My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 43: After-hours leisure

Time flies and it is a week in a flash.

During these seven days, Nagato stayed at home in the garden with peace of mind and lived a life of yozai. You either basked in the sun every day, enjoyed a leisurely time, or interacted with beautiful women about something loving.

Although for Nagato, it is imperative to break the box court's blockade of the chaotic starry sky!

Just how to do it, Nagato and Saya both knew.

At this time, don't worry.

The red-haired boy in front of him just needs to enjoy it. If there is anything that has made Nagato feel helpless since these days, it is-

"Eat me, big bastard!"

Just as Nagato was holding the puppet-like blessing and basking in the sun, there was a sound of tenderness in his ear, and then the red-haired boy raised his eyes and saw a stone at an alarming speed Coming towards yourself.

If Nagato's perception is correct, the speed of the stone has reached an amazing third cosmic speed!

That's a terrible speed enough to please the gravity of the sun.


With some helpless sighs, the left hand of the long gate lifted up a little, and the invisible power spread out. When sweeping over the blasting stones, all the forces on the stones were cleared.

In an instant, the small stone fell lightly on the ground, bounced a few times, and then stopped.

"It is worthy of Daoli, more useful than I thought!"

Such a thought flashed in his head, and Nagato's eyes looked in the direction of the stone attack, and he saw that he was standing not far from the Nagato in June, and he looked at him unwillingly.

"Yo, in June, why are you here, do you miss my body?"

Waving lightly towards the girl, a strange smile flickered on the face of the long door.

Seven days ago, after bringing back the month of June from the end of time, Nagato seized the mystery of the girl's body and pushed his own physical strength system to 80%.

As for the method of capturing the mystery, naturally it is some kind of pleasant way.

It was just that after regaining consciousness, he could not accept it in the sixteenth month.

After all, she is also a proud and abnormal character back to June. How can she endure the first time she has lost herself inexplicably, and naturally come to the trouble of finding the long door in the first time.

Facing trouble in June, Nagato repressed it aggressively, and then took it to the room to do it again.

Well, from that time on, June and Nagato were launched.

In these seven days, the girl used all kinds of methods, that is, she wanted to teach Nagato a lesson, and she ended in failure every time and was tied to the room every time.

"You bastard!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, the girl's face turned red, which was not shy, but angry. "This time, I must beat you up!"

"Hah, I'll just take a joke and listen!"

Let go of the puppet-like girl in the arms, the long door slowly stood up from the seat, a slight domineering permeated the body, and the surrounding air was stained with a heavy breath--

"Anyway, the only winner is me."

"If you don't want to suffer, just take off your clothes and go to bed, girl!"

"Humph, let me go! Die! Ah!"

He roared with tenderness. In June, he suddenly turned into a residual light in his anger, and rushed directly to the front of the long door. His left foot was supported on the ground, and his right foot volleyed out.

In the face of the kick in June, Nagato moved forward and turned his palms in one hand, blocking the girl's kick.

The other hand pressed the girl's forehead with the most natural and harmonious trajectory!

At the next moment, Nagato exerted force, and the whole person turned into a brave and unmatched overlord, without any sympathy for the fragrance and the jade, and directly pressed on the ground in June.


"Ah, they are here again!"

Feeling the faint shaking of the ground and the roar coming from afar, Saya couldn't help but sigh, "This is the seventh time, the battle between June sauce and Nagato brother."

"No way, the June sauce is indeed stubborn!"

Hearing Saye ’s words, the canary sitting opposite her said calmly, “But is n’t that good? If you do n’t have this stubbornness, the June sauce will lose a lot.”

"That's true, normal people can't be favored by the elder brother."

Regarding the canary's conclusion, Saya nodded slightly in agreement, and then took a piece of a Western chariot from his arms and placed it on the table between the two.

"this is"

Looking at Saya, there was doubt in the canary's eyes.

This chess piece canary is very clear, that is the star spirit family **** held by the long gate, the fusion of the existence of the chess piece will become the legendary star spirit family.

And because the power of the Protoss of Nagato symbolizes the stars of the chaotic starry sky, its family potential is really not small.

By the way, Canary himself merged a soldier's piece.

"This is for June!"

Seeing the doubts in Canary's eyes, Saya said leisurely, "Although I can't see it right now, but after being captured by my brother Nagato, my potential in June is a big drop."

"This piece can make up for her shortcomings, but now it is a bit unstable in June, I will teach you first."

"When you hand it over to the sixteenth month, it's up to you!"

"That's it!"

After being silent for a while, the canary picked up the chess pieces on the table and put them in his pocket before asking Saye: "Is the action going to start?"

"Yes, I'm already homesick!"

It was n’t Saya who spoke, but the Nagato who did n’t know when to appear here, and in June at this time, the Nagato was carried on his shoulders and fell into a coma.

Behind the long door, Xiqi followed silently like a ghost.

Putting the **** the shoulder into the arms of the canary, the long door spoke quietly and said, "I'm already missing Bai Yujing, so please, canary, come with you in June ! "

"I see, master!" ..

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