, woman!"

Looking at the canary in silence, the red-haired young man smiled and said indifferently, and then ignored the canary, and his consciousness was all concentrated on the space-time courtyard


The space-time courtyard burst out suddenly, drawing a fierce ripple in the chaos.

Ten minutes later, the space-time courtyard finally reached the crystal wall of that plane.

At this moment, the figure of the red-haired boy appeared directly in the chaos. The entire courtyard shrank instantly and entered the hands of the long gate. At the next moment, the long gate directly passed through the plane crystal wall.

As soon as he entered the plane, there was a fierce roar in his ears.

Opening his purple eyes, what is reflected in the vision of the long gate is the vast sky roaring in the atmosphere, and the endless land and city under the sky, while the long gate himself is in a state of falling from the sky.

"Come again, really!"

This is not the first time such treatment has been enjoyed in the entry plane, and Nagato is not surprised.

It ’s just that when the red-haired boy unconsciously turned a normal flying spell out of his brain, he was about to stop his high-altitude journey

"Ah, the spell has failed?"

After secretly casting the spell, Nagato found that there was no change at all.

And he himself is still in the process of falling!

"Well, this is"

Frowning slightly, Nagato's gaze narrowed slightly, and his unimaginable perceptual abilities all spread out instantly. Under the power of psychic power, the red-haired boy communicated with the plane.

Then, a very special power system directly came to Nagato's mind.

That is the unique power system of the Hakting called "Gift". Within the scope of this box court group, there is a unique system of box court. Under this system, the law recognizes that all power comes from the gift of Shura God Buddha, and special power has Its unique merits!

As an outsider, if you want to use extraordinary power, Nagato must transform the power into a gift form.

"It turned out to be so arrogant!"

After being aware of this fact, Nagato sighed softly.

The gods and buddhas in this box court are too arrogant. Even if the future Nagato really becomes the true master of chaos, he dare not say that all power is his own gift.

Every box of Gods and Buddhas in the world, in the end, what kind of virtue, how dare to say such big words!

The red-haired boy was really confused.


"In this system, there seems to be a familiar breath!"

In the incomparably huge gift system, a long door with a familiar breath could not help but chuckled softly, "I didn't expect the heaven and earth system to erode here, what a surprise!"

Between the speeches, Nagato's ideas directly merged with the familiar breath.

Following the idea, this unique breath instantly blended with the red-haired boy.

The strength of the half-step Protoss of Nagato quickly turned into a force almost consistent with the entire Hou Ting system under the rendering of this breath. The crimson shimmer appeared, and Nagato instantly stopped the falling trend.

at the same time--


There was a trace of undetectable vibration in the plane group to which the entire hut belonged, and even the entire hut.

At this moment, all the gods and Buddha Shura could not help but be surprised.

Subconsciously, they look at the stars!

Then, in their surprised eyes, they found that all the stars began to slightly shift their positions, and a looming crimson star was slowly forming!

The "Queenhalloween" headquarters in the three-figure upper box of the box court, the first news came out, and the leader of the Halloween Queen suddenly announced that she had entered the retreat.

No one knows why the Queen of Halloween will go into retreat.

And at the end of the world outside the city of Ha Ting.

Just before the waterfall, the white-haired loli who gave herself to the **** of water **** also looked up at the sky, silently, and for a long time he said with complex words:

"I have to say, this fellow who has not yet been born is so overbearing that we don't even know what to say?"

"Master Bai Yecha, what are you talking about!"

The giant water snake next to Baifa Loli asked in surprise. He used to see the unruly behavior of his own adults on weekdays. Suddenly seeing her complex expression, she said she was not used to it.

"It's okay, I just saw a fellow who might meet in the future!"

The complexion on Baifa Loli's face named Baiyecha quickly disappeared, and instead showed a trace of interest. "After all, what is the power held by that possible fellow man? It is really interesting." ! "

And on a desert monument thousands of miles from Bai Yecha.

The blue-haired girl in white gauze walked out of the monument, stepped barefoot on the scorching desert, and slowly looked up at the sky, looking at the forming star, the girl could not help but reveal a touching smile:

"Brother Nagato, you are finally here!" ..

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