My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 8: Devour and chase first!

For the next few days, Nagato lingered on Estes.

The curvaceous body of the Queen of Ice did give Nagato a great enjoyment, especially the rich cold fragrance and the ever-cold body temperature, which made Nagato quite obsessed.

And Estes, who is new to personnel, is also quite obsessed with that kind of activity.

When the interest came, the two ignored the place and ignored the surrounding conditions. The hall, balcony, room, etc. all left traces of their love.

There is no outsider in the simple courtyard, but it has no major impact.

It's just that the two girls, Red Eye and Black Eye, looked very dissatisfied at Nagato.

To this, Nagato just smiled meaninglessly, and then went straight to the room of the two sisters one night, and at night fighting Shuang Jiao, directly took the two sisters Red Eye and Black Eye.

However, the days of nights and nights are always short, and finally Nagato's attention returns to the main business.

After sending the displeased red pupils and black pupils, as well as the dissatisfied Esdes to cultivate their minds and nurture their spirits, and strive to settle down the explosive power of the body as soon as possible, Nagato took out the full name " Capsules of liquid objects of the third Samsung Chen's particle body.

Looking at this thing in his hand, Nagato felt that the laws of physics had been completely trampled on.

"The physics teachers of the previous life will probably faint when they see it!"

He murmured to himself, the red-haired boy couldn't help but shed some bitter smiles, then thought silently.

To be honest, the energy of this kind of particle body out of nothing is not advanced for Nagato. Although it is somewhat strange, the red-haired boy does not care too much.

However, what Nagato cared about was the ability out of nothing.

This ability to rely directly on environmental intelligence to generate energy out of nothing is the power that really surprised Nagato.

"I want that kind of power!"

Staring at the capsule in his hand, the long door slowly spit out such a sentence.

If you have this ability, even if you are facing even worse conditions, as long as the consciousness still exists, Nagato can obtain the surrounding information and thus have the combat ability again.

The most important thing is that if this ability can be combined with the strength of the long gate

"Ontology core mode, will have the possibility of protracted war!"

A flash of excited application flashed across his face, and Nagato came to the secret room specially created in the ground floor of the courtyard, sat in it, and opened the capsule in his hand.


The Sanxingchen Particles flowing into the body of the red-haired boy resonated with the few Dao forces remaining in the Nagato, and instantly the mysterious wave spread.

Under this fluctuation, the long door closed his eyes, as if falling into a deep sleep.

"Finally I find you!"

Just as Nagato engulfed the third Sanxingchen particle body, such a faint sigh came from a land gate in the chaotic area, which was only on the planes of many different time flow planes, and within a realm door on the third floor of the chamber.

The next moment, the blonde girl holding a parasol strolled out of the door of the realm.

This is a beautiful young girl who can't be described with simple pen and ink. Her existence is as dazzling as the sun, but as unpredictable as the clouds. The expression is extremely cold, but it is full of unspeakable majesty.

If it is those who have a relatively broad knowledge in the box court come here and see this blonde girl, I am afraid that they will cry out the name of ‘Queen’ in shock!

Yes, the queen!

The girl in front of him is the guardian of the box realm, the famous halloween queen!

Queen of Halloween, she is the star of gold and realm!

This is a very powerful existence, and Bai Yacha, Devil Star Alger are listed as the three biggest children in the box court. They are the center of the Celtic **** group. The only existence known as the 'Queen'.

However, not long ago, the Queen of Halloween has obviously announced the retreat. Why did the Queen of Halloween who clearly announced that she had retired come here?

The answer is nothing else, precisely because of Nagato!

Before the long gate arrived in this chaotic realm and intercepted the canary that was expelled from the chamber in the chaos, the Halloween queen and the long gate had a brief meeting.

It was said that it was a meeting. In fact, the two of them just took a face-to-face meeting, and it was too late to even say a word.

However, during that meeting, the Queen of Halloween felt the trace of destiny.

The queen clearly foresees that if she approaches the red-haired man, she may gradually go to destruction, but in this destruction, the queen sees her own new life!

That's a man who can destroy himself, but also a chance for his new life.

If they are ordinary people, after predicting such a fate, I am afraid they will try to avoid it.

It's just that the Halloween Queen won't.

Because she is the queen of Halloween, the only queen in the chamber!

Her pride cannot tolerate her withdrawal!


"We are very curious, what will destroy us!"

With a horrifying smile of intertwined interest and chill on her face, the queen made a decision.

At the moment, secretly arranging the affairs of the community where she is, the queen apparently announced the retreat, but secretly went out alone, looking for the trace of the long door.

And now, she finally caught a trace of the long door.

"Dear enemy, let's come!"

He smiled and told, the endless stars shining around the girl, these brilliances converged into a road leading to the unknown realm of space, time and space in an instant.

At the end of the road, mysterious waves are spreading.

At the moment, the girl didn't say much. She stepped directly on the road of immigration. At the next moment, the Queen of Halloween felt a space-time distortion, and the whole person left the box court instantly and appeared in the starry sky in a certain plane.

"It's there!"

Ignoring the environment in which she lives, the Queen of Halloween looked directly at a water-blue planet not far away, and subconsciously wanted to open the door of the realm and head towards it.


"who is it?!"

There was an ominous breath flashing in the spirit, and the Halloween Queen stopped and looked around, screaming in her mouth, "It is even dodge in front of this king!" ..

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