My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 9: Extraordinary Demon Lord second!

The queen's indifferent scolding echoed in the stars.

The vacuum environment cannot prevent the spread of the Queen ’s will. The starlight gradually diffuses in the surrounding space. The invisible coercion is centered on the elegant and noble Queen and spreads on all sides.

However, after ten seconds or so, there was no change in the surroundings, and it was still quiet.


Looking at this situation, the queen was suddenly angry.

The main authority of the six suns held in the body can be instantly activated, the queen's body burst forth with endless light, and the strong will of the sun burst suddenly, burning everything around.

"Ah la la, it's really dangerous!"

Under this will of the sun, a leisurely voice echoed in the starry sky.

At the next moment, in the queen's slightly shrunken pupil, a green-haired girl walking against the sun shining and walking barefoot was reflected. The body of the white gauze showed a beautiful curve in the sun.

"It's you!"

After seeing someone coming, the words of the Halloween Queen gradually dignified.

The splendor of the original spontaneous brilliance quickly converged, because the Queen of Halloween understood that in the face of the girl in front of her, the power of the sun did not exist at all.

"Who do I think it is? It turned out to be an extraterrestrial demon recognized by Buddhism, Lord Saya!"

Squinting her eyes slightly, the Queen of Halloween held an umbrella, and said a bit harshly, "What are you doing here, aren't you afraid of the arrival of Shakyamuni, and personally spend your extra-territorial devil?"

"Huh, what's so scary about the bald heads of Buddhism, it's not that they haven't been beaten!"

Faced with the rigid attitude of the Halloween Queen, Saya said a little carelessly, "As for the purpose of my coming here, it is probably the same as yours. The Queen of Halloween, by the way, I came here by way of your realm. Oh, thank you very much. "


Upon hearing Saya's words, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the Halloween Queen.

The true and false in the other party ’s words, the Queen of Halloween cannot make a clear judgment. After all, the existence of the upper level of the entire box court knows that the second top chaos in the city, the extraterritorial devil-Saya, is worthy of the demon that Sakyamuni personally recognized The title of the Lord and his style of work are difficult to guess.

But the Queen of Halloween felt very clearly that the devil was malicious to herself.

If possible, the Queen did not want to fight this strangely guy.

I think that as one of the creative forces of the Sand Chamber, when Chaos City suddenly made a decision to conquer the Sand Court, this strange guy was the most prominent character in the first battle of the Sand Court.

In order to repulse her, Hak Ting dispatched the leader of Sakyamuni, the mother of evil gods and Emperor Satian, as many as hundreds of gods, to repulse this guy, but that was only repulsion, not Its suppression or extermination.

Such a tough guy, as long as normal people are reluctant to take care of it!

However, even if you don't want to take the matter anymore, the other party will come to the door, and the Queen of Halloween will not flinch. Now, she has only one choice, that is, battle, and defeat it completely!

Thinking so, the vast spirituality in the halloween queen's body began to activate "Ah la la, don't be so excited!"

Seeing the excitement of the Halloween Queen, Saya's figure disappeared suddenly, and then appeared before her before the Halloween Queen responded.

Then, his hands were raised directly and pressed on the queen's full European school!

"Well, it is the Queen's heart!"

After squeezing hard, Saya's face was full of aftertaste, and he said, "I heard that you and Bai Yecha are incompatible, it will not be because of the cup cover, after all, Bai Yecha is now a poor breast loli.

"But it's not right. Bai Yecha's guy looks like he can turn into a sister."

"You die for us!"

After a slight consternation, the halloween queen's face turned completely red. That was not shyness, but utter anger, and the flames burned in the next moment.

"Ah, dangerous!"

Facing such a flame, Saya also had to avoid the edge and back away.

The flame held by the halloween queen is the fire of the sun, and it is not the general fire of the sun, but the fire of the sun that comes from the quarter power of the sun in the hut.

The sun in the sand court is a collection of reflections of the sun belonging to the plane group to which the sand court belongs.

This quarter-permission solar fire may only be a little hotter than the flame in the center of the ordinary sun, but it is ten thousand times more mysterious than the normal sun. Such a flame can already cause damage to Saya.

"I do n’t know how to ignore you, I will not let you go!"

All previous worries have completely disappeared from the Queen of Halloween. The endless flames are centered on the blonde girl and spread out in all directions, forming a huge flame field in the universe.

In the flame field, the six suns are slowly rising, reflecting the entire flame field more dazzlingly!

At the beginning of the war in space, we saw such a strange scene on the earth. Beside the original sun, there was an extra round of dazzling sun-two days!

Soon, people all over the world went crazy in an instant!

Canary, who is traveling around the world, also saw this scene, and she couldn't help but change her face. Although she couldn't use her own power, the poet's foundation was still there. She naturally knew that it was not the sun.

"Is this a masterpiece of the sun god? Or the adults who have the sovereignty of the sun?"

Because the battle site is far away from space, even the canary can't determine the true situation, but she knows that this situation will definitely attract the attention of Nagato.

It has never been a good thing to arouse the interest of Nagato.

At this point, the canary has been really determined!

"Hope not to be my acquaintance."

He whispered to himself, and the canary suddenly felt a slight vibration from the ground, and a lot of smoke was scattered in the mountains and forests in the distance.

Looking closely, the canary saw a young child throwing punches in excitement!

The woods and the earth are being ravaged by violence ..

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