My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 7: Nagato tried to be second!

Bounty Name: Trial of Fate

Sponsor: Lord of Chaos!

Participants: Canary and companions!

Winning conditions: From now until seven years later, as a boundary, the canary must challenge the fate game set by the Lord of Chaos and defeat all of its Protoss families.

Failing conditions: Surrender, or unable to break the fate game within seven years, or unable to come to participate.

Consequences of failure: Canary's body, mind and soul are all attributed to the Lord of Chaos!

Under oath, abide by the above rules, under the glory and banner, the canary will participate in the gift contest.

"Lord of Chaos" seal!

Standing next to a mature golden wheat field, bathed in the wind of the autumn harvest, Canary looked at the contract in his hand, and a bitter and complex bitter smile appeared on his face.

Not long ago, Canary and Nagato ordered such a game!

As compensation, the canary gets enough linguistic supplements from the Nagato, and at least for seven years, if the force is not used indiscriminately, the physical injury will not deteriorate.


"Can I really succeed?"

For the first time, Canary had doubts about whether the game could win.

Even in the face of the blockade of the world known as the ultimate trial of mankind and the dystopian demon, when the gods and gods are helpless, the canary has no doubt about victory.

She believes deeply in the possibility of humanity, and also believes that her decision will bring real victory.

But now, in the face of the Lord of Chaos, she is a little timid.

"Is it because of the failure to be expelled from the chamber?"

Thinking of the previous failure to be expelled from the box court, Canary nodded and shook his head again. Canary understood that his condition was indeed wrong, and his anger affected his judgment.

However, Canary also understands that anger is only part of the reason.

The bigger reason should be the existence of the Lord of Chaos.

"Forget it, let's calm down first!"

He whispered to himself, Canary glanced at the tall courtyard sitting in the distance in the distance, then turned around and walked away without any hesitation.

Soon, the woman with short blond hair disappeared here!

"is this necessary?"

As the canary leaves, on the balcony of the central building in the mountain courtyard, Estes, dressed in simple pajamas, stepped up to the red-haired teenager who was leaning on the recliner and sat directly on the long door:

"It's just a woman who has been seriously injured. Need such trouble?"

"If you want her, just tie it into the room!"

During the speech, Estes lowered his body slightly, and his long blue hair flowed down to the body of the long door. The loose clothes showed the charm of the girl's body in front of the long door.

"Don't care, it's just an experiment!"

Facing the temptation of Estes, Nagato didn't hesitate, he raised his right hand directly, pressed it against the tender white softness, and gently squeezed, said softly in his mouth—

"My instincts told me that this poet in the Chamber of Ting would give me a big surprise!"

During the talk, Nagato's eyes couldn't help but some blur seemed to see through the future of fate.

The so-called Sandy Poet is a very interesting profession!

The poets, known as the fourth strongest species in the Sand Chamber, can sing, or sing, or degrade, at the cost of a large consumption of their own spirituality, and change the history outside the Sand Court distortedly.

In the canary example, Nagato knew about a pair of vampire sisters.

My sister is the king of vampires, my sister is a princess!

The vampire organization of the sisters was originally a famous boxing knight in the boxing court, determined to maintain the boxing court. As a result, the sisters were betrayed, and their sister ran away to become the devil.

As a result, the poets of the Sand Chambers rendered this incident with no rhythm, and directly transformed the legend of the Knights of the Sand Chamber into the Earl of Dracula.

Later, in order to prevent the glory of the boxing knight from disappearing, the younger sister shouldered the sins committed by her older sister, and became the evil vampire circulated in the poet's mouth-Lamia.

In some respects, the poet ’s power is not inferior to the Protoss, the natural **** Buddha and the purebred dragon, the three strongest species, and even more so, can achieve the other three strongest species. thing.

In the large box courtyard, the poet is mysterious and famous throughout the world.

However, in the eyes of Nagato, the so-called poet is actually very simple. Isn't it the existence of a large-scale use of the power of Alaya, there is no mystery at all.

Being able to use the power of Alaya means that almost all poets are loved by human consciousness.

In this way, in a plane dominated by humans, even if the poet is not the protagonist, it is also the main supporting role. Her luck is definitely not small, and it will become an important fulcrum for the future destiny.

What Nagato wants to know is what surprises the canary will leave for him if he leaves him!

The red-haired boy is very curious about the future of this world. After all, this is a plane that developed the third perpetual motion, something that can be called the ultimate mystery of the future of mankind!

"Don't let me down, canary!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and the long door felt an ice on his cheek, and then the long door saw that Estes was looking at himself with dissatisfaction, her hands were resting on her face.

The icy cold that Nagato felt was the cold air that permeated from the palm of Esdes!


Seeing Nagato's recovery, Estes stopped releasing cold air in his palm, lowered his head, and kissed the top of Nagato before he said:

"When talking to me, don't think about other women!"

"Oh, really keen!"

Looking at the appearance of a little woman like Estes, the long door couldn't help but show a smile, straightened up from the recliner, hugged Estes directly, and his head was buried in the girl's beautiful heart.

Absorbing the girl's cold fragrance, the long door could not help feeling a flame burning from the body.

"Today, formally become my woman, Estes!"

As soon as the words fell, the long door directly held Estes from the chair, and disappeared on the balcony in three or two steps. I didn't know where to go to have sex. ..

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