My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 53: Meeting outside the Sand Court

When I walked out of the Thousand Eyes shop, it was getting dark.

At this time, the last rays of the setting sun spattered on the town of the five-figure outer gate of Ha Ting, and all the sights in the long gate vision were stained with a layer of blush, which was quite magnificent.

While admiring the surrounding scenery, Nagato parted with a part of mind.

Some of the thoughts of the red-haired boy have turned to the news Liu had previously provided to himself-Leticia's battle seems to have some unexpected circumstances.

According to Liu's words, there is a rumor message that shows-

The leader of the community perseus, who was originally planning to use Leticia to host the Demon King battle, seems to be preparing to cancel the holding of the Devil King battle and sell Reticia to large organizations outside the box court at a high price.

Although Liu used a lot to seem to prove the uncertainty of the news, Nagato knew that the news might be true.

Because Nagato's instincts have been foreboding.

And after that, after getting a lot of community perseus information from Liu, Nagato soon understood that Liu ’s news was highly correct.

Although perseus is a member of the community under Thousand Eyes, founded by the demigod hero Perseus, it has a light that is usually incomparable to the community, but it is undeniable that this community is weakening.

The most important thing is that the new leader is a good lazy, non-learning guy.

Such a guy obviously does such a thing.

"Although it's just a group of ants!"

I said to myself in words that only I could hear, and an impatient expression appeared on the face of Nagato, "But don't cause me trouble, otherwise,"

"What's wrong, master?"

At this moment, Ai Leiniang's voice came from around her, interrupting the thought of Nagato.

Turning his head slightly, the red-haired boy looked at his Ai Lei Niang with a look of surprise on his side, and suddenly realized that a little maliciousness he had unintentionally released made the sensitive girl monster aware of it.

"It's okay, just thinking of some overwhelming ants!"

Speaking softly, the long door directly took Ai Leiniang's little hand, "Forget it, no matter those bad guys, if they dare to offend, it will take a little effort to destroy the other party directly."

"Now, we should go home!"


Hearing the word ‘go home’, Ai Leiniang could n’t help but smile, and responded loudly.

Outside the city of Ha Ting, yellow sand spreads across the ground.

Three figures of different sizes wandered out of the wind and dust, stood high on the yellow sand, looked at the boxing city guarded by the boundary wall, and remained silent for a while.


"Your Highness, you are here!"

With the magical voice suddenly echoing, the witch in a black robe suddenly appeared and said a little salute to the smallest figure among the three figures.

"Come on, Aurora!"

Hearing the witch's greetings, he stood in the middle of the black robe and took a step forward while lifting his hood to reveal the young face with short white hair.

I saw His Highness asked in this way: "How is the situation, what do you say over there?"

"That dude is easy to handle!"

Hearing the question from His Royal Highness, the witch said rather disdainfully, "In front of hearing the rewards we gave, he was tempted, but the battle for Leticia was, after all, a competition already declared to the headquarters of Thousand Eyes, and perseus could not Willing to cancel it as he pleases. "

"Indeed, that would damage Thousand Eyes' credibility!"

It was n’t His Highness and the Witch who spoke, but the girl in black robe standing on the left side of His Royal Highness. I saw that she said, "So, what condition did the young master put forward?"

"It's worthy of being our military advisor and game maker-Saori Bell!"

Hearing the girl ’s jack, the witch first complimented the other side, and then said, “The old master said, he would personally persuade most of the participants to let them cancel the competition, but there are some people who ca n’t convince. We have to personally help him solve it. "

"It's really troublesome, just kill the young master!"

At this time, the last black robe of the four suddenly spoke out. Although his voice seemed quite old, it was full of brutality and courage-

"Anyway, the young master has long lost the ability and courage of the original Perseus. With our strength, as long as the raid, it will definitely destroy the other party in a moment."

"No way, old man!"

Hearing the old man ’s words, Saori Suzuki suddenly became anxious and said, “Although perseus is lonely, after all, it is a subordinate community of Thousand Eyes. If you really move it, let the Thousand Eyes really move, but It ’s very dangerous, you know that Bai Yecha also belongs to Qianye. "

"Bai Yecha, hum, that woman is really dangerous!"

For Cai Liling's words, the old man in black robe couldn't help but feel at ease.

As the oldest person present, the old man has experienced the age of Bai Yecha as a problem child. At that time, the prestige of Bai Ye Wang, but the entire Hak Ting city was shocked, and the fighting power was absolutely amazing.

"Fortunately, we prepared a natural enemy for Bai Yecha!"

After being silent for a while, the old man said with a stern mouth, which immediately resonated with the other three people present, but at the next moment, a long voice rang in the ears of the four, like a thunder--

"Oh, what did I hear, Bai Yecha's predator? Can you tell me who it is?"

"who is it!!"

The white-haired boy who was called His Royal Highness immediately turned his head to look at the yellow sand behind him, and the other three knew that the powerful three of his Highness followed him.

Soon, in the vision of several people, two figures in red robes emerged from the wind and dust.

"You, who are you, what's the purpose?"

Looking at the two figures approaching gradually, His Royal Highness asked quietly, and at the same time, the other three made a fighting stance, and the murderous opportunity spread out.

"We are just passing travelers!"

Stopping not far in front of several people, one of the two red figures took a step forward, veiled the other figure in front of him, and said arrogantly, "Do you have any opinions, White hair ghost! "..

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