My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 19: Vilaza Ignifats

Time flies, three days in a flash.

Although it is also within the range of the northern part of Ha Ting, the area of ​​Ha Ting World is indeed too large, and it is not a joke that the entire size of the star's surface is heaven and earth.

Therefore, it took the entire team three full days to return to the community base.

"Hoo, finally here!"

Flying down from the carriage, Jack the pumpkin ghost looked at his familiar base and couldn't help but show a big smile. For Jack, this is the home where he can feel at ease.

And seeing the appearance of Jack, many children flew out of the building of the community and surrounded him.

Obviously, this pumpkin ghost is very popular with children.

"It's really strange!"

The long door that came out of the carriage also saw this scene with emotion.

To be honest, although the red-haired teenager is a little difficult to understand why Jack in his body contains this kind of appearance, this does not prevent Nagato from admiring Jack's existence.

"Huh, Jack is very popular with children, not like someone!"

After hearing the words of Nagato, Aixia, who walked out of the car after the long door, thought he was envious of Jack's popularity and could not help but sarcastically, and walked towards the community.

These days, Aixia, who had some poisonous tongue and arrogance, kept teasing at the long gate, and the poisonous tongue couldn't stop.

"Ha ha!"

Faced with Aixia's irony, Nagato smiled indifferently.

To be honest, if it is not love Xia Yan value is still very high, the essence of the soul is also beautiful enough, plus the character of Nagato at this time after years of baptism, a lot better, I am afraid that the girl will be in trouble.

However, as a great generation of the Void Demon King, naturally it cannot be insulted!

"Should I teach the little girl a lesson before leaving?"

Looking at the back of Ai Xia's departure, a thought flashed in the eyes of Nagato, "Is it forcible to overthrow it, or simply take the first kiss? It's really awkward!"

Okay, expecting Nagato to become kind, it's all about dreaming of Nagato's virtue in his life!

at this time--


There was a slight breaking sound in the ear of the red-haired boy, almost subconsciously, the long door took a step toward the left, and then at the next moment, a blunt cross fell to where he was.


Such a sound suddenly caught everyone's attention.

"Ah, Sister Vera!"

After turning his head to see the blunt cross, Aisha's face involuntarily showed a collapsed expression and shouted into the surrounding space: "How many times have you said that you are not allowed to throw these things at the guests? "

Speaking of which, Aixia's face flashed a bit of weirdness: "However, if it's this guy, you can do whatever you like, as long as you don't throw people out of the concussion."

"really?" With a soft question, a girl who also had a light blue double ponytail appeared in front of Ai Xia and looked at Ai Xia with her bland eyes.

After receiving Aixia nodded subconsciously, the girl turned to look at the long door, and there were more blunt objects in her hands.

Seeing it was about to throw it directly towards the red-haired boy!

"Ah, no, Vera, this is a guest!"

Seeing this scene, Jack appeared with a headache, blocking Vera, and said towards the long door, "Mr. Long door, sorry, this guy is our leader Vera Ignifats."

"She is not malicious, just like to use blunt objects to attack interested objects and observe the other party's reaction."

"And Vera, this Mr. Nagato is the companion of Lord Saya!"

The words behind Jack were addressed to Vera, and after hearing these words, some natural girls had some blush on their faces somehow, and the look at the long door was a little different.

"You, are you Saya's companion?"

"Well, I am her partner, a very important partner!"

Seeing Vera ’s reaction, Nagato replied with interest, and at the same time, Nagato realized that Vera was really beautiful in front of him, and he could n’t help but raise interest.

Veraza Ignifats is a very unique existence, with both glamorous and lovely defenseless magic.

Obviously has an immoral **** appearance and **** that can deeply attract men. Every move is charming and lovable, and at the same time glamorous and sexy, but it seems that he is unconscious of this and is a natural dumb.

Okay, with all that said, the conclusion is that Nagato missed her!

Of course, despite this idea, the red-haired boy did not rush to put it into reality. After years of baptism, Nagato was no longer as impatient as his original self.

Sweet fruits like Vera really need to find a good time and place to start.

From this point of view, Nagato is still Nagato, a super jerk.

"is it?"

At this time, Vera, who heard Nagato's answer, hesitated for a moment before speaking, "So, are you here to take the collection that Saya put here?"

"It should be true, after all, she didn't talk to me in person."

Regarding Vera ’s question, Nagato hesitated and said, “But she sent me to the caravan in your community. I ’ve already calculated all this if I want to come.”

"Understood, the time is set in the early morning tomorrow."

Nodded, Vera first agreed to the long door, and then looked at the pumpkin ghost Jack, "I need to prepare, you take care of the guests first, that's it."

As soon as the words fell, Vera's figure disappeared.

"Huh, do you leave now?"

Seeing Vera ’s move, Nagato could n’t help but feel a little disappointed. It was only after the disappointment that the red-haired teenager realized that something interesting happened between Vera and Saya.

"Ah, sorry, Mr. Nagato!"

At this moment, the pumpkin ghost Jack flew over and made an inviting gesture towards the Nagato. "The leader seems to be in a bad mood. Let me personally welcome you, please!"

"It doesn't matter, I don't care!"

Facing Jack's invitation, Nagato nodded with a smile and walked towards the community ..

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