My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 17: First enter the box court to subscribe!

Step out and change the world.

The red-haired boy appeared at an altitude of several kilometers above the ground in a blink of an eye.

The secluded courtyard becomes a blue sky in the next second, with white clouds dotted on it, and you can even see the birds and beasts flying, forming a beautiful picture.

Then, the red-haired teenager directly started the free fall movement.

Looking at the increasingly clear environment of the lower bound, a clear arc appeared on the face of Nagato.

"Oh, this is the Sand Court!"

Flipping the body, spreading his arms, slightly opening the purple magical pupils, the long door enjoyed the feeling of landing, and also marveled at the magnificence of the scenery in front of him.

The range of the eyes is almost the endless grassland environment. At the very far border, there is a faint shadow of the rolling mountains. Because it is too vague, even the long gate cannot be determined.

Within the sensing range of the Nagato, the margin of this place could not be detected.

"Is this the end of the world Saya said?"

Above the sky, Nagato smiled softly with interest, looking forward.

The seventh outer door of the Hakting is directly connected to the end of the world of the boxing. It may be called the eighth outer door, and it is also the most beautiful place. There may be gods and monsters who do not meet the outer door level. The gift game is held here. The gods and buddhas outside the upper middle class may also be.

Despite the memory transmission of Saya, that memory Saya made a lot of hands and feet and dealt with many details. Therefore, although Nagato knows a lot about the box court, it is only known.

Nagato doesn't care about this, or Zhenghe Nagato.

After all, if everything is known, even the paradise of Gods and Buddhas will also seem a little boring, and Nagato doesn't want to lose the fun of exploring the Habitat in person!

With such thoughts, the long door kept falling straight down towards the ground below.

And just before the red-haired teenager directly hit the ground, the figure of the long door moved slightly, and then stood directly on the ground in a very natural way. What gravity acceleration seems to be a decoration.

"Very good, perfect landing!"

Standing on the emerald green grass, the long gate looked at the scene of the prairie all around, and said to himself, "After that, I forgot to ask, where did Saya send me."

During the talk, Nagato's eyes looked around, and finally stopped in a team at the end of the field of vision.

On the surface, it was just a team escorting something. If there is anything special, it means that the guards are all younger, at most as teenagers.

But this is only a superficial situation after all, in fact, the existence of this team is not human.

If Nagato is right, those people should be ghosts that can be materialized.

Of course, if only this is the case, it is not worth the attention of Nagato. After all, it is just a group of ghosts. Even if there are a dozen lich creatures, Nagato will not care. Anyway, it is a creature that can be understood by one punch.

What really attracted Nagato was the pumpkin ghosts that flew from time to time above the ranks.

Although extremely hidden, Nagato can feel the blood contained in the pumpkin. That is full of extreme evil!

"Interesting, this is really interesting!"

Looking at the pumpkin ghost, there was a flash of interest on the face of Nagato. "Just entering the box court, I saw a seemingly good guy. In his ridiculous body, there was surprisingly hidden energy."

"Should I say, is it really a box court with great talents?"

He whispered to himself, the figure of the long door disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, in the distant team.

As if I felt something, the ghost of the pumpkin head looked around, but didn't find anything strange, and finally landed to the front of the team with little hesitation.

"Mr. Jack, what's wrong, is there anything abnormal?"

When the pumpkin ghost arrived on the carriage, the cute girl with the light blue double pony tail sitting on the other side of the carriage asked cautiously, "Mr. Jack is rarely so nervous."

"Ah, is it ?!"

Hearing the girl ’s words, the Pumpkin Ghost was slightly surprised, and then shook his head. “No, maybe it ’s my illusion, it just seemed like someone was looking at me?”

"Well, it should be an illusion!"


"That's needless to say, Mr. Jack's strength is very strong, besides Sister Vera, who else"

Speaking of which, the girl with the light blue double ponytails couldn't help but stop the words, because at this moment, she suddenly recalled that the ‘why’ question just did n’t seem to be Mr. Jack ’s voice.

Some turned their heads stiffly. The girl was surprised to find that she and Mr. Jack's backbone had a red-haired young man in a purple robe. When she turned her head, the red-haired boy politely responded with a smile.


Jumping out of the carriage with exclamation, the girl said angrily, "Who is this guy, how can you run to someone's carriage without saying hello?"

More than a girl, the whole team was tense at this moment.

The teenagers took out their weapons, and the pumpkin ghost raised his oil lamp in his hand without saying a word, and the ghost fire came out of the oil lamp.

"Ah, don't be so nervous!"

Facing everyone's alert, the red-haired boy's face was full of careless smiles, and said, "My name is Nagato, a visitor outside the box court. I came here for the first time. Please advise me."

"For the first time in the box court? Are you lying? Mr. Jack?"

Hearing the words of Nagato, the girl with light blue double ponytails didn't believe it at all. When she wanted to come, this guy was definitely caused by their hostile community.

Just before she finished talking, the pumpkin ghost was in front of her.

"Love Summer, don't be too impulsive!"

Speaking in a low voice, the ghost fire on the pumpkin ghost was put away, and hesitantly said, "The name just came from the box court, named Nagato. Both of the conditions are met. Could you please tell me what is the relationship with Lord Saya? "..

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