My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 35: Battle and off the field

At this moment, Estes was excited.

Originally, Estes was very dissatisfied with Shaye sending himself to fight a little girl who was not murderous. In her eyes, the real strongmen were all killed from the blood.

Sixteen months without even a little bit of murderousness, what a strong man is not at all worrying!

Only now, she found herself seemingly wrong.

There is indeed no murderousness in June, but her power is a little scary, and the body, which does not feel much tempered at all, has the power to shake the stars!

"Your talent really makes me jealous!"

A slight arc appeared in the corner of the mouth, and the temperature around Estes fell sharply, reaching the category of absolute zero in a blink of an eye, and the particles in the air gradually froze.

"not good!"

The pupils in June contracted violently!

Although with the physique brought by his talents, he could resist the freezing around a bit, but in June, he was shocked to find that he was a little difficult to move.

However, waiting for her to react, Estes's attack is here!

I saw Esdes' right hand holding the fist of June and pulled it towards where he was. The left hand shot straight with a fist and hit the abdomen of June.


In sixteen months, I immediately felt that endless cold had penetrated into my body, as if to freeze the blood in my body, and then the girl flew out.

Open a small mouth, blood spit out of the mouth, and then condensed into ice

"It's not over yet!"

At this moment, Estes grabbed the right hand of June and did not release it, but pulled it back very ghostly, and then Estes' right knee came over!

Seeing the body of June is about to directly hit Estes' knee


In the sudden noise, a hand in June was stretched out and pressed on Estes' knee. At the next moment, the blonde girl with blood in the corner of her mouth raised her head and showed her mad face.

"Don't be too proud, you bastard!"

As soon as the words fell, the head of June even dashed towards Esdes!


In the courtyard not far from the battlefield.

Nagato and Saye were sitting opposite each other under a maple tree. While sipping tea and admiring the maple leaves, they condensed a mirror through the technique and watched the two fight.

The ice and snow outside the courtyard did not cause any impact on the environment of this courtyard.

This courtyard seems to be independent from the whole world

"Huh, the battle between the two is really barbaric!"

At this time, Saya couldn't help but issued his own comment, and could not help shaking his head. "A little bit!"

Regarding Shaye's evaluation, Long Gate looked at the scene where Estes and June separated from each other after their heads collided, and nodded, then said:

"However, there is no way, the two are somewhat similar in strength!"

"As a matter of fact, the girl named" Reverse Sixteen Months "is really powerful. Actually, she is born with the power to approach the Dao Realm. If it is converted into the power level of the box court, it should have the strength of five-digit devil!

After taking a light sip of black tea, Sayers took a look and commented.

"It's only good!"

Facing Saya ’s evaluation, Nagato thought for a moment before saying, “Although her starting point is very high, that ’s it. It stimulates the power left by the canary in her body to reach the Dao State, which is The four-figure level, and throughout his life, probably no other progress. "

"Ah, you are really harsh, Brother Nagato!"

With a chuckle, echoing the long gate, Saye said quietly, "There are not many people in the infinite world who can really reach the Dao Realm, even if the power system here is unique in the Hak Ting, there are not many strong Dao Realm."

"The situation in June is already very good."


After being silent for a while, Nagato's gaze turned slightly, and looked at the canary sitting next to himself and Saya, but staring closely at the mirrorless canary

"Have you nothing to tell me, canary ?!"

"I do not know what to say!"

Hearing the long gate, the canary was silent for a while, glanced at Saya, and then said, "I just didn't expect that even the predecessor of Halloween Queen was lost in the hands of Chaos City."

"No, we didn't catch the Halloween Queen, the woman is sly!"

Expressing praise for the canary's insight in his heart, Saya said softly, "In fact, before that, I encountered the first positive defeat in my life in front of that woman, although there are many reasons for it, But losing defeat is losing defeat, which is beyond doubt. "

"We just accepted all the property of the Halloween Queen in the Sand Chamber!"

"It turns out so."

There was a slight silence before the canary said, "So what is your purpose? Sorry, some idiot, the purpose of the Chaos City has never been to conquer the box court."

"In other words, what purpose do you have for me? I'm just a poet in the local court."

"Don't underestimate yourself, canary!"

Regarding the arrogance of the canary, Saya said leisurely, "After all, you are the representative of the humans in the boxing court of the last era, and the only thing that ended the final human trial with human beings.

"Our purpose is simple, to be our people, to end this box court!"


Hearing Saye ’s statement, the canary was only slightly silent, and then said, “I ’ve lost everything in the game of Lord Chaos.”

"No no, what we want is your willingness!"

This time I talked to Nagato. I saw the red-haired boy pointing at the blonde girl in the mirror. "And you didn't lose everything, didn't you?"

During the talk, Nagato took a Western soldier chess piece from his arms and placed it in front of the canary--

"Really surrender to me, canary!" ..

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