My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 47: Meet Bai Yacha

Cosmic monster-King Ai Lei!

This is a monster that is beyond the normal planetary creatures and can survive in the vacuum of the universe. Even in this 3,000-world world, there are very few boxes of gods and gods.

Because this creature was born in space beyond human history, it hardly comes to the box court.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

There are always some monsters that unfortunately came to the box court and became the playthings of the gods and Buddhas.

It was like half a month ago, when Bai Yecha was playing outside, he accidentally saw a cosmic monster that fell from the sky, and then used her power to defeat the monster and imprisoned it.

Later, Thousand Eyes was about to hold a battle for the Demon King, and Bai Yecha got up and took his hand.

The cosmic monster captured by Bai Yecha became the prize!

"That's why there will be cosmic monsters on the list."

Sitting in front of Nagato, Liu Kaikou persuaded Nagato to say, "But because of the special status of Master Bai Yacha, the gift game of that adult is very dangerous, and it may be that the contestants directly fight the universe monsters. "

"In this case, the danger is not small, Nagato Jun, have you thought about it?"

"Isn't this just right, as long as you don't go head-to-head with Bai Yecha!"

Hearing Liu ’s words, a smile on the face of Nagato could not help but whispered in his heart, “If I really did Bai Baicha now, I ’m afraid I would completely alarm the upper class.”

"You! Well, I know!"

Liu Nang was a little excited about the stubbornness of Nagato, and then there was a frustration. "A strong man like you has his own firmest will and will not allow others to interfere."

"In this case, please pay ten thousand-eye gold coins, and I will apply for you."

Speaking of which, Liu seemed to think of something, and said towards the long door, "I said in advance, Long door Jun, when Bai Baicha is free, I am not sure."

"So, trouble!"

However, things are much smoother than expected!

When Liu issued a long-door game application to Bai Yecha through special means, he received Bai Yecha's consent reply almost immediately.

It turned out that Bai Yecha had just come down from the upper floor of Ha Ting and was in the Qianyan branch of the Eastern District.

At the moment, the long gate did not stay too much, and directly spent some gold coins, passed through the realm door owned by the Qianyan branch, and in a blink of an eye, from the northern area of ​​the five-digit outer door of the box court to the eastern area of ​​the seven-digit outer door.

"Welcome, guest!"

Just after stepping out of the door of the box court, the first sight of the long door was a maid wearing an apron, saluting towards herself. It seems that there is a maid in the branch of Qianyan.

"Master Bai Yecha is already waiting, please come with me, guest!"

Compared with Liu's maid, the maid seemed to be more rigid and arrogant in front of her. Although she remained polite in the face of the long door, it was only limited to that.

——Because of the arrogance brought by following Bai Yecha?

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and Nagato had no dissatisfaction, or that the maid in front of him had no value to make Nagato dissatisfied. What Nagato thought at this time was Bai Yecha's strength.

Even a maid beside him can be so confident and arrogant, showing Bai Yecha's strength in the box court.

"Some look forward to it!"

In this state of mind, Nagato followed the maid and walked towards the room.

Compared with the five-figure outer door of the North Division, the seven-figure outer door is actually much simpler, and soon the long door came to a partial room.

Separating the door, the faint sandalwood scent came out, which made people feel refreshed.

On the seat in the center of the room is a white-haired loli wearing a kimono. Although she is gorgeous and elegant, the loli itself exudes a very casual temperament, which does not match the clothes.

But in the eyes of Nagato, these are just appearances, it doesn't matter.

Although no special power was exerted, in the perception of Nagato, the kimono loli in front of her is not a non-mainstream little girl, but endless light and flame. The purest sun that Nagato has seen so far.

Even the sun, which is sufficient to override everything, dominates all the sun!

It's just a pity that Nagato saw two cracks in this purity, and the existence of these two cracks made Bai Yecha not pure enough.

If not, Bai Yecha should have at least the strength of the two ranks of the Hakting, and it is definitely one of the best in the entire range of the Hakting.

After seeing Nagato walk in, the white-haired loli sat up slightly.

"Hello, challenger, although you may already know, but out of politeness, I still want to introduce myself. I am a guild headquartered in four gates, three, three, four, and five thousand eyes. Cadre Bai Yecha! "

"Hello, Bai Yecha, I am the long door!"

Sitting opposite Bai Yecha, Nagato released his half-star spirit, and said leisurely, "I finally met, the moral predecessor of star spirit."

"Oh, it's you!"

Feeling the breath released by the Nagato, Bai Yecha's expression appeared on his face, "Unexpectedly, after the Qitian Great Saint, there is another half-star spirit in the box court, which is really rare!"

Bai Yecha said this, and the maid beside them was startled.

The look in Nagato was a little suspicious.

"Good to say!"

Seeing that his identity was perceived by Bai Yecha, Nagato nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "I won't say much more gossip, I'm here to challenge the devil's battle."

"Oh, am I really aspiring younger generation, want to seize the universe monster?"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Bai Yecha couldn't help but flash a little interest. Bai Yecha was indeed very curious about her junior who even alarmed the entire box court.

For the gift game he wants to challenge himself, Bai Yacha is definitely happy.

"So um? Changmen Jun, wait a minute!"

Just as Bai Yecha was about to directly open the gift game place, the kimono loli seemed to sense something, and the whole person rushed directly towards the door.

"Wait, Master Bai Yacha!"

Seeing Bai Yecha's behavior, the maid also remembered something, and rushed out, and there was only one long door in the room ..

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