My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 36: Blooming Aurora Column

The situation that his adoptive mother is facing is completely unknown in June.

In fact, even if the girl knew this, she would have no time to pay attention in June now, because the girl was completely immersed in the crazy battle with Esdes.

It is different from the short confrontation with Red Hitomi before, and Black Hit's attrition battle.

Back to June and Estes is a real battle between life and death!

This is an experience like dancing on the edge of a cliff. The girl's body and mind are all activated, and her mental strength is 100% concentrated.

With a little distraction, death will come!

Crushing the ice cones from all directions with fists, the girl suddenly felt a fatal crisis, subconsciously blocked her hands before being kicked by Estes.

Completely no less than the power of breaking the world, so the girl could not help but fly out.

"So strong, really strong! But, I am not weak!"

The thought flashed in my mind. The girl stretched her body in mid-air, stopped the trend of flying backwards strangely, and then punched out directly, blasting out Esdes, who was catching up.

At the next moment, the surrounding world changed, and countless ice blades extended from the ground.

Seeing this scene, instinctively bombarded the ground in June!

The power to smash the stars shakes the earth, and also shakes the foundation of these ice blades. The original dense ice blade instantly reduced by a large part. With the skill of June, it can naturally escape easily.

at this time

"Haha, so comfortable!"

In the distance, Estes stood up and laughed wildly.

With the laughter of Estes, the surrounding temperature was lowered again, and the icy cold wind was even filled with extremely strong murderousness. In this environment, ordinary people will be scared to death for the first time.

"Damn it, how many people did this woman kill!"

Even in the moment of self-proclaimed fearlessness in the month of June, I can't help but feel a bit chilly, because the murderousness is so terrible, it has completely exceeded the level of murderous devil.

Most importantly, a heartfelt crisis was felt in June!

Just waiting for her to do something, I heard Esdes yelling ‘Mokobomo’ from afar, and then the girl ’s senses slammed into a wonderful pause.

"not good!"

The unimaginable sense of crisis stimulated the girl's brain.

Under the will of the brain, the girl seemed to feel something awakened in her body, and the mysterious warm current spread throughout the girl's body instantly

That's the potential explosion of the third Sanxingchen particle body hidden in the body in June!

In an instant, the senses back to sixteen months have recovered!

Then she found in horror that she was in the process of flying backwards, and that the horror woman with long blue hair had approached herself, and she still held an ice sword in her hand.

Just to break the skin of your body!


The girl's right hand instantly lifted almost instinctively, holding the ice sword! The sharp blade directly pierced the girl ’s palm. The girl ’s blood continued to flow, but the blood was valuable. The girl ’s right hand also prevented the blade from advancing.

However, the crisis is not over here!


"Ah, I didn't expect you to break free of my time and space freeze!"

A bit of surprise flashed on Estes' face, but after a brief surprise, her face was replaced with a strange smile, and the effect of freezing time and space disappeared in an instant.

"It's just that you're a little bit off Mo Kebo Te Mo!"

In less than a moment, Estes again exhibited his own tricks!

It was like pulling a tug of war first, then letting the enemy off guard, and then tightening again instantaneously, the time and space frozen twice in a row, and instantly let June fall into crisis again.

The third Samsung Chen particle inside the girl didn't even have time to explode

The crisis of death is really coming!


At this moment, there seemed to be an invisible wave echoing in the mind of June.

In a trance, the girl ’s sense of time began to extend indefinitely, and countless memories since birth flashed crazy through the girl ’s mind, and then stopped at a certain moment—

One night three years ago, the girl had slept in the canary's arms for three days.

What the **** happened, the girl asked the canary this way.

As a result, she only got the gesture of the woman smiling and not speaking.

"I seem to know the reason!"

She said to herself, in June, she felt a mysterious thing in her body. On that item, she clearly felt the breath of her adoptive mother.

The girl instantly understood why the canary was defeated!


When the girl sensed the mysterious thing, as if responding to her, terrible power emerged from the girl's body, instantly spreading out of the body, breaking the freeze of time and space.

Estes's expression completely froze at this moment

"Canary, you bacha!"

Opened his eyes, and shouted such a roar in his mouth in June, but his eyes were overflowing with crystal tears, and then the endless light bloomed from the girl

It was a bright light that could not be described by words!

If the ice and snow is a foreign world, then this beam of light is a blade that penetrates the entire other world. With the fist of the girl, this beam of light first hits Estes, and then rushed straight into the sky, as if to support this The only pillar of the incomplete world!

In the courtyard not far away, the long gate finally stood up.

Looking at the column of Aurora heading straight towards the sky, a red smile finally appeared on the face of the red-haired boy, "Ha ha, finally matured, my little apple! I can finally eat it!"

And standing behind the long door is the canary that has just been reincarnated as a family of Protoss.

The woman at this time is also looking at the Aurora Pillar, with a complex face!

"Sixteen month sauce!"

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