My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 48: Community nameless

"Really, what the hell!"

Seeing that there was only one person left in the entire room, the long door couldn't help but a little speechless. Bai Yecha was more casual than he thought. I'm afraid that other thousand-eyed cadres can't do such a thing to throw customers away.

However, Nagato was also curious about who made Bai Yecha so concerned.

Dispersing his perception, the long door soon sensed that Bai Yecha and the apron maid were standing at the door of Qianyan shop. Outside of them, there were four strange atmospheres.

And in those four strange atmospheres, Nagato can perceive a very weak, but somewhat familiar divinity!

"Well, this feeling should be the breath of the gods created by the canary grass?"

Scanning his memory slightly, Nagato quickly came up with his answer, and then couldn't help but understand, "Then other people should be the survivors of the canary community."

Thinking of this, Nagato finally knew why Bai Yecha was so concerned about the four figures.

From Canary, Nagato knew that when mankind finally tried the dystopian demon to wreak havoc, Bai Yecha was also a member of the rebels, and his relationship with Canary was quite unreversable.


He murmured to himself, and suddenly the long door felt a little thirsty. He got up and walked to the corner of the cabinet in the room, opened it, and took out one of the bottles of wine.

Then the red-haired teenager walked back to his place again, opened the bottle cap, and had to drink it directly


Bai Yecha's figure broke open the wall of the room and rushed directly to the side of the long door. He grabbed the wine bottle that the long door was about to lift and said aloud, "Boy, you're so bad!"

"This is a good wine that I have treasured for hundreds of years. I can't bear it myself!"

"Hey, Senior, don't be so stingy!"

Seeing that Bai Yecha was going to **** the wine, Nagato was naturally reluctant and exerted subconsciously. As a result, under the dual power of Nagato and Baiyecha, the entire bottle shattered.

Then, time seemed to be completely stalled at this moment.

"Master Bai Yacha!"

At the next moment, five figures headed by the apron maid suddenly appeared in the room, looking at the white night fork and the long door where the clothes were stiff, and the clothes were sprinkled with wine.

After half an hour--

In the other room, Bai Yecha, who was put on a new kimono, sat in the first place, looking at the crowd and saying, "A little accident happened, but now it's all right"

Speaking of this, Bai Yecha looked at the long door, which was also put on with a new robe, and he couldn't help but have a bit of grudge.

"I said Bai Yecha, as for so much care!"

Somewhat helplessly, the long door thought for a moment, then said, "Big deal next time I invite you to drink, and it is the kind of spirit wine that only the devil can enjoy."

"Oh, that's what you said, kid!"

Hearing the word ‘Shenjiu’, the whimpers in Bai Yecha ’s eyes suddenly dissipated, revealing a beam of great interest. “If I ca n’t meet my requirements, I will be angry!”

"Ha, stay tuned, Bai Yacha!"

He said softly, and then the red-haired boy's eyes looked at the four more people in the room at this time, "Yes, you haven't introduced them yet, these four are"

"Hello, I am the leader of the community noname, Ren Russell!"

The person who answered was not Bai Yacha, but the only boy among the four.

Although it looks like he is just over ten years old, this green-haired boy named Ren Russell is like a little adult, and looks serious.

When it comes to his own community, there is no hesitation in the boy's expression.

There is no inferiority complex for unknown reasons!

This extraordinary performance not only made the long door show a little surprise, but even the white yak, who was robbed in the first seat, also filled a subtle arc with the corner of his mouth.

"This is Black Rabbit, Habitat Noble Moon Rabbit, one of our community members!"

After introducing himself, Ren Russell first introduced the blue-haired rabbit-eared girl sitting beside him, then looked at the other two, and hesitantly said, "These two are"

"I am a distant bird!"

Before Ren ’s words were finished, he was interrupted by the eldest lady in the red dress in the remaining two. I saw the proud princess said so: “Noname new!”

"Kasugabe Yao! Noname newcomer!"

After the elder lady finished speaking, the short-haired girl sitting beside the elder lady also spoke, with a concise language.

"Miss Asuka, Miss Yao!"

Hearing the words of the two, the rabbit-eared girl who had never spoken suddenly looked at the other with some excitement, stunned that the two girls saw a slight redness on their faces.

"Look what, it's just to repay you for calling us to the box court!" Turning her head some discomfort, the distant bird said with a textbook-like arrogance.

"Interesting, I probably get it!"

Looking at what was happening in front of him, Nagato nodded.

Red-haired teenagers can roughly guess that it should be the community noname led by Ren Russell summoning the distant birds and Kasugabuya, and then after knowing the community, the two girls are still willing to join.

But what makes Nagato strange is why it is so unknown that two members with great potential can be summoned.

As far as the bird said, the breath of gods that Nagato had previously sensed was on her, and Kasugabe Yao was filled with the breath of a complete life system tree, which made people wonder.

Thinking of this, Nagato's eyes turned to Bai Yecha—

When the red-haired boy wanted to come, nameless can summon these two girls with great potential, definitely have a credit for Bai Yacha, and seeing the long door, Bai Yacha nodded intently.

In fact, it is exactly the same. Without Bai Yecha, the nameless and even the summoning costs cannot be paid.

"Okay, everyone!"

At this moment, Bai Yecha suddenly stopped the communication between the unknown people, and said, "The anonymous people, you just came here. There is just a battle for the Devil King, do you want to watch it!" --rm->

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