My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 33: Attacking Girl 【Middle】 Third!


A terrible roar burst through the mountains.

The violent wind hit the mountains and the earth was mourning. The red pupil flew out under the shock wave. The girl's red eyes looked at the source of the shock wave. The young girl who punched couldn't help but be filled with consternation.

What happened just now gave Chi Tong a dreamy feeling at this time.

She, Chi Tong, was blown away under the fist of a girl!

"Come on, what a joke !!!"

Even if Chi Tong's state of mind is very good, he can't help but get out of control in the face of such shocking facts. The spirits of Xing Ling's family are instantly excited, and the black runes are filled with the limbs and cheeks of the girl.

That is a rune that symbolizes the five elements of golden wood, water, fire and earth. It just appeared and there was a fierce resonance!

"Five elements are unified, death is at hand, funeral!"

He whispered his words in his mouth softly, and Chi Tong stopped in shock from the air, chopping off with a knife, and the death knife, which was close to double digits, was bombarded towards June.

"Wow, it became dozens of times stronger at once!"

Slightly frivolous in his mouth, but the eyes in June were dignified, and his feet kept receding. In June, he showed his limit speed and barely avoided all the anger.

It's just that some clothes on the abdomen were not avoided, and they were directly destroyed by the death knife.

"Cut, the hands and feet are not fully open!"

I glanced at my exposed abdomen, and there was a burst of dissatisfaction in June's face. At the same time, the girl also understood something. She may be very strong, but she seems to be unable to fully exert this power!

Although consciously prepared, the body is not prepared for war.


There was a murmur in the mouth, and the next moment, in June, he had to give up complaining and concentrate, because the figure of Chi Tong had already appeared in the sky above in an instant.


In absolute words, Chi Hitomi waved his sword down, and the sword gas was vertical and horizontal!

The kind of killing that penetrates deeply into the bones is the most unfamiliar existence in June, but these can't interfere with the will of June, and in the face of Chi Tong's sword, June fists!

Without any technology, the pure and pure punch directly bombarded!


In the violent roar, the terrible shock spread from all sides.

In this shock, Chi Tong couldn't help but widen her eyes, because she saw that her sword spirit was shattered unreasonably by the opponent's fist.

"How can it be!"

Chi Tong is not an arrogant person, but she still knows how terrible her sword spirit is.

After Shaye ’s multi-faceted education, the strength given to him by Nagato has been fully developed. Chi Tong ’s sword spirit is capable of causing harm even to real gods.

But now even a girl's fist can crush it.

"Shoot !!!"

Just when Chi Tong was surprised, the figure of June pierced through the smoke from the previous destruction, rushed directly at the speed of the third universe, and punched a punch towards Chi Tong.

Faced with this unavoidable fist, Chi Tong can only raise his sword to block "Boom !!!"

At the next moment, Red Hitomi flew out toward the sky, and then fell heavily on the ground. After hitting a big pit on the ground, a lot of smoke was raised.


Falling out of the sky, I exhaled for a long breath in June.

Raising her right hand and looking at the black markings on her fist, the blonde girl couldn't help but sigh, and the girl didn't expect the enemy to be so tricky, she was not as easy as she thought.

And at this moment-


A sword gas rushed out of the deep pit filled with dust.

"Damn, she's not defeated yet!"

Seeing this scene, June was decisively speechless, and just when her words were finished, she saw some messy red pupils in the clothes coming out of the smoke and said:

"In the name of Chi Tong, I declare that you have crossed the first level!"


In half an hour

The sixteen months of standing alone in the same place were unhappy.

Chi Tong has left here

But she told many things in June before she left.

For example, her presence has been noticed by the owner of Chihong. For example, her adoptive mother Canary is indeed in a rural courtyard in the suburbs of Tokyo. For example, to go there, she needs to pass three tests.

The so-called test is actually fighting, fighting three people!

Although fighting is the girl's original wish, being forced to fight like this is indeed unpleasant, or, at this time, the sixteen months are already full of anger.

"It's really unpleasant!"

Said dissatisfiedly, he raised his fist in June and said towards the distance, "I really want to punch a punch on the face of the main messenger behind the scenes, no, I must punch a punch!"

"If this is the case, I support you mentally!"

When the words in June just fell, the black pupil's figure jumped out from the forest not far away, and fell in front of June, "Although I think you really have no hope, but that is the future."

"Black Hitomi, Chi Hitomi's sister, your second-level combat opponent!"

During the talk, Hei Tong pulled out the Eighth Room of Emperor Ju from his arms, and the murderous opportunity began to permeate.

"As soon as I hit my sister, did you come to my sister?"

Seeing the killing on Black Hitomi, June's face couldn't help but put on a frivolous smile, "It seems that your sisters are all killers. It really makes me curious about your experience."

"No need to be curious, if you become one of us in the future, naturally know!"

Facing the frivolous in June, the black pupil only spoke lightly, and then inserted the blade of his hand directly on the ground, and eight terrible momentums appeared from around them.

At the next moment, the earth burst and eight terrible monsters as high as 100 meters climbed out of the ground.

"Roar Roar !!!"

After walking out of the ground, the monsters roared in unison, and the brutal momentum came out into the air, covering everything around them for thousands of meters, so that June could not help but feel thrilling.

"The second hurdle, I won't do it, as long as you defeat the eight monsters!" Looking at the surprised sixteen month, Black Eyes said calmly. ..

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