My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 16: Go to the fourth box of the box court!

In the early morning, the sun rose slowly from the other side of the mountain.

The night was expelled by the suddenly appearing ray of light. The dark clouds on the sky were covered with a little golden awn, and the sky began to recover its own glory.

The white clouds floated from afar, and the blue dotted the sky, giving the sky a touch of leisure.

When the sun shines on a large courtyard in the mountains, the calm picture in a room seems to be broken, awakening people in their sleep.

The long door opened his eyes, and the dazzling sunlight immediately shone on his eyelids, making him involuntarily want to raise his hand in front of him.

But in this move, Nagato discovered that his hand could not be raised at all.

In the purple pupils, the sleeping appearances of the two women, Red Eye and Saye, appeared in their own eyes. At this time, the two women were lying on their left and right sides, holding their own hands, no wonder. Will not be able to raise his hand.

Not only are the two pupils, Chi Tong and Sha Ye, looking up, the figures of Estes and Hei Tong also caught the eye of the long door.

The red-haired boy raised his eyebrows slightly. Then, the memory fragments from last night slowly flowed into his mind, reminding Nagato of what kind of feat he did last night.

Yesterday we reunited with Saya Kyubu, and Nagato naturally and arrogantly crossed the graceful body, revisiting the beauty of yesterday, but there were only one or two small situations here.

The first situation is that Saya was tired after the battle yesterday and lacked combat effectiveness.

The second situation is that, after devouring the third Sanxingchen particle body, although Nagato failed to achieve his ambition of unlimited power, the power generated by environmental information is only one-tenth the strength of normal power.

But this is enough to fight, and under this power, Nagato seems to be endless!

Such a decrease and an increase, Saya suddenly couldn't hold up!

In desperation, Nagato directly pulled the red pupils, black pupils, and even Estes, who had been sent to retreat, and was sleepy together, having fun.

"Looks like it's a bit smug!"

He whispered to himself in a whisper, the long door broke free from the girls 'bondage with strange and light movements, put on the coat, kissed on the girls' faces separately, the long door opened the door and went out .

As soon as I walked out of the room, the long door felt a fresh air, and I couldn't help but relax.

As the essence of life continues to rise, even if deliberately suppressed, the five senses of Nagato are far beyond the level that humans should have. If you live in a city with severe environmental pollution, it will be unpleasant to think about.

For example, breathing is not easy, there are things like ear noise everywhere.

In the beginning, Nagato chose to seat the courtyard in this rural area. Except for the remoteness here, it would not cause much impact. It might be because of environmental reasons.

"However, it seems that you are going to the Sanding Court soon!"

Walking in the empty and quiet courtyard, Nagato suddenly thought of a question, "Yes, it seems that we still have to wait for the canary to challenge, should we wait for seven years?"

"Relax, I will open a fixed state gate here!"

"Obtained the network of realm gates under the control of the Halloween Queen. Although I don't quite understand the power of the realm, it is not a matter of setting a fixed realm gate."

The answer to Nagato was Saye. I saw the girl appearing behind him in a thin pajamas, hugging the waist of the red-haired boy, his head directly against the back of Nagato, and whispered:

"And brother Nagato, I ’ll take care of your agreement with the canary. It happens that I want to secretly control the Celtic gods, and I need some manpower. You three of your potential family members will teach me how to adjust Teach it. "

"You, you were just preparing to talk about tuning!"

After seeing Saya familiar with his affairs, when Nagato felt comfortable, there was a worry on his face, "If I read right, you have most of your energy on the Lord's side, no Question? "

"Don't underestimate me, the Seven Suns have sovereignty in hand, even Shakyamuni will fight again!"

With some dissatisfaction, he knocked on the back of the long door. Saya suddenly thought of something and said, "I forgot yesterday, and now I communicate with consciousness to pass on to you what happened in the chaotic starry sky in the past."

"Well, I have some expectations too!"

Speaking in a low voice, Nagato felt a familiar link of consciousness, and then a large amount of memory poured into the Nagato's mind from the void, and transformed into Nagato's own memory.

In an instant, Nagato has experienced a lot of years in the past with Sayya's vision!

It turned out that after the Nagato left, the chaotic starry sky grew wildly at an absolutely efficient rate under the divine will of the Nagato, waging a plane conquest.

Later, inadvertently, the Lord of Chaos received an invitation from the creation of the Sand Chamber!

After judgment, the divine incarnation of Nagato decided to go, and then he participated in the creation of the box court as the owner of the chaotic city. Only later, because of its own paradox, the box court got out of human beings and finally tried this existence, leaving only absolutely rational chaos The city owner believes that the final result of the box court is only destruction.

"Since it is destined to be destroyed, then don't waste it. The system and the plane group to which it belongs will become a part of my chaotic starry sky and become a resource for our growth!"

With such a belief, the symbolic power of the chaotic starry sky-Chaos City and the box court directly fought.

I just did n’t expect that the upper level of the box court seems to have received mysterious assistance, sealing the chaotic starry sky in another chaotic area linked to the box court, and setting the strongest curse of “The final trial of the box court will not be destroyed, and the city of chaos will never return”. .

Only Shaye crossed the seal with his own speciality and came to the box court.

"That is to say, my goal is that humanity finally tried it!"

He whispered, saying that Nagato somehow had a mysterious hunch. It seems that after swallowing the third Sanxingchen particle body, he and the human being finally had an inexplicable connection with the trial.

"Forget it, then I'll go to the sand court first!"

Shaking his head, Nagato turned around, hugged Saya for a long kiss, and then turned, striding without looking back, the door to the realm appeared automatically in front of the red-haired boy.

Soon, the long door walked into the door and disappeared into the courtyard! ..

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