My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 11: The queen really wants more!

Unimaginable waves echoed in the vacuum universe.

Silently, the void was distorted, time was destroyed, and with the center of Sayya and the Queen of Halloween, the universe of a few kilometers around appeared an obvious collapse.

The surging psychic particles overflow from the collapsed space, ruining the space at will!

In the depths of the collapsed cosmic space, the Queen of Halloween exclaimed in pain for the first time, but the sound was not heard, and was completely covered by the endless particles.

The queen's breath of life, crazily weakened at this moment, almost disappeared soon


Outside of the collapsed space, Saya's figure appeared instantly, walking barefoot in the void, leisurely.

To be honest, the girl was a little disappointed. She originally thought it would be an earth-shattering battle, but she did n’t expect the existence of the only queen in the box court.

In the past, there were three major problem children in the box court, namely the magic star Alger, the White Night King and the Halloween Queen!

The magic star Alger, Saya never saw it, but her story Saya is very clear.

Alger used to be a god. With the change of the times, he gained the devil's merits in the Old Testament, transformed into a star, and came to the Chamber to challenge all the gods and Buddhas of the three thousand worlds, spreading demons and beasts.

The existence of death to this extent is indeed worth remembering by Saya.

Although her ending looks very miserable, the devil is indeed an excessively strong guy, said to have super powers that petrify the entire world, can not be underestimated.

The White Night King, Shaye had seen it, and had fought it.

That was the existence of the largest solar sovereignty, the 14th largest sovereignty, and the purest power of the sun in the sand court. Without paying a price, Saya really couldn't help the White Night King.

"In contrast, the most famous Queen of Halloween seems not so good"

Shaking his head, Saya first sighed slightly, then turned to look at the aquatic planet in the distant place, and there was a smile of joy on his face, "But that's fine, brother Longmen, I'm here!"

With a smile, Saya will launch his phase-shifting ability to reach the distant planet in one step.



The sudden roar echoed in all directions at the same time.

At the next moment, in the slightly shocked vision of Saya, countless stars brilliance came together, and the dark and deep space environment instantaneously transformed into the mysterious realm of starlight.

Then, the fire of life that the Queen of Halloween was about to extinguish instantly burned!

"Huh, is this?"

Feeling the exuberance of this fire of life, Saya's face couldn't help but flashed a surprise, and looked directly at the collapsed space. I saw that endless starlight replaced the soul particles and filled the collapsed space.

Soon, with the starlight shining, the collapsed space calmed down in an instant.

The figure of the Halloween Queen appears in the starry sky.

The queen is still in a gorgeous dress, holding a parasol, and she looks extremely elegant and indifferent, and there is no breath of fighting at all, as if she has never experienced a battle.

"It turned out that you were born again!"

After thinking about tens of thousands of thoughts in a moment, Saya quickly came up with his own answer, "but also, almost forgot, are you the queen of Halloween, naturally have the power of Halloween." Halloween is a new year festival derived from the ancient Celtic people.

However, this festival is also a time to sacrifice the souls of the dead. At that time, the state between life and death will be almost infinitely thin. It is normal for the dead to resurrect and the living to enter the dead.

The Queen of Halloween naturally has the power of Halloween, that is, the power to cross the realm of life and death!

"It's just that, you are not my opponent!"

With both arms in his arms, Saya looked down at the Queen of Halloween and said in a calm tone, "Although you have a lot of abilities and are very powerful, but the combat experience is really amazing, if you fight, you will only lose your way. Surrender, it seems that your ability is quite good, I will not waste talent. "

Hearing Saya's words, the queen's mouth twitched and remained silent for a while before saying such a sentence—

"You know, why am I the queen?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a wave of invisible and mysterious waves on the queen. The bright starlight resonated with it at this moment, and the realm between life and death was almost nothing at this moment.


The next moment, the grand shock suddenly broke out.

Then a large number of different strong breaths appeared in the starry sky, and then the starlight gathered and formed, blending with those breaths, and transformed into a powerful warrior with different forms.

In a blink of an eye, a powerful fighter with more than four figures suddenly appeared, surrounding Saya.

These warriors have at least the spirit level of gods. If it is not a little worse in spirit, it is a column of gods.

Tens of thousands of troops approaching the gods look shocking!

"Hey, this is"

Seeing this scene, Rao Shiye couldn't help but be surprised. "These guys are all fighters pulled from the world of death. It's really amazing power!"

At this time, the Queen, surrounded by a large number of soldiers, came to Saya and said, "The Celtic Divine Group is different from other Divine Groups. Many of the gods in the Divine Group are initially human."

"Many of them came out of the realm of life and death before they became gods, and I am the creator of God!"

"This is the reason why I can become a Celtic myth and become the Queen of the Chamber!"

As soon as this statement came out, the Halloween Queen exuded coercion that truly belonged to the king, causing Saya to squint her eyes. The girl had to admit that she really underestimated the other party.

With this power, it is no wonder that the Queen can become the most famous of the three problematic children.

"Lao Niang will not play with you anymore!"

He whispered to himself, Saya instantly activated her phase movement ability, preparing to find the Nagato before speaking, and facing the Ten Thousand God Warrior alone. For Saya, the pressure was still a bit big.

For some special reasons, the current girls are not suitable for long-term combat.


"Ah? Failure?"

After a while, Saya was surprised to find that she was still in place, the phase shift failed, and then she was surprised to find that what she possessed, between existence and non-existence, was affected.

The invisible and mysterious power is disturbing Saya's switch to his own state.

"It won't let you run away, come on!"

At this moment, the queen laid down the order of attack, and instantly, the warriors of thousands of gods showed their violent fighting intentions. After a while, endless fighting intentions filled the entire space.

"Kill !!!"

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