My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 23: Jack vs Maxwell

Speaking of which, Jack and Maxwell have long known each other.

From the time outside the box court to the years when he came to the box court, Jack has dealt with the Devil King of Maxwell, and has witnessed many battles between the Devil King and Vera.

Jack knows well that he is not the opponent of the devil now.

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely an idiot to let the enemy take the lead first, and Jack is naturally not an idiot!

So, at the moment when the voice fell, Jack shot.

The lantern with the boarding fire in his hand made a little noise, the lid was opened, and the endless boarding fire suddenly rushed out all over the place and poured towards Maxwell.

"Hah, don't do it yourself!"

Facing Jack's blaze, Maxwell's handsome face could not help but have a sneering smile. This kind of blaze is more than that of Vera's.

As a demon who can withstand Villa ’s karma, Maxwell is naturally not afraid of this fire.

Even if the devil does not make defensive frontal contact, the damage caused by this level of karma is limited.

"But now we are welcoming the bride, we should pay attention to the etiquette!"

The thought flashed through my mind, and the blue ice crystals and red flames on both sides of Maxwell burst into red and blue ice and fire storms, hitting Jack's karma fiercely.


Two powerful energies collided head-on in the open space in front of the community building.

The terrifying energy shock wave spreads in all directions from the collision center, and the earth was blown away in an instant. The building was destroyed at this time, and the space was even hotter.

Under Maxwell's icy storm, Jack's karma was clearly lost, and he kept retreating.

Seeing that the ice fire storm is about to completely destroy the industry fire-

"Don't underestimate me Pumpkin Jack!"

After standing behind the industry fire, Jack directly threw the lantern in his hand. At the next moment, the lantern containing the industry fire shattered suddenly, and turned into a mysterious force into the industry fire.


A terrible roar suddenly sounded, and the scarlet karma exploded hundreds of times in an instant.

In the face of this flame storm that suddenly became extremely exaggerated, the ice and fire storm released by Maxwell collapsed in an instant, and then the industry was burning, turning directly into a frenzy, engulfing Maxwell.

"Did you make it?!"

Axia's face standing behind Jack suddenly asked with excitement. To be honest, the girl was indeed surprised. It was unexpected that Mr. Jack could explode in strength that was not weaker than Sister Vera.

Although for this power, Mr. Jack made his weapons obsolete.

But Aisha never worried, after all, their community could forge weapons by themselves. Mr. Jack's lantern was originally made by himself, and at most it would waste some time.

"No, it's still early, or the trouble is just beginning!"

Hearing the question from the girl behind him, Jack's face showed a very cautious expression, "You also know the origin of the Devil King Maxwell, the body of the guy is Maxwell demon, in physics, it is supposed to detect and control the movement of a single molecule. The "shemale-like" or functionally the same mechanism. "

"Although I don't know why Maxwell, who has been denied, has such a powerful force, there is no doubt that he is very strong, especially because he can freely manipulate the cold and hot realm."

"I estimate that Yehuo caused him a slight degree of minor injuries at most, and the next thing is really hard work!"

Just after Jack's words were finished, it seemed to reflect his remarks. Above the vast industry fire, ice crystals and flames bloomed, the door of the realm suddenly opened, and Maxwell, who was shattered, appeared in the sky!

"Ah, my clothes, my groom's etiquette, unforgivable !!!"

After the appearance, Maxwell did not observe his injury for the first time, but noticed that his appearance collapsed, his anger was burning, and Maxwell's handsome face suddenly twisted.

"Damn pumpkin, I want to get rid of you completely!"

Looking at Jack fiercely, Maxwell showed his more terrifying power than Vera at this moment. Ice crystals and flames spread across the sky instantly, and the terrible natural disaster came instantly.

Endless ice crystals spilled over, freezing all the ice, and the infinite flame swept through, burning the whole world.

Including willowis, the outer gate of the entire northern area of ​​Hating 678900 is completely under the cover of this natural disaster, and all the creatures living here are suddenly panicked.

"Really, this is what makes the Demon abomination, ah !!!"

Under the constant impact of ice crystals and flames, Jack could barely stop with his own karma, but as Maxwell's gaze watched, the pumpkin ghost suddenly became more and more powerless.

"Death, let me die!"

Facing Jack's situation, the Maxwell Demon laughed and continued to increase the intensity of attack. Under this terrible attack, if Jack was not the shot, Ixia might have disappeared.

From the current situation, it seems that the result will be sooner or later.

"Damn it, do you want to unlock the seal?"

Faced with this unfavorable situation, Jack's heart was full of hesitation. As Longmen said, Jack's body contains endless great evil. Once liberated, Jack's strength will advance by leaps and bounds.

But if that's the case, Jack will face the punishment of the saint in the court.

The reason for all of this is because Jack's body is a series of Jack's incarnations of Jack the Ripper, Spring Leg Jack, Night Mist's Murderer, and Child Hunter's Jack, and bears the existence of sin.

Because of this evil deed, Jack was once exiled to **** by a saint, and he repented before he nearly collapsed.

Later, Jack met the new Vera in hell, escaped from the **** with the help of Vera, and met the saint again. In the face of the young demons and murderers, the saint did not kill the killer, but gave them. newborn.

As a result, Vera Box Court established a community to help premature ghosts, and Jack became the pumpkin monster Jack.

This is the agreement between them and the saint. If the agreement is violated, Jack will definitely fall into **** again, and this time, it is difficult to have a second Vera to help him ..

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