My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 44: Return and Thousand Eyes

After a few minutes

Nagato led Xiqi through the realm gate that returned to the box court.

Although some were anxious to return to Hakting earlier to complete their own evolution, Nagato knew better that he couldn't eat hot tofu anxiously. In order to achieve his goal perfectly, patient waiting is necessary.

Therefore, after assigning the next task with Saya and Canary, Nagato left.

Walking out of the realm door, the long door came to his room in the box court.

At this time, it was less than two hours before the long gate left the box court. There was still some vigorous exercise in the room, and the two girls Vera and Aisha were still asleep in a dizzy.

"It's only seven or eight o'clock in the sand court time, it's time to go out!"

Without disturbing the two girls who were asleep, the long door looked at the already rising sun outside the window, then took Li Qi's hand, quietly opened the door of the room, and went out.

Outside the room, the entire Ghostfire Community has begun to function officially.

In the field of vision of Nagato and Shiki, ghosts scattered in the headquarters building of the community can be seen everywhere. Most of these ghosts are young girls and even some young children.

These ghosts are doing things they can do, such as cleaning and scrubbing.

Seeing this, Nagato had to admire Jack the Jackie.

Jack really guided these premature children very carefully.

"Good morning, Nagato Jun!"

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. The Nagato just just moved Jack in his heart. At the next moment, Jack's voice rang in Nagato's ear.

Then Nagato and Akira suddenly saw the figure of the pumpkin monster floating.

"Huh? This is"


Looking at Jack's puzzled expression, the goalkeeper had already prepared the rhetoric that had been prepared for a long time. "The gift that Saya had given me was her, and I prayed that I just woke up today!"

"Li Qi, this is Jack, the cadre of our community, the favorite Jack of children!"

"Hello, Jack!"

After listening to the long door, he prayed slightly, and said in ethereal words that the pure breath that filled it made Jack's pumpkin face even have a smiling face.

In Jack's eyes, Qiqi is just like a pure child, so pure.

"Hello, Miss Qiqi."

I also wished to say good-bye to him, Jack ’s face looked at the Nagato, "Nagamento, are you going to make Miss Nishiki a member of our community? Or"

"Become a member of the community, after all, her relationship with me is unusual."

"I see, we'll register later!"

Nodded, Jack said this, and then he seemed to remember something, and then said, "Look at my memory, I almost forgot, Nagato Jun, the things you asked me to ask about last time are already in sight." "It's just a specific case, you need to go to thousandeyes to confirm it yourself."

thousandeyes, that is thousand eyes!

This is a group community composed of members with special "magic eye" gifts.

A huge commercial community that gathers intelligence and news from the entire cabinet. It is a huge commercial community assembled by most communities. The flag is based on blue and has two face-to-face goddess heads.

In the southeast, northwest, and the lower and upper layers, there are community communities distributed with extraordinary strength.

The famous child of Hak Ting, Bai Yecha, also belongs to this community.

At this time, the ghost fire has been raised to five figures with the help of Nagato.

But compared to a thousand eyes, it is still too small!

And now, the place where Nagato is going is Qianyan.

After handing Qiqi to Jack and asking him to take care of it, the red-haired boy walked out of the headquarters of the community alone and walked towards the branch where Qianyan was at the outer door!

Walking on the outer door street outside the headquarters, Nagato gained awe-inspiring eyes.

In the past three years, Nagato has made a huge reputation as a game player in the North District, so that the ghosts of the few powerful players can be raised to five figures. It is natural to be awesome.

Ignoring all these awe-inspiring eyes, Nagato kept moving towards his goal.

As a community on the upper floor of the box court, Qianyan's store will naturally not be with the ordinary stores on the street, along the outer door street, and the long door all the way to the corner.

The ground turned into light gray stone slabs, and cherry trees were planted on both sides of the street, with cherry petals dancing.

At this time, there are only a few stores on the street, but it looks more luxurious than before, and it is not even close to the fluctuations that have been able to detect the gifts.

The store with the double statues is not the most luxurious one, but it is the store with the strongest volatility.

The Japanese-style two-story building has a lilac curtain fluttering in front of the door, but it's hard to peep into the situation inside.

"Please stop, eh"

As the Nagato approached, the maid blocked the broom in front of the Nagato, but only after she had finished speaking, she saw an extra sign of ghost fire in Nagato's hands.

"It turned out to be a VIP of ghost fire, um, red-haired purple robe? Are you an adult of Nagato, rude!" Seeing the token in Nagato's hands, the maid suddenly showed a respectful look.

"It's okay, the unknowing is not guilty!"

For the maid's previous block, Nagato didn't care much.

After living in Ha Ting for three years, Nagato understands that the maid is only fulfilling her responsibilities. As a business community in Ha Ting, the loss that may be caused by accepting untrustworthy guests is one of the prohibited matters. As a clerk, it is obliged to perform filter.

The so-called unreliable guests also mean that there is no community, or the community is nameless and has no banner, it is difficult to explain their credibility.

The flag and name of the community itself represent a proof of credibility and strength, like a thousand eyes, as long as there are two goddesses, you can go in and out no matter where you are.

If there is no flag or community, the impact will be huge. Many gift games are prohibited from participating, and no one will participate in the gift games.

Diplomacy is not possible. It can be said that the loss of the flag and the title is the same as the loss of everything in the box court. It is not a zero but a negative number.

Even an unknown new community is better than a community without a banner. ..

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