My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 56: avara!

"Everyone, why is it bad !!!"

After the eyes of His Royal Highness in battle swept to the canary and almost joke to suppress his three subordinates, his movements were a little bit, and then the white-haired boy felt bad.

The next moment, as expected, the fist of June passed through his defense and hit the boy's abdomen.


Under the force that crushed the heavens and the earth, His Royal Highness flew out, and then fell heavily on the sand. While hitting a big pit, he set off a large amount of sand.

"White-haired imp, are you looking for death ?!"

After striking the opponent away, instead of chasing after victory in June, he said unpleasantly, "Dare to be distracted when fighting me, the old lady is really angry!"

Between the words, the terror that filled the body in June became more and more horrible, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Cough, sorry!"

With a low apology, I saw the white-haired boy who was called His Royal Highness came out of the bunker. After sweeping the canary, the boy wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his left hand, his eyes brightened. "I didn't expect you to be so powerful, I can only use that power now!"

During the talk, the breath of His Highness became more terrifying and amazing, as if there were some peerless beasts about to be born.

The bright sky was even clouded for a moment, and it was slightly dimmed.

"No, this power!"

Looking at this scene, Canary's brow raised.

Although the nature of the power is different, Canary still knows that it is definitely the power to simulate the star chart.

Suddenly, the woman in the red robe found herself and June luck seemed to be a bit too much. On the first day of entering the box court, she met an original candidate with a simulated star chart.

"Hahaha, it's so funny, white-haired imp!"

Compared with the canary's surprise, June's face was full of excitement, his right hand held his fist, and the power of the aurora kept running in his hands—

"Me, it's burning!"

As soon as the voice fell, it turned into a residual image in June and rushed towards His Royal Highness.

In a blink of an eye, the girl came to His Royal Highness, and the fist gathering the power of the Aurora directly bombarded His Royal Highness towards the face of His Royal Highness.

Feeling the oncoming fist, if he resisted hard, His Highness believed that his head would definitely be exploded.


"You have no chance!"

His eyes gradually became cold, and His Royal Highness secretly called the strongest power in the body, "Simulation of the star creation map-avatāra start, the fourth incarnation, the lion **** beast Narosimo!"

With the silent meditation in the boy's heart, the invisible power instantly spread throughout His Highness.

The boy lowered his head subconsciously to meet the girl's fist with his head!

"Keng !!!"

The fist in June bombarded His Highness on the head and made a metallic collision sound. The fist that was originally enough to collapse the mainland not only failed to leave any traces on the boy's head, but even made the opponent back three steps.

"Damn it, what is this head!"

Feeling a little numb in his right hand, June's face was hard to hide, but he didn't wait for her to think about it. His Royal Highness, who stepped back three steps, rushed up instantly, and it was a crash!

The left hand of the sixteenth month lifted up subconsciously, with the palm to fist—

"Keng !!!"

The metal-like collision sounded again. This time it was the turn of the whole three months in June. At this time, His Royal Highness seemed to be transformed into an extreme tank with a defense like a copper wall and iron wall. It was powerful and unstoppable!

For the first time since the beginning of the war in June, it fell.

It was only after the battle gained the upper hand that His Highness did not take advantage of the pursuit, but focused his attention on the canary, because beside the canary, he was lying under his three men.

Obviously, white-haired boys are more worried about their men than fighting.

But this behavior suddenly angered June!


There was even a little bitterness on the blonde girl's face, and she said, "It seems that you are very worried about your men, then defeat me completely. As long as you defeat me, I will guarantee that you can leave your men. "

"Canary, this is my request, all right!"

"Well, it's a rare request for June sauce. Why can't I agree as a mother."

Hearing the words of June, a smile flashed under the canary's hood and said to His Highness, "Relax, rest assured, your men are safe until your victory or defeat is decided."

"I understand!"

After being silent for a while, His Royal Highness' eyes turned to June, and he secretly said in his heart, "Simulation of the creation of a star-avatāra starts, the second incarnation, the **** Tortoise!"

In a blink of an eye, the power within His Royal Highness changed, and infinite power was added to His Highness.


Stepping on the ground with one foot, His Royal Highness turned from a tank into a tank, and rushed to the front of June with boundless power. Without a word, he punched out.

Faced with fists, without thinking, the same punch!


In the violent roar, in June, he felt a sharp pain in his right hand, and there was a slight distortion in the vagueness, and then the girl flew upside down.

"It's not over yet!"

After punching out the sixteen months with one punch, His Highness was incapable of catching up, and he chased it up again. For the sake of the safety of his three men, His Highness will definitely do whatever he can.

Seeing His Highness catch up with the sixteenth month, ready to slam his fist again--

"Slalom Tomahawk!"

Resisting the pain in his arm, in June, the whole person's body spun upside down in the air, and his right foot turned a circle in the air, turning into a battle axe, and hit the body of His Royal Highness hard.


This time there was no metal-like collision sound, and the whole man was bombarded on the ground in June.

But after making this blow, it suddenly retreated in June.

"How is this going?!"

After retreating a distance of more than ten meters, in June, looking at the white-haired boy lying in the bunker not far away was a little suspicious. The blonde girl could clearly feel that the other party had been traumatized just under his own foot.

His breath has indeed declined.

As a result, in an instant, the other party's breath returned to the original, and strengthened.

"Damn, is this guy Xiaoqiang?"

The left hand carefully pressed his **** right hand, and the blonde girl looked at the white-haired boy who was standing up slowly from the sand pit, and suddenly felt very tricky--

"Judging from the situation just now, this guy used a total of two different powers, similar to the legendary power of Donkey Kong, as well as physical strengths such as huge power and super recovery. I feel there are other powers. Correct."

"What the **** is this power? It's too much trouble. Do you want to use an aurora pole?"

At this moment, the white-haired boy had stood up and looked at the month of June: "Do you want to continue, then I will use more dangerous power, if you fail, you will die!"

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