My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 24: Appear in time

However, Jack's hesitation is normal.

Normal people will hesitate involuntarily when they meet the point of life and death.

The question of whether Jack unlocked the seal even transcended life and death. If he dared to unlock it, then Saint Peter ’s face as a guarantor of Jack could be cracked.

That is definitely the rhythm of being dragged out of the corpse even if you go to **** after death!

Just thinking of St. Peter's **** lo*ic*n saint, Jack couldn't help but feel guilty and disgusted, but there was also an inexplicable touch. If it weren't for him, Jack was just Jack the Ripper after all.

If possible, he would prefer to be a pumpkin ghost Jack all his life, rather than anything else.

However, just as Jack hesitated, the devil Maxwell would not hesitate, and endlessly ice crystallized into a huge ice crystal sword, and bombarded towards Jack's karma fire barrier.


In the violent roar, the ice crystal giant sword directly broke the industry fire barrier, and the huge blade instantly broke into endless ice crystal fragments, suppressing the industry fire.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Jack's pumpkin head overflowed with consternation sparks.

Just waiting for Jack to react, the invading flames swept down directly, and the first Jack was quickly engulfed in flames, and Aixia under Jack ’s protection was also not spared.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The blaze of flames directly hit the building where the community is located, destroying and burning it!

In an instant, at the headquarters of the highly prestigious community willowis on the sixth floor, it turned into a burning ruin. Fortunately, before this, the members of the community had left. Otherwise, the entire community would be seriously injured. Too.

"Hahaha, that's what stopped me from ending!"

Seeing this scene in the sky, Maxwell couldn't help laughing, and then the handsome demon flew down from the sky and came to the ruins of the community.

Looking at the embarrassed Jack in the ruins beneath him, and the unconscious Ayia, the devil said: "Look, you guys, hide my bride!"

"My patience is limited, if you don't say it again, let you die!"

During the speech, the ice crystals and flames of Maxwell's demon rushed together, and the invisible pressure instantly enveloped the shaky Jack, so that the pumpkin ghost could not help but show a bitter smile.

——It seems that I overestimate myself, there is no way!

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, Jack glanced at the unconscious Aysia, and decided to unlock his seal.

Because he felt that Maxwell was indeed extremely murderous, if he was just facing the devil alone, the pumpkin ghost didn't matter. Anyway, this body was born from the evil road, and the death of the evil road is also deserved.

But Jack could not tolerate, so young, Aixia, who had not yet walked out of his own path, died with him!

"Because, Jack, I like children the most!"

With a whisper in his mouth, Jack's breath began to change. If Jack's previous feelings were, at most, the creation of a great demon, then he is now directly a demon.

The killing began to spread, maliciousness began to emerge, and the breath of blood filled the surroundings!

Maxwell felt a strong crisis at this moment! "You!"

Looking at the pumpkin monster whose temperament has changed greatly, Maxwell seems to see the peerless beast that is about to break out of the shell, and at the next moment, a pillar of green inflammation suddenly appears on the earth.

Without any precautions, Maxwell was immediately hit by this pillar of green inflammation!

I could n’t even speak, and was engulfed directly

"Hey, this is"

Seeing this sudden scene, Jack's body suddenly stopped, and then a long voice came from the pumpkin monster's ear, and footsteps appeared beside him at the same time.

"Since the evil is sealed with that determination, don't continue to fall, it will be a pity!"

Jack turned his head to look, it turned out to be the long door, but the red-haired boy at this time, actually carrying a crystal coffin, looked quite unique.

"Mr. Nagato, do you know?"


Faced with Jack's question, Nagato just nodded slightly, "The first time I met, I saw the big evil inside you. This is not difficult."

"It turns out that it is indeed a partner of Lord Saya."

Hearing a long door, Jack's face couldn't help but a little bitter smile.

"Compared to this, you don't think"

He glanced at Jack, and the long door said quietly, "You should think about it now. How do you explain to Vera after the battle is over?"


Hearing the long door, Jack could not help but have a big head!

Turning his head to look at the pillar of abrupt fire that appeared abruptly not far away, Jack saw his leader Vera slowly falling down from the sky.

It seemed that Jack's eyes were sensed, Vera's eyes moved slightly, and he looked over.

Vera bulged his cheek when he was facing Jack's gaze!

--Oh no!

At this moment Jack has only this thought in his head. He can't imagine how he will be punished by Vera after the battle. I only hope that Vera will not be too cruel!

"My bride, do you already like me to the point where I want to kill me ?!"

Intoxicated, rejoicing, and proud, the voice mixed with multiple attitudes echoed at this time, the pillar of Cangyan directly collapsed in a certain period, showing the figure of the devil Maxwell.

"So disgusting, the fire of fools!"

Hearing the sound, Vera's bulging cheek suddenly dropped, and a weak sorrow sounded. The scale burned the atmosphere.

The pale blue flame appeared from the wind in an instant, and drove towards the Maxwell Demon King.

"My bride, is this your passion? It is indeed enough to melt me!"

Facing Vera ’s attack, the Maxwell Demon laughed excitedly, and the storm of ice and fire reappeared, “Then let you see my passion, my bride!” >

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