My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 13: Nagato's fist first!

Strong and unmatched!

What a dazzling swordman's eye!

Looking at the swordmand that seemed to be coming from the sky and tearing her field directly, the Queen of Halloween felt an endless chill, and at the same time felt amazed.

As the center of the Celtic gods, the Queen of Halloween is not unseen by the swordman who has amazed the world.

However, whether it is the light of the sword released by the silver hand of the leader of the Celtic **** group, Nuada, or the glory of the vows held by the knights of the Round Table Knights, or even a special person under his own hands The swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordmanship can't be compared to the swordmanger in front of him.

That swordmand seemed to be beheaded from another dimension, and along a certain mysterious and mysterious trajectory, nothing could stop its progress.

What surprised the queen most was that under the sword, she felt a breath locked in by fate.

"It's him who can affect fate!"

At this moment, the figure of a red-haired boy flashed in the halloween halloween queen's head, his hands raised high, the surrounding stars instantly resonated with the queen, and turned into humanoids one by one, rushing towards the sword mandala.

These warriors, each holding an artifact, are brave and brave!

Or liberate the real name of the artifact, or display your favorite moves, or directly expose the body and the artifact, in a versatile way, turn into the guardian barrier of the queen.


Crimson Jianmang bombarded those 'barriers' with a fierce and absolute attitude. In the continuous roar, hundreds of melee soldiers died directly, and thousands of soldiers were hit hard.

The Chihong Jianmang itself was finally wiped out in such a way!

Just waiting for the Queen of Halloween to breathe a little, the figure of the purple robe did not know when she appeared in front of her, and she was holding Saya in her arms.

"It's been a long time, Brother Nagato!"

Leaning on a long-lost familiar embrace, Saya's face could not help but show a hearty smile, "The taste of Brother Nagato has not changed, it is still so strong!"

"Saya, you worked hard!"

Put the girl in her arms, a strange color flashed in the purple eyes of the long door.

To be honest, Nagato really didn't expect to witness Shaye's defeat in the long-lost reunion, but after seeing the situation of Shaye through the relationship with each other, Nagato could not help being a little dumb.

Just as Nagato was worried, because a younger sister was far away in the space of the main god, which caused her incompleteness, which was originally under the Nagato, Bai Yujing's strongest Saya had failed to promote Dao Realm.

However, because of the special power system of Hak Ting, Shaye Leng let all of his abilities reach the point of Tao.

In a sense, Saya opened up the realm of a half-walk!

However, this makes no sense!

Although it is much more powerful than when Dao Realm was completed, because only the ability reached Dao Realm, but it did not arrive, Saya ’s combat endurance ability fell crazily, and even the original powerful ability was still affected by the physique and could not be fully utilized effect.

If you have the full support of the chaotic starry sky, Saya will be able to play a style far beyond the ordinary Taoist strong.

But now, she can only carelessly lose Jingzhou and lose to Halloween Queen!

"It doesn't matter, it's worth it!"

He whispered a whisper, Sayah's face was full of smiles and chills, "I successfully mixed into the core of the main **** space, where I found your brother Nagato"

"That's what I know, in any case it's fortunate!"

The opening interrupted Saya's words, and a gentle smile appeared on Nagato's face, but he didn't wait for the Nagato to open again, and he was surrounded by thousands of gods of war.

And not far away, the Queen of Halloween was facing the two of the long door with an angry face.

"Go! Kill them for me!"

After Nagato's gaze came over, the Queen of Halloween didn't want to say anything at all, and directed a lore order directly to the surrounding soldiers.

At the next moment, thousands of Transcendental Warriors furiously besieged the two.


"Don't get in the way!"

Dissatisfiedly underestimated the sentence, Nagato held Saya in one hand, and the whole person did not retreat, rushed directly into the incoming Warrior Legion in the direction of the Halloween Queen, and the other hand clenched a fist and burst out!


An unthinkable and terrible explosion was born.

With Nagato as the center, hundreds of fighters around were all blasted out, and even close to double-digit frontal fighters who collided with Nagato's fists all died instantly!

Just a punch, the terrible power of Nagato suddenly revealed no doubt.


However, the strength of Nagato cannot be a force to deter the enemy. More soldiers rushed up, and more and more complicated power was poured out from the hands of the soldiers in an attempt to kill the red-haired boy, but all this was in vain.

As if the gods were descending, the Nagato was directly transformed into a humanoid tank and rammed into the legion.

In the roar from time to time, a large number of soldiers continue to die

"How can this be!"

Under the heavy protection of the soldiers, the face of the Halloween Queen couldn't help but be surprised!

The Queen can't imagine that it is just ordinary boxing. Why is there such a great lethality? It should be known that the Monkey King Qi Tian, ​​who defeated 100,000 soldiers alone, seems to be about this level.

It ’s just that reality does n’t allow the Queen of Halloween to think for too long, because Nagato is about to break through the barriers that protect her.

The Queen was absolutely convinced that the terrible fist, as long as she was close, could never beat herself.


"Just let you see the heroes buried in the world where the Celtic gods died!"

The surging will erupted at this moment, resonating with the entire broken star field, the boundary between life and death disappeared in an instant.


Along with this roar, the pure-blooded red dragon came across life and death. Behind the red dragon, countless heroes who died in the Celtic gods crossed the life and death and returned to the world again. ..

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