My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 34: Attacking Girl 【Next】

Three hours later, on the fragmented battlefield

Back in June, the figure descended from the sky, splitting his legs with a battle axe, splitting the head of the last dangerous zombie species, and the blood and brain plasma overflowed, filled with the smell of decay.

Then, the girl fell to the ground heavily, hitting a big pit, the dust stirred!

Standing up from the pit, the girl discovered that the black pupil had disappeared.

"Cut, are you gone?"

Slowly walked out of the dust area, and took a few breaths in June, before he gasped and said, "It seems that I passed this so-called second pass!"

It was said like this, but there was no happy look on June's face.

Because at this time, she consumes too much!

In the past three hours, the eight giant monsters summoned by Black Eyes in 16 months fought hard.

Be aware that those monsters have not only powerful recovery and physical strength, but also powers beyond normal creatures. The most terrifying thing is that these monsters will also cooperate with each other.

In order to eliminate each other, in June, not only physical strength, but also too much brain power.

"Should I rejoice that I have not been injured!"

Some laughed self-deprecatingly, and walked towards the position of the third gatekeeper in June. As for why do girls know where the third gate is located?

At first, Chi Tong mentioned a little before; secondly, the girl can clearly feel that the infinite fighting spirit from the distant place is dazzling than the fireflies in the dark!

Although the situation is a bit bad now, the girl doesn't dare to delay her time.


"Canary, wait for me!"

Stubbornly said, in June, after recovering his physical strength, he began to run away

Half an hour later, in June came to a beautiful rural land.

Feeling the surrounding silence, the young girl was not surprised, because on the way to the place, the young girl noticed an amazing thing, that is, she had fought dimly, but nobody noticed.

It seems that there are forces that isolate those forces that are enough to disrupt normal world order.

"To be honest, this is really not happy!"

Although this avoids social turmoil, it also shows the strength of his enemy. The stronger the enemy, the more unfavorable for the sixteen months eager to find the canary.

"If it weren't a canary, I'm afraid I would be very happy!"

Such a thought flashed in my mind, and the girl quickly left it behind, because this assumption was meaningless in front of reality, and the only thing that can be done in June at this time is war!

With such faith, he walked towards the village's largest courtyard in June.

There was what I felt in June, the source of grudge!

As the girl kept getting closer, the surrounding temperature began to fall. When the girl walked to a distance of less than 100 meters from the large courtyard, she seemed to be in the snow and ice.

Even the icy phenomenon appeared on the girl, and the cold wind blew through! "Ha, I didn't expect you to come here!"

At this moment, a clear and proud voice sounded in this icy and snowy ground, so that June could not help stopping, and then she saw that there was a dark blue figure in front of herself.

It was a beautiful woman who could not be praised when she saw it in June. Her long dark blue hair fluttered and her smart uniform set off a beautiful figure that was far inferior to June. It was just the first time anyone saw this beauty. What she noticed was not the beauty of the other party, but her arrogance and arrogance!

"Of course I dare to come here, who are you, that so-called third pass?"

Marveled at the opposite position. In June, he would not give each other a good face. The blonde girl provoked her with a slightly provocative discourse, and at the same time she prepared herself secretly.

"Really speaking, little girl!"

Estes embraced his chest with both hands, setting off the peak of his chest more magnificently, "I am Estes, your third hurdle, I remember it deeply, then, I hope you will not be like Your idiot adoptive mother was so arrogant that she couldn't even hold my blow, and she was completely frozen! "

"You said, did you freeze the canary?"

Hearing Estes's words, in a trance in June, he lowered his head slightly, covering his eyes with his short blond hair, and asked deeply.

"Yeah, it freezes directly with one click!"

Feeling as if it had turned into a volcano that was about to erupt in June, Estes first flashed a surprise on his face, and then laughed more, as if expecting a cat that the mice would resist.


Very suddenly, a roar came out in June!

In an instant, the girl's figure appeared directly in front of Esdes, kicking sparks in the air at the speed of the third universe, and slamming towards Esdes.

Facing this sudden blow in June, Rao Estes can only raise his right hand to resist!


With a violent roar, Rao Estes couldn't help but fly out.

At the next moment, June followed, and his right hand was raised high, gathering endless power, which was enough to shake the stars, even the power that Estes felt threatened.

In the sixteen months of fighting for self-restraint in order not to cause a secondary disaster, even in the sixteen months of the previous battle that still kept restrictions on myself, here, all restrictions are abandoned.

"Dare to hurt the canary, let me die !!!"

With a fistful of anger, he directly bombarded Esdes's abdomen and bombarded it heavily to the ground.

The ground cracked, centered on bombardment, and spider-like cracks spread in all directions.

"Ah !!!"

After issuing such a terrible blow, he was still unsatisfied in June, and the third blow condensed with fists, and once again bombarded down.

It's just at this moment--


The white hand broke through the dust and caught the fist in June!

The powerful shock wave spreads from the four sides where the palms meet, spreading all the dust around, revealing a large number of ice crystals, and Estes in the ice crystals

"Little girl, you really surprised me!"

The other hand lifted up and gently wiped the blood from the corner of the mouth, and Esdes's face was full of ecstasy, "The real battle is now officially started!" ..

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