My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 55: Canary strength

The so-called original text usually refers to the classics of cultural origin.

In this world called Hating, the original text has been given a new meaning, because the world of Hiding is not a general world, but a world that is detached from the time axis, and is equal in origin and end.

Many groups of gods throughout the box court and even human beings all have their own origin and eschatology.

Under such conditions, for example, there exists a connection between the terminal and the origin!

And this is the so-called original scripture!

In other words, the so-called original scripture of the box court is the savior of the end of the future, the pioneer of the new era, and the candidate of the original script is naturally a candidate for the savior.

Back to sixteen months is the future savior of mankind, or the power of salvation!

This was established shortly after the long goalkeeper brought back from the end of time in June, in Sayya, the joint efforts of the three men and the canary were established.

The gift held back in June comes from this future salvation.

Therefore, the sixteenth month of retrograde is a candidate for the original canon of mankind.

"Then we can fight head-to-head in June, the fighting style and breath are so similar, plus the simplicity that has just been born not long ago, I don't believe it if it is not the original candidate of the **** group."

Looking at the ongoing battle, the woman in the red robe, the Canary, secretly underestimated it, but she was full of doubts. After all, there are many **** groups, so which **** group is the original classic candidate from before.

Just when the canary is thinking--


Suddenly there was a violent roar on the sand, a monster up to several meters in height was crawling out of the sand, and the dreaded Longwei spread out from the monster.

"Damn little girl, I can't spare you !!!"

Looking up at the sky, the dragon-shaped monster's body was filled with tyrannical breath, which was extremely amazing.

At the first sight of the monster, the canary recognized the identity of the other party. It was the old man in black robe who had been beaten into the ground in June. At this time, he turned into a monster somehow.

It's just that Canary really doesn't understand how the other party changed from human form to that kind of monster.

Thinking so, Canary saw a familiar brand on the other side!

"Wait, it turned out to be the pattern of the life catalog."

"By the way, I remembered that there was indeed a Griffon beast with a catalog of life. I remember to call it Grea Griff, Draco's younger brother."

When the mind is running and just knowing the identity of the other party, the canary sees the monster rushing in the direction of the battle between His Highness in June and prepares to intervene in the fight between the two and besieged in June.

"Although he is the younger brother of an acquaintance, can it bother you for sixteen months."

The thought flashed in my heart, and the woman in the red robe squatted down slightly and picked up a stone from the ground.


"Shoot !!!"

The stone flying at the speed of the third universe directly turned into a violent impact, hitting **** the monster's head and bombarding it from midair.

Such a change and sound suddenly caught everyone's attention

The fighting between His Highness and His Highness in June couldn't help but pause, but then the two fell into another brave battle like each other again. The fateful battle made it difficult for the two of them at this time to take care of the others.

But Cai Liling and Aurora's attention was focused on the red robe.

Both eyes widened and their faces were horrified.

Whether it is as a game maker, Saori Bell, who is moving towards a poet, or Aurora, who is a human fantasy species-the magician, the two people's perception ability is beyond ordinary people.

Because of this, they all clearly felt that the woman in the red robe had just done a terrible thing.

"You, you changed the rules of the Sand Chamber ?!"

With a slightly trembling voice, Cai Liling's face appeared slightly frightened.

As a well-known game producer, the young girl understands that this is no longer a means that normal people can have. It must be the highest-level poets who can do this kind of thing.

With such an existence as an opponent, it is easy to feel desperate.

"Ah, I can feel it!"

Seeing the reaction of the two women, Canary Wander walked towards each other, and while walking, said, "It's not that exaggerated, I just interfered with the lower chamber with a new view of the universe."

"This, this is impossible!"

Hearing the woman in the red robe indifferently, Cai Liling was dumbfounded, and Aurora whispered to herself, "How can humans do this?"

"How is it impossible, in the words of the outside world, everything is possible!"

Stopped in front of the two women less than ten meters, the canary said leisurely, "Well, no more gossip, before you said something that I care about."

"Since that is the case, then I can only catch you up before--"


The red robe woman's words were not finished yet. I saw that the monster that had been knocked off the ground had stood up and turned into a dragon-type creature up to several meters in height.

The mouth opened wide, and a red flame burst out of the dragon population, bombing towards the canary.


"Destroy it!"

Canary whispered to herself, and in a moment, a radius of more than twenty meters centered on the red robe woman turned into a mysterious field.

The invisible power spreads, and the flame extinguishes out of thin air.

"Thousands of times of gravity!"

At the next moment, the canary whispered again, and the power of language appeared again. I saw that within a radius of about one meter centered on the dragon, the gravity instantly increased hundreds of times.

The dragon was directly suppressed by this sudden gravity, lying on the ground with blood flowing in his mouth.

"And you, bond!"

After all this was done, Canary's eyes turned to Cai Liling and Aurora again, and the third time they spoke of words and spirits, and then an irresistible force suddenly appeared, imprisoning the two women in an instant.

The two girls couldn't even react. After being imprisoned, they couldn't even play their own gifts.

Simply, the three partners of His Highness were suppressed.

Canary's strength is evident! ..

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