My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 54: Original Clash

——Grey-haired ghost!

Hearing this name, Cai Liling, the old man in black robe and the witch Aurora all changed their faces. The terrifying murders permeated from the three. Cai Liling took a step forward and yelled loudly:

"Bold! You, you guy, dare to insult Your Highness!"

"Ha, I'm right!"

Facing the violent killing, the red robe figure spoke calmly, and at the same time opened his hood, revealing the unique arrogant smile face back to June, and looked at His Royal Highness:

"Hello, imp, did you say that I was wrong!"

"How to say, that's right!"

Hearing the words of June, His Royal Highness tilted his head slightly, and then said, "Although it is an objective description, I can still hear that you are saying bad things about me."


In response to His Royal Highness, in June, he did not know how to interface.

In fact, it was n’t just June, but the three companions of His Royal Highness were equally speechless. The original horror of terror could not help but be interrupted.

"Haha, it's really interesting!"

At this time, the figure of the red robe standing behind the 16th month gave a burst of hearty laughter, "16th month, how do you feel when you encounter such a simple existence!"

"I am very upset!"

Hearing the words of the people behind him, he pouted uncomfortably in June, and then looked at the other four, "So, let me vent, let's fight!"

Just finished speaking, in June, he ignored the other party's reaction and rushed out.

"Little girl, you are so arrogant!"

Seeing the sixteen months of charge, the old man in black robe suddenly became angry.

Obviously they are the villains, standing in the terrible existence opposite the entire box court. According to the old man ’s mind, the development should be: they intimidate, kill or conquer the two guys who found their secrets.

It's just that the old man didn't expect that they didn't finish the conversation, and the other party shot directly!

The little **** the opposite side is more domineering than others

For this development, the old man is totally unacceptable.


"Whether it's something you shouldn't hear, or your insult to your Highness, let me repay it with blood, **** little girl!"

After rushing to His Royal Highness, the old man opened his mouth and breathed hard—


A dragon-like flame erupted from the old man's mouth.

The sixteenth month of the storm did not anticipate the other party's attack, so it rushed straight into the flame of the dragon's breath and was submerged by the endless flame.

"Huh? Be careful! Old man!"

At this moment, His Highness's eyes moved slightly, calling out loudly, and rushed towards the old man.

But he finally shouted too late, and at the next moment, the figure of June had already passed through the dragon breath of fire and rushed directly to the old man in black robe, kicking directly!


The old man in black robe was kicked by the girl directly and smashed into the yellow sand.

"Humph!" Seeing this scene, His Highness's complexion changed slightly.

The speed under the foot remained the same, and even increased by half. In a moment, the figure of the white-haired boy appeared directly in front of the June who had just attacked, and he punched directly at the heart of the June.


Facing the attack from His Royal Highness, the left palm of June left the opponent's fist in an instant, and the strong force caused the whole person to retreat a few meters in June and plowed two deep marks in the sand.

"Although I know that you are trying to attack me, I chose this place to attack"

Leading the punches in his body into the sand below him, he raised his head in June, a red-haired figure flashed in his brain, his eyes were sharp, and his body became more powerful-

"It seems that your kid is definitely a big-horned wolf in the future"

"I hate satyrs the most in my life!"

As soon as the words fell, the right hand in June clenched a fist, directly detonated the air, and then bombarded His Highness on the head!


The force enough to smash the heavens and earth exploded suddenly, and it was already a blessing that His Highness had not been directly headshot, but even so, his consciousness was instantly stunned.

At this time, His unbelievable physical qualifications played a role. With his instinct, he inadvertently used his strength to stand still.

It's just a pity that this is the best way to make a fatal judgment error.

Your Highness should take the blow and be beaten.

At least to distance from June.

Rather than being seized by the angry girl, the left hand slammed the left foot of the **** the ground, and the right foot turned into an indestructible battle axe, bombarding His Royal Highness on the head!


The white-haired boy was stepped into the ground directly by the angry sixteen foot!

"how come!"

"Ah, Your Highness ?!"

Seeing this scene, Aurora and Cai Liling both showed surprise and even horrified looks. As their companions, they knew how powerful they were.

I just didn't expect such a powerful lord to be beaten up by the other party. I couldn't imagine it!

In an instant, the two understood the power and simplicity of June

However, although there was even a horrified look, the two girls did not move, because they understood that although it seemed that His Highness was hit hard, he did not suffer much damage.

The real battle has just begun!


As if responding to Saori Bell and Aurora's confidence, a terrible blast broke out on the sand, and the white-haired boy with bleeding blood rushed out of the center of the explosion.

"Come again!"

"Afraid of you, little pervert!"

"I'm not!"

"Say you are, you are, tomahawk split!"

In the intertwined discourse, the fists and feet of the two crisscrossed insanely, and the terrifying collision sound exploded continuously in the void, enough force to break the world and the collision, and even distorted the space vaguely.

"Ah, what a shocking situation!"

Looking at the battle in front of him, another figure in red robe whispered to himself, "A boy who can fight in sixteen months, I am afraid it is a candidate for the original scriptures of the gods. Clash between the original scriptures of man and the original scriptures of God?

"Oh, what is this, the epitome of the biggest paradox of Hak Ting?" ..

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