My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 62: Send him to die first!

Time flies, and a few days passed in an instant.

In these days, the red-haired teenager has been staying in the headquarters of the ghost fire and has not been out. Every day he either flirts with Vera or teaches some children the ghost.

Nagato was leisurely complacent, like a gesture of ignoring foreign affairs.

Even if the community encounters any gift game that needs to participate, it is also topped by Ai Leiniang and Ai Xia.

Fortunately, under the guidance of Nagato's words and lessons, as the game player Aixia has been very qualified. With the combat effectiveness of Ai Leiniang, even if Vera, Nagato and Jack do not shoot, the development of the community continues to triumph.

Seeing the situation of the community today, Jack is obviously very happy. In his eyes, as long as the background of the ghost fire is deep, form an alliance, and the four-digit number is just around the corner!

For a community that has been established for less than ten years, this is simply unimaginable.

Therefore, Jack is more concerned about the battle of Leticia than Nagato.

After all, as long as Nagato is joined by the vampire knight like Ai Leiniang, their community ghost fire is enough to advance to four figures in terms of top combat effectiveness, and the remaining backbone and alliance community is much simpler.

In a sense, you get a four-digit ticket in this life directly.

In this regard, Nagato is undeniable.

Although it doesn't matter how long the so-called community is for Nagato, Nagato doesn't care about embarking on this path, as long as it doesn't take too much time.

The purpose of Nagato is only the way home from start to finish, and everything else is just incidental.

Only sometimes, trouble is always indispensable.

"The worst result is still there!"

In the early morning, just after the two women flew together with Vera and Qiqi, the long door walked out of the room and met Jack. I saw the pumpkin strangely open, and taught a letter with a thousand eyes to the long door.

After receiving the letter, Nagato opened it and wrote:

"In view of the unexpected accident, the battle for the Devil King that was originally held by Perseus could not proceed normally. The thousand-eye subordinate community, the leader of Perseus-Luos Pasius, sincerely invited His Excellency Nagato to come to the headquarters for consultation and processing.

"Although I had expected it, but after the real encounter, it was still very uncomfortable!"

When the fingertips were pressed slightly, the letters on his hands burned directly into ashes to dissipate. After the little red-haired boy blew some ash on his palms, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Sensing this ray of light, Jack couldn't help feeling sad for the Lucos Partius.

Do n’t look at how Nagato observes the law and discipline, but Jack knows that Nagato is definitely a natural demon, but for some reason, it has not really been messed up, thus getting the imprint of the devil in the box court.

As long as he wants, Jack knows that Nagato can definitely become the devil anytime, anywhere.

Where can such a person be insulted!

This is not--

"Jack, I'm going out!"

I walked past the pumpkin monster, and the long door walked and said, "Help me Vera tell them, I may come back later, right."

Speaking of which, the long door paused for a while before saying, "Remember to prepare a new room, I will bring the new companions back, and there should be more than one person, um, that's it!"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of Nagato disappeared strangely.

Only Jack was left floating in place and sighed softly: "Ah la la, I didn't expect that after three years of silence, Longmen Jun will finally reveal his minions, I hope it will not cause too much confusion."

"Forget it, I can't control this kind of thing anyway, as long as it doesn't affect the community!"

Shaking his head, Jack put these thoughts behind his head and started his daily community inspection. Today's ghost fire is still a new day worth looking forward to.

Under the gift of Tian Dun, Nagato marched at an alarming speed.

The destination of the red-haired boy was neither to go to the headquarters of perseus to negotiate with that Luos, nor to complain to the thousand eyes.

Although the gift card held in the hands of Nagato is a big bargaining chip.

After all, this entry card is proved by the Community Thousand Eyes. If Luos really dare to ignore it, then he will definitely be sanctioned by Thousand Eyes.

In this way, as long as Nagato insists on participating in the gift game, he can still get his wish.


"Why should I negotiate?"

Slightly chilled to himself, Nagato's face was full of malice, to be honest, encountering this kind of thing, I really don't like Nagato who doesn't want to cause trouble.

Since the other party did so, Nagato definitely sent him to death!

To this end, Nagato was going to find two monsters that appeared in the legend of Perseus-Sea Demon and Gree.

The reason for all this is that Perseus was the pioneer of the community perseus.

Perseus is a legendary hero. His merits are either other, or he has received four gifts from the Greek gods and embarked on the journey of destroying Gorgon.

The four gifts are: Boots of Hyrmes with Glorious Wings, Halpa, the Scythe of the Killing God, Helm of Helm of the Underworld, and the shield given by God of War Athena.

By the way, the last gift, including Athena in the Chamber, was swallowed by the Athena under the long door.

Therefore, in the box court, the relationship between the Greek **** group and the city of chaos is the worst.

Without further ado, returning to Perseus's question, Perseus, who received such a powerful gift, knew that he was still unable to face Gorgon directly, so he used the helmet of Hades to stealth and successfully cut down the sleeping Gorgon's head.

In the world of Sanding, the powerful community is preparing to reproduce the legendary gift game in order to show its own legend.

And although perseus has fallen into a community that must rely on the thousand eyes, this tradition is still intact.

As long as you defeat the monsters that appeared in the legend of Perseus, you will get a gem that challenges Perseus, and the other party cannot refuse to challenge.

This is the purpose of Nagato! ..

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