My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 12: Lost and Jianmang second!

"No, it seems a little fun!"

Looking at the near-god warriors rushing around, Saya's face flashed a little helplessly, his hands stretched out for the first time, and the light of the soul, which was brighter than the starlight, burst out.

The golden light of the soul turns into a border, expanding with the girl's body as the center!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The violent roar, all the close-up soldiers rushing around were bounced off by the enchantment.

However, these fighters are not mortals, and they rushed up again in the next moment. Tens of thousands of warrior-level warriors launched an attack at the same time. The enchantment arranged by Saya suddenly cracked under the first wave of attacks.

Faced with this situation, Saya seems to have been prepared, not surprised, folded his hands together and made a prayer!

In an instant, the girl's body flashed red and blue, changing from a weak girl in white to barefoot, to a silver-haired girl with a full body armor, a victory dragon sword in her left hand, and an infinite Garuru cannon in her right hand.

One of Saya's four power modes, the adjudicator Saya, is here!

At this moment, the second wave of attacks by the tens of thousands of Jinjin warriors finally arrived. At this moment, the heart enchantment opened by Saya broke apart. A large number of attacks penetrated the enchantment and bombarded Saya, the central adjudicator. Come.

"Humph, the sword of Omega!"

Interacting with both hands, the Infinite Garuru Cannon on the right hand of the adjudicator gathered a terrible frozen energy in a moment, and directly bombarded before the surrounding attacks arrived.

The horrible absolute zero-degree storm was immediately released, directly covering everything in front of Saya.


At the next moment, with the reactionary force brought by the shelling, the arbiter, Saya, holding the victory tyrannosaurus sword, directly turned into a bright flame sword light, broke out from the siege, and by the way, killed more than 50 close **** warriors.

"Omega roaring !!!"

After rushing out of the encirclement circle, the adjudicator's attack was released again. The function of the infinite Garuru cannon in his hand was exerted to the extreme. The nearly infinite firepower tilted out crazy, and he was bombarded on the Halloween Queen's army.

For a moment, thousands of kilometers of space were filled with extreme cold.



"For the queen !!"

"Long live Celtic !!!"

Under the nearly unlimited firepower of the adjudicator Saya, the Halloween Queen's army was only suppressed for a short while. It was soon to be seen that many soldiers armed with various weapons rushed directly up against the absolute cold air.

After sacrificing almost three or four hundred soldiers' lives, the legion rushed directly to the adjudicator Saya.

Then the huge legion directly transformed into a huge whole, a bang!


The arbiter, Saya, suddenly turned into a meteor and flew out directly. The next moment, he directly fell on a nearby dead planet, and exploded a large crack on the large surface of the planet.

It's just that this is not the end. The Halloween Queen's legion is fighting again.

It seems that if you do n’t kill Saya, you will never stop!

Then, an amazing scene appeared. I saw tens of thousands of warriors who were almost gods, like the gods of destruction, rushed into the dead planet. Within a few seconds, the huge planet collapsed directly.

After a while, it exploded directly, turning into a terrifying cosmic spark!

"Shoot !!!"

In this gorgeous cosmic spark, Shaye's figure directly broke through the sky.

After the appearance of Saya, a huge wave of heat could not help rolling in the huge sparks below. A large number of gold-colored soldiers rushed up, and the endless determination made the entire starry sky shocked.

"The old lady is fed up, you **** bastards!"

At this time, the adjudicator Saya couldn't help but scolded, and instantly changed from the adjudicator mode to the incubator mode. The next moment, the incubator Saya directly turned into an ancient portal inscribed with the original sin.

"Crack !!!"

I saw that the portal opened automatically, and the torrent of darkness tilted down directly from the door.

The first fighters who were caught off guard were swallowed up by these dark torrents, and the fighters behind were buffered by the first fighters and reacted instantly.

At this moment, the will of the remaining warriors were all linked together, and the resonance of the legions united, and the legion's will burst into a golden enchantment, blocking the invasion of the dark torrent.

Only in this way, the entire legion and Saya were stalemate!

"It's so strange!"

As if standing outside the battlefield, the Halloween Queen looked at the situation and was slightly surprised.

Although being the center of the Celtic gods, the Queen of Halloween has not experienced the battle of rebellion in the ancient Chaos City, but even so, she is well aware of many deeds of the ancient war.

It's just that if according to the description, the extraterrestrial demon at that time seems to be stronger.

"Is the description wrong? Or is there something else?"

Such a question flashed in my mind, and soon the Queen of Halloween left it behind. At the next moment, under the **** of starlight, the Queen's figure directly passed through the Realm Gate and reached the core of the Legion.

"We are very vengeful, no matter if you have any secrets, let's enjoy our revenge first and then say it!"

As soon as the words fell, the will of the Halloween Queen was directly integrated into the entire army.

For a moment, the queen took control of the entire legion with ease, and the soldiers all turned into shining stars. The golden enchantment instantly turned into a star-like appearance, and it continued to expand under the scouring of the torrent of dark torrents.

Soon, everything around the starry sky, including the ancient portal, was shrouded in the queen's realm!

"In the name of my Halloween star, suppress it, the ancient portal!"

At this moment, the Halloween Queen directly issued a deadly voice, and the surrounding stars resonated, and the unspeakable great force directly acted on the portal that Saya had transformed, forcibly closing the open door.

After the torrent disappeared, the door changed back to Saya, but the girl at this time looked a little embarrassed.

The slightly panting look was completely free of previous leisurely.

"How is it now? Demon Lord!"

Controlling the starlight, the Halloween Queen flew directly in front of Saya and looked down at Saya, "Although this King is indeed inexperienced, this King is still the unique Queen of the Box Court!"

"Indeed, you are not easy!"

Looking at the queen above him, Saya could not admit that the other party did have two brushes!

The six main powers of the sun, the terror army that calls the Celtic gods ’dead world, and the ability to manipulate the realm, can be mixed in the chamber.

The halloween queen who directly owns these three abilities, her high strength, is not worthy of the name of the only queen in the hut, and it is only stronger than the other two old problem children.

Especially the third ability has a direct enough impact on the essence of Saya!

"I didn't expect to lose here, what a shame!"

Sighing slightly, Saya said with some loss. Although the girl knew there was an unknown reason for her failure, she was not the kind of person who could not afford to lose.

"Oh, are you going to admit defeat?"

Hearing Saya ’s words, the Halloween Queen tilted her head slightly, but in exchange for Saya ’s weird smile, she saw the girl say so: “Although I lost, that does n’t mean you won.”

"What do you mean?"

The Queen of Halloween asked subconsciously, but before she could answer Saye, the Queen felt a chill in her heart and a sense of crisis.

In an instant, the queen knew that something dangerous was coming!

At the next moment, by virtue of instinct, the queen raised her head subconsciously, and then she saw a red sword awn descending from the sky and instantly tore her own star field! ..

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