My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 6: Looking forward to settling with the first!

"This thing is amazing!"

Looking at the capsule in his hand, the long door couldn't help but reveal a shock.

Just now it was far away, and Nagato had not noticed. At this time, he discovered that the liquid in the capsule in his hand was actually drawing energy from the surrounding environment and generating energy on his own.

"It's a prototype of permanent energy!"

He murmured to himself, and Nagato had to marvel at human wisdom.

As for why it is said to be human, not other life.

That is because the cause and effect that Nagato perceives from this capsule are all from human beings, and even Nagato can vaguely perceive that what he has in hand is related to the future of this plane of humanity.

"It seems that I started with something very interesting!"

Nagato remembers that before the Canary said, the appearance of the box court is to guide the development of the world. In this case, then, the fate of this plane is actually the result of the box court guidance.

In other words, the explosion and the destruction of the capsules here are actually fixed!

And the action of Nagato directly broke the fixed number set by the box court and seemed to provoke the whole box court!

"In other words, will the strong men in the box court be attracted!"

With such thoughts, Nagato's face could not help but reveal a look of expectation. Before officially going to Ha Ting, Nagato also wanted to take a good look at the combat power of Ha Ting.

However, this situation is also likely to lead to the distance between this plane and the box court.

The probability is only about half.

"Forget it, anyway, this is not under my control, just look forward to it!"

He murmured softly in his mouth, but Nagato's eyes had always been on the so-called third Samsung Chen particle body, his purple eyes were faint, he didn't know what he was thinking about.

At this moment, there was a long whistle sound outside, and it was getting closer.

The fire fighting team or the guard came.

"Leave here first, and find a place to settle down!"

The first time, Nagato collected the capsules, looked around, and found that there was nothing else useful, Nagato was reluctant to stay longer, and turned into a residual image, and suddenly disappeared in place.

Leaving the scene of the explosion, Nagato chose a direction at random and continued to move forward.

Obviously it was just normal walking, but each step spanned hundreds of meters, but even more bizarrely, the abnormality of the long gate was not noticed by the surrounding people, or even photographed by the monitor.

It seems to be separated from the heavens and the earth, and it seems that the body blends between the heavens and the earth.

This is the gift-the true ability of Tian Dun!

Three minutes later, Nagato directly crossed the prosperous urban area and the suburbs under construction, and came to the rural area surrounded by mountains, which seemed extremely quiet.

The quiet and leisurely beauty that is completely different from the prosperous urban area immediately attracted the red-haired boy.

"Just settle here!"

Jumping into the void, Nagato nodded in satisfaction with the environment of the entire village, and then Nagato flew directly to the forest on the edge of the village.

When the right hand flipped over, a space-time courtyard with the size of a slap appeared in the hands of the long gate.

This is not a model, it is a courtyard of time and space.

As an important means of transportation for the Chaos Alliance to walk between chaos, the space-time courtyard has many functions. In addition to the chaotic navigation mode, there are also a portable mode, a residential mode and a combat mode.

Needless to say, it is the space-time courtyard in portable mode!

"Access control, residential mode!"

The spirit blended with it, and the long door instantly activated the residential model of the space-time courtyard. The small courtyard immediately radiated a faint light, and the invisible fluctuations emanated from the courtyard.

This is not a wave of spells, but pure spiritual baptism.

Under the spiritual baptism, everyone within a thousand miles could not help but appear in a trance.


At this moment, the small courtyard information surged madly, from small changes, countless information and the world began to blend, and soon, under this blend, the courtyard was seated in the forest!

A little information swept through, and the environment around the courtyard changed slightly.

The sense of harmony and nature emanates naturally from the exterior of the courtyard.

At this moment, the spiritual baptism from the courtyard had disappeared, and the few people passing by when they saw the courtyard appearing out of nowhere did not have any expression of surprise, and at most they were envious.

In their memory, this courtyard was seated in this village very early.

"Information manipulation? What a great ability!"

It fell directly from the sky to the balcony of the central building of the courtyard. The long door carried his hands and looked down at everything around him, but he couldn't help expressing this emotion in his heart.

After seeing the whole leopard, Nagato can imagine the terrible place of Nagato!

"Or, Yuki and Saya will be in harmony!"

With a soft whisper, the right hand of the long door waved, and the canary figure appeared directly beside him, not only the canary, Estes, red pupil and black pupil appeared.


"Absolutely frozen punch!"

"One stroke will kill the village rain!"

"Eight poles in one!"

The just-presented Estes and Sister Red Hit have a fight, no, the correct statement is that the three people who were fighting were transferred here by the time and space of the long door!

The cold air and the two dead forces suddenly collided, and the surging pressure was wanton!

Under this pressure, the canary almost started the last power in the body. Fortunately, the Nagato started the first time. The sword light beyond the common sense was slashed out, killing all the frozen air and the power of death!

"Okay, don't fight!"

After doing all this, Nagato looked at Sister and Red Eyes and said, "This is my temporary residence, and I can't destroy the three of you."

After seeing the three stop, the long door looked at the canary.

"what happened?"

At this time, the canary had torn off her disguise and restored her original personality. "Doesn't the adult want my body? If so, I can't refuse it."

"The proposal is good, but it's a bit boring!"

Hearing the canary's words, Nagato nodded, then shook his head again, and said, "According to the rules of the Sand Chamber, let's play a game, Canary!" ..

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