My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 10: Saya vs Queen is third!

It was a child who looked less than ten years old.

Probably because of the younger age, the child looks a little indistinct.

As far as appearance is concerned, the other party is quite cute, but just looking at the child's fist-fisting room and cracking the whole earth, no one will think that the other party is cute.

If you really see this scene, I am afraid that normal people will frighten away frightened.

After all, the fighting power shown by this kid was a little too strong.

In the world of shrines where gods and gods converge, there are still canaries that marvel at the performance of gods and gods. Naturally, they will not be frightened by the fighting power of children, but at this time she is also stuck in a slack.

Not because of surprise, but because of a heartfelt and wonderful feeling!

"How does this feel?"

With his right hand raised to cover his heart, the canary can hear his heart beating, and its speed and frequency are far better than usual.

In a trance, Canary understands that this is an encounter of fate!

Seeing this child is the fate of her canary!

So, what next?

Looking at the child in the distance who is excitedly throwing his fist into the sky, looking at the other party ’s crazy smile because of the ‘day has two days’ scene

Canary could not help but think: "This is a lonely and lonely little guy!"

Thinking of this, the canary stepped towards the other party.

Canary decides that he wants to adopt this little guy, and then teach him everything thoroughly until the approval of his own destiny begins.

"Before the end, it would be a romance to pass on your own heritage!"

At this time, in the distant space from the earth, the battle entered a fierce moment!

Stimulated by Saya, the Halloween Queen ran away instantly.

The scorching flame burned wildly in the vacuum field, and six hot little suns continued to rotate around the Queen of Halloween along the mysterious trajectory, which raised the temperature of the entire flame field crazy!

"Ah la la, it looks like it's been overkill!"

With the ability to move phases, he continued to dodge the flames. Saya found that although he was able to dodge, he could not get close to the opponent's side. In this case, he could not defeat the opponent.

Because the owner of the solar sovereignty is very simple when exercising the power of the sun.

Often a little power can get a lot of power of the sun!

Don't look at the exaggerated flame field made by the Queen of Halloween, but in fact she didn't consume any power at all, and the speed of consuming her own power is not as good as her own recovery speed.

As for why Saya knew this kind of thing, it was because--

"Looks like I have the sovereignty of the sun too!"

As soon as the words fell, Saya's figure shimmered with a faint shimmer, her long blue hair turned into golden double ponytails, a pair of animal ears appeared in the air, and her weak body instantly turned into a body of battle.

The golden armor shone with dazzling brilliance, and the immortal fighting spirit turned into endless fighting spirit!

Saye, the Beastmaster, is here!

"Appear!" After the appearance of the beastmaster Saya, his hands were raised high, and a huge little sun appeared directly on her hands. In the little sun, the shape of the lion flashed Ever.

This is one of the solar sovereignty held by Shaye, divided into 24 solar sovereignty, Leo!

"Aha, go!"

Holding the little sun high, the Beastmaster Saye Hammer throws!

The flaming Leo small sun turned into a beautiful trajectory in space, directly into the flame field with the general quality of a meteor, and collided positively with the six small suns.


A terrible explosion was born in space.

The flame created by the explosion even caused a burst of distortion in the void.

Simply here is endless space, and the surroundings are all in a vacuum environment, which is completely enough to talk about the terrible explosion that the earth penetrated without causing much impact.


Just then, the center of the explosion once again made a fierce impact.

The six revolving little suns rose again, and the Halloween Queen under the protection of the little sun appeared unharmed, and his posture was still elegant and fierce.

It's just when the elegant queen is ready to show her thunder rage to the enemy

"What about people?"

Looking around, the queen found that she had lost the other party.

Lingjue expanded to the extreme in an instant, and the range of thousands of miles into the queen's perception, but she still did not notice the slightest bit of the other party.

"The devil's hiding ability is very strong, but is it so strong?"

Carefully maintaining her own spiritual consciousness, the alertness of the Halloween Queen has increased to the maximum extent, however, when her eyes inadvertently swept over her original target planet

I just saw a small figure flying towards the planet.

At this moment, the Halloween Queen froze in place.

The six running little suns around me couldn't help but feel unstable. The queen almost couldn't breathe. She seemed to be able to hear a crow flying past, shouting words like 'idiot'.

"Damn devil, I will never let you go!"

Anger completely overwhelmed reason, and the queen of Halloween integrated the six little suns into her body for the first time, and a terrible breath burst from the queen.

However, at this moment-

"Ha ha!"

A smile that sounded like a scheming sounded in the queen's ear. Shaye's figure instantly crossed thousands of miles and appeared directly on the queen's body. The surging ripples condensed on his right hand.

At this time, the queen who had just gathered too much power was caught in a moment of rigidity!

"Unexpectedly, it is really amazing that the halloween queen in the whole box court of Ming Zhen is so pure!"

"But, this world can be pure, but not stupid!"

"It's better not to have a good day!"

As soon as the words fell, Saya's right hand was directly attached to the queen's abdomen, and the terrible wave burst suddenly, penetrated the queen's body, and directly bombarded her soul.

"Mystery, the tide of the soul !!!"

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