My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 5: Destiny variables ask for subscription!

"Huh, the appearance seems to be a bit overdone?"

The change in the box court was not very clear. The long door just looked at the extra red in the sky above him, and the long door knew that the movements he caused were absolutely not small.

It is estimated that now the entire upper chamber of the box court knows that an overbearing Protoss is about to be born!

In this regard, Nagato itself does not care

In other words, this is exactly the case.

The red-haired boy himself does not like to sneak in. If he has such a well-known identity, it would be convenient for Nagato to act in the Hakuba in the future.

"But that is the future, let's land first!"

At this time, a long burst of sound broke from the end of the sky, interrupting the contemplation of the red-haired boy. The long door looked up, but it was a very fast aircraft.

After seeing the plane, the long door pressed down on other ideas and was ready to land.

Nagato didn't plan to meet the plane formally, which caused panic in the whole world. Although he was not afraid of trouble, Nagato never liked trouble.

Right now, Nagato lifted his right hand and pinched a handprint, vomiting lightly in his mouth:


The words of the red-haired boy disappeared where they hadn't finished talking.

At the same time, among the pedestrians in the above-ground city tens of thousands of meters below, there was an extra red-haired figure in a purple robe that nobody noticed.

Naturally, Nagato merged into this plane.

This is one of the three gifts that Nagato's half-step protoss power has transformed into the box power system. Its name is Tian Dun, which is a special gift that is transformed through the "one that goes away"!

Through this gift, as long as the perception can reach, the Nagato can freely travel around the world, without any restrictions.

Well, with all that said, this gift is at best an escape technique.

The destructive power is not great, but it is unexpectedly very practical!

"Moreover, Tian Dun has not evolved to the extreme!"

Stopping, the long door looked at his palm and murmured in dissatisfaction.

After all, the half-step protoss is only a half-step protoss. The authority of the protoss is not complete. It is still far from the full version of the protoss. The three gifts have not yet evolved to the extreme.

"However, it should be enough!"

Quite suspiciously to himself, the long door suddenly shook all over his body, seeming to sense something, and looked towards the front, then—


There was a big explosion in a large building about a few kilometers away from Nagato!

The hot flame was spreading from the center of the explosion.

The originally lively and orderly prosperous city fell apart at this moment and was completely confused.

People around could not help but exclaimed, and then began to flee wildly, the instinct of life to avoid harm is constantly warning them of the danger ahead!

Especially after many close guys were swallowed by the spreading fire, this kind of confusion became more obvious.

Crying, screaming, roaring one after another.

"What a purgatory on earth!" Watching everything happening indifferently, there is no movement on Nagato's face. From a long time ago, Nagato could have ignored the death of irrelevant life.

Every small purgatory in the world is insignificant for the long gate that can destroy the world for one's own self.


"What is this weird feeling?"

Strolling towards the source of the explosion, a little suspense appeared in the eyes of the long door.

The essence of the half-step Protoss is telling Nagato, the center of the explosion, there seems to be something extraordinary, Nagato can vaguely feel, there may be a turning point in fate.


Thinking of this, Nagato couldn't help but show a smile.

The survival time is getting longer and longer. In addition to the goal of becoming stronger, Nagato also has the characteristics of ordinary long-lived species, that is, the pursuit of "interesting things".

With such a mood, Nagato accelerated and walked towards the center of the explosion.


Just then, the explosion center once again exploded.

A lot of flames and rocks exploded from the center of the explosion in all directions. Many people who had no time to escape were concentrated by the rocks under the impact, and then they were swallowed up by the flames.

Only Nagato, in this violent impact, still seemed to be at ease.

The rock couldn't hit him, and the flame couldn't touch him!

The impact of the explosion is directly invalidated

The advancement of Nagato is unstoppable!

In a moment, the red-haired boy cut into the center of the explosion with a strange step, and came to a large building that almost turned into a fire purgatory.

Looking at the almost ruined building, Nagato's eyes narrowed slightly.

Nagato knew that it could not be delayed any longer, and released all of his own perception at the moment, and then a strange wave appeared in Nagato's perception.

"Found it, this is it!"

He whispered to himself, the figure of the long door disappeared directly in place, and at the same time, the figure of the long door appeared directly in a dense room inside the large building that was about to collapse.


As if perceiving the appearance of the Nagato, the fierce explosion suddenly appeared.

At this moment, Nagato clearly sensed the breath called 'destiny'. Fate didn't want the things here to be taken by others, so it promoted the explosion.


"Unfortunately, I happen to be the nemesis of fate!"

With a whisper of laughter, Nagato's right hand waved toward the void, and the sword-mand of the beveling edge suddenly appeared, the explosion that was about to be born, and the fateful atmosphere surrounding it, all beheaded!

The second gift-cut off the fate, fate from the fate, everything is cut!

The surrounding flames disappeared instantly, revealing the situation of the secret room in front of the long door!

Then, Nagato saw it, a round capsule with an opaque liquid on the high platform in the center of the secret room. Looking at it alone, Nagato could feel the magical power inside.

"Oh, is that the thing?"

Some eagerly stepped forward, and Nagato immediately removed the round capsule from the high platform. Soon, on the surface of the capsule, Nagato saw the words "The Third Star Particle". ..

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