My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 32: The attacking girl [on] second!

Crossing the door of the realm, the five senses and even the sixth sense of the long gate are distorted.

It's just that this distortion only took less than a moment. In a blink of an eye, the red-haired boy realized that he had left the box courtyard and came to the courtyard outside the box courtyard.

The cool autumn wind blew past, making the red-haired teenager who appeared in the courtyard pavilion feel helpless.

"Brother Nagato, you are here!"

At this moment, Saya, who was dressed in a white dress, rushed into the bad room of the red-haired boy and complained, "You are really cruel, you haven't contacted people for three consecutive years?"

Speaking of which, Saya seemed to smell something, his face could not help but for a while.

"Aha, don't care so much anymore!"

Seeing the performance of the girl in her arms, Nagato could not help but secretly made a mistake, and forgot to clear the smell of Vera and Aixia from her body, but said in her mouth:

"It's just three years, I will wait for eternal years!"

"Well, you are reasonable!"

When he heard the long gate, Saya snorted coldly, and he didn't care anymore.

This is not that Saya is really so generous, and he does not care that there are other women in Nagato, but Saya is very clear that as long as Nagato does not fall, there will definitely be infinitely long years.

Most of Nagato's lover cannot spend countless years with him.

Although Nagato has used his supreme power to allow his loved ones to maintain their original selves in the years, this power has its limits, perhaps tens of millions of years, perhaps billions of years

But no matter how long it is, it is only a short period of time relative to the nearly eternal years of Nagato.

For Saya, except for those who have the qualifications and the eternal companionship of the Nagato, the others are nothing more than embellishments of the eternal years, and do not need to care too much.

"Okay, what about canaries?"

The red-haired boy also understood Shaye's ideas.

But that was a long, long, and even indefinitely long story in the future. The red-haired boy at this time didn't pay much attention to it. Compared with the future, he paid more attention to the present.

And this kind of problem is not impossible to solve.

The infinite world has infinite possibilities.

"Now, right here!"

Leaving from the arms of Nagato, Saya's little hand stroked in the void.

The sturdy space rippled in that small hand, huge ice appeared in the sky, and the cold chill spread out, making both Nagato and Saya feel slightly cold.

And in the huge ice cube, the canary figure is in it!

"this is"

Looking at the frozen canary in front of him, Nagato's heart flashed a guess, and he seemed to understand Nagato's idea. Saye said, "Yes, it's Esdes's handwriting. Unprepared, I came to try it alone, but I was frozen by Estes. "

"Issid's progress is fast!"

With a low sigh, the look of the long door moved, and at this time, Saya's expression was also startled. The two looked at each other and looked at the sky. In the cosmic orbit of tens of thousands of kilometers above the two, there is a working satellite.

"Oh, finally here, the furnace of my destiny!"

"Brother Nagato, you are really evil!"

"Good to say, easy to tell!"


With a cold snort, Saya waved his hand, the invisible power exploded, and the satellite exploded directly

In the mountains and forests in the suburbs of Tokyo, a helicopter landed slowly.

In the helicopter, looking at the blurred screen in front of me, I could not help but look back on the face of June, but just wave my hand and let the satellite destroy directly. This power

"Really, people can't help boiling their blood!"

He said such a word softly in his mouth, and he couldn't help but think back to what he saw when he was ten years old before he met the canary, and there were two days of vision.

I remember Canary said at the time that it was the Sun God who was fighting with the existence of Sun Sovereignty.

It was so exciting and pleasant to go back to June in that time.

It was only in the following seven years that he never saw the extraordinary existence again. The world seemed so ordinary and desperate, and the only extraordinary canary could not do anything with him.

In order not to destroy the world in which he lives, he has to seal his strength in the sixteenth month.

But now, the power that transcends ordinary dust has appeared again.

"When the power is really used, it's finally here!"

Covering his heart with his left hand, he felt a long-lost turmoil in June, and just then, a severe sense of crisis was born out of thin air. He almost didn't want to think about it. In June, he broke out directly.

At the next moment, a red hot sword gas bombarded down, and the whole helicopter fell apart and melted.

"Wow, it's really dangerous!"

Standing up quickly from the ground, he looked at the disintegrating helicopter in June, and he couldn't take care of his heartache. He looked at the forest not far away, where he felt a terrible murder in June.

Soon, in the eyes of June, a dark-haired girl with red eyes wandered out.

The girl was carrying a sword, and the endless killing came out from the blade.

"Don't you say your name, this lady?"

Secretly absorbing the power to break the heavens and the earth in his body, instead of a smile on his face in June, "Sneak attack is not a fair and solemn means."

"I am a killer, assassination is normal!"

Hearing the words of June, the girl tilted her head a little prettierly, then remembered something, and said, "I was wrong, I am no longer a killer, sorry!"

"I am Chi Hitomi, it is Murakami, and at the order of my lord, come and bury you!"

As soon as the words fell, the red pupil holding the village rain suddenly turned into a residual image and rushed towards the 16th month. The endless killing appeared with the girl's charge. Here.

The feeling of death constantly stimulates the girl's senses, and she can't help but show a frantic smile!

"Hahaha, that's it, that's what it is!" The next moment, back to June, he gave a crazy laugh, and also rushed towards the red pupil, slamming his fist-- .. ->

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