My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 18: will & ap; # 39; wis for everything!

——It turns out so!

Hearing the words of the pumpkin ghost, Nagato's first reaction was not surprise, but a sudden realization. The red-haired boy finally knew why Shaye would let himself come here.

Saya's purpose seems to be to meet the team in front of him!

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato tilted his head slightly, and said directly: "Of course I know, we are related for a lifetime, in fact, I was just sent by Saya."

"Let's meet for a lifetime ?! Then, that adult, I can't believe it!"

Regarding Nagato's answer, the pumpkin ghost seemed to be somewhat unacceptable, and it stepped back a few steps back. The light inside the pumpkin head flickered, and it took a long time to stabilize.

"Well, may I ask this little brother, can you prove what you and Lord Saya knew?"

To be honest, if you can, the pumpkin ghost does not want to ask this question, but in his memory, the Lord Saya, but has a terrible evil that is not inferior to the absolute evil in the final test of humanity.

It is really unimaginable that such existence will have such a bond with others!

"Don't be surprised, I don't need to lie to you!"

Looking at the performance of the pumpkin monster, Nagato wanted to know the mood of the other party with his toes. After all, Saya was on the evil side, which was more abrupt and exaggerated than Nagato. Under such circumstances, a little explanation was needed.

For this reason, the Nagato's magical power in the body simulates Saya's breath.

Sensing the breath that filled the body of the long door, the pumpkin ghost suddenly saluted towards the long door and said, "Sorry, brother, you don't need to be alert, this little brother is not an enemy!"

The last words of the pumpkin ghost turned to other people, including a disappointed light blue twin ponytail girl.

Soon, the entire team continued to move forward.

In the carriage at the forefront of the team, the long door, the light blue double ponytail girl named Aisha Ignifats and the pumpkin ghost named Jack gathered together.

After introducing each other's names, the three officially started talking.

Of course, it was mainly Jack who was talking, and Nagato and the girl were just listening.

Almost ten minutes later, the long door couldn't help but feel a little sudden.

After Jack ’s description, Nagato knew that this caravan was from the community willowis.

As for the community, Nagato knew it before entering the box court. This is the abbreviation of the box court forces. In this box court world, no matter what the forces are, the country or the organization is all called the community.

willowis is a community that has only been established in recent years.

The base of this community is located at the outer gate of 678900 in North District of Ha Ting. It is a six-digit community, and it is also the strongest community in the lower zone of North District.

Although the community itself has sufficient combat capabilities, it is not a martial arts community. It is a manufacturing-based community, making various fine crafts and gifts.

In addition to the leader of the community, Veraza Ignifats is the strongest presence in the middle and lower levels of the North District of Ha Ting. Logically, this community will be a very peaceful community.

But unfortunately, because of the beauty of the leader, they were harassed from time to time by the king of the Chamber of Devil Maxwell. In order to deal with the devil, this non-combat community had to fight the devil.

Not long ago, the Maxwell Demon was promoted, from the five-digit Demon King of the Chamber to four digits.

In an instant, the entire community was facing a crisis of destruction, and Vera himself was facing a crisis of chastity, and at this time, Saya appeared, defeating Maxwell Demon King with a strong gesture.

In order to repay Saya, Vera and Jack agreed to Saya to do one thing for Saya free of charge without harming the community.

Then, Saya taught something to Vera to keep, and told them that in the future there will be a newcomer named Longmen who will come here, and Vera and Jack will be responsible for handing over the things to each other.

"That's the whole story!"

Pumpkin Jack shone with the light in his head and said towards the long door, "Just when we just went out to do business and prepared to go back to the community, Mr. Long door will go back with us and receive something from Lord Saya."

"fair enough!"

Nagato nodded in agreement, and a curious look appeared on his face. "And I also want to see what your leader Vera looks like. It has such charm!"

"Well, Sister Vera's charm is unquestionable!"

Hearing Nagato ’s words, Ayia Ignatius snorted and warned towards Nagato, “Although you have something to do with our community ’s benefactors, I still want to warn you not to beat you Idea! "

"Ah, you say that, I seem to be more interested."

Regarding Aixia's words, Nagato just said this so gently, and then turned to look at the scenery outside the car, almost ignoring the gesture, making Aixia irritated-

"You guys, me"

"Love Summer, calm down!"

Pumpkin Jack put a hand on the girl's head, and then looked at the long door helplessly and said, "Mr. Long door, don't you care about Xiao Aixia like this."

"Well, I'm sorry, I just couldn't help stimulating the face of the proud girl!"

Facing Jack's words, the whole door turned slightly, leaning against the wall of the carriage, and said, "After all, this girl is very funny, like a kitten. After a little stimulation, it will burst."

"Asshole, who do you say is a fried cat?"

Ai Xia, who had been quiet under Jack's appeasement, immediately burst.

"Who admits, who is chanting!"

"Ah, I'm at odds with you, this big bastard!"

"Good to say, easy to tell!"

Jack next to him looked at the two people who were already quarreling, and the pumpkin head couldn't help but a radiant grin appeared, and finally he could only sigh helplessly.

ps: I fell asleep, I was not comfortable all day! ..

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